February 17

Oregon State University Retirement Association (OSURA)
17 February 2006 Board Minutes
All officers and board members were present.
Guests: Luanne Lawrence, Mike Rainbolt, & Jo Anne Trow
The meeting was called to order by President Eiseman at 10:01 am.
Guests were welcomed and cookies were substituted for the fried grasshoppers that the board had in
Board Candidates Mike Rainbolt and Jo Ann Trow both gave a brief summary of their experiences on the
staff at OSU. Mike started in 1986 as an advisor in Business and Jo Ann started as Assistant Dean of
Women in 1965. (Secretary Note: In as much as all officers and board members were present, I will not try
to cover the candidate’s experiences in these minutes.)
The candidates were thanked for attending and President David encouraged board members to visit with
candidates individually to help them better understand what the board does and their possible role on the
Luanne Lawrence, Vice President of University Advancement, thanked the board for being active in
OSURA. She reported that this had been a difficult month with the problem in forestry, the baseball seating
concern of students, and the Barometer column and letters relating to the Muslim religion and targeting
Jesus. However, there were some very positive things with the silent fund raising exceeding it’s goal by $2
million; OSU receiving over 60% of federal research funds in Oregon, more than all the other universities
combined and has the largest research funding in the state; an OSU fraternity was recognized as the most
improved in the US; and the fact that the sororities and 5 of the fraternities at OSU are now dry. The
forestry situation was a good learning experience and she felt that the university handled it in a responsible
manner and that academic freedom was a key issue. The lead OSU student researcher will continue his PhD
at OSU.
Retiree Directory: The issue was raised about listings in the directory. It was pointed out that OSURA
members must annually give permission to have their names listed. A number have called to ask why they
were not in the directory. A better system is necessary to make sure members know that this must be done
annually. Laura will work on the membership form to try to solve this problem.
Minutes: The title OSU Student Directory under Directory item in the January minutes should state OSU
Campus Directory. Bill moved and several members seconded that the minutes as corrected be approved.
Approved by voice vote.
Treasurer’s Report: Kathy Heath reported the following:
Foundation Account: $9,285.47
Provost Account: $2,503
There is a $300 bill pending.
A full report will be prepared prior to the annual meeting in May.
Volunteer Opportunities: Kathy Heath and Bobbye Koeper reported that they had a good signup for the
Career Fair and could get by with what they have, but could use a few more volunteers.
Annual Meeting: Laura report that President Ray and Luanne Lawrence have been scheduled for the
meeting. Regarding entertainment, students may be involved, but they don’t know their schedules yet and
can’t commit. The Investments were mentioned and Laura will contact them for entertainment.
Refreshments will be provided and door prizes. David will contact Marilyn Sarff to assist.
Ken will develop a check list of program ideas and have a draft at the next meeting. Decorations were
mentioned, but not action taken. It was suggested that we use email to get ideas for OSURA
programs/projects, not just a survey at the annual meeting. One idea is to have a prize drawing for people
who fill out the idea form.
Board members and officers will be elected after the annual meeting. Notices of the annual meeting will be
by post card and email.
Gary suggested that we might fund a bus for an event in Portland, Salem, Eugene or wherever we may
travel. TheAir Museum in McMinnville was a suggestion. Another suggestion was a trip to Portland for
lunch, shopping, the art museum or a concert. Kathy M. suggested a tour of nursing homes/assistant living
Standing Committees: Program Committee Activities: Ken reported on the Theatre event with 22 people. A
basketball event is scheduled with a signup
by Monday for the Pizza and tickets. Pizza in the Founders Lounge at Reser at 5:30 pm and the game at
7:00 pm. We have 21 signed up. Enter Gate C at Parker Plaza. Other ideas were a shopping trip, women’s
softball, Reser Stadium, and the Oregon Garden. Glenn will see if we can do a Stahlbush Island tour in
March or April.
Nominating Committee: Bill had two guests and reported that Gerry DeMoss had an appointment regarding
hip surgery and couldn’t attend today. Plan B calls for other candidates if the three proposed do not accept.
David will continue as past president, but other board members terms are up this year. (check board
membership list)
Kathy Meddaugh has agreed to be Treasurer and Kathy Heath has agreed to be President Elect. We still
need a candidate for Secretary. A reminder that our calendar year is from May to May.
NOTE: Laura is planning her wedding for August 19th in Cannon Beach. She will become Mrs. Nichols.
Newsletter: Ron reported that he and Laura are cooperating on the Newsletter and it will be out two or three
weeks before the annual meeting. He had hoped to have the retirement workshops as a lead article, but that
may be on hold. Kathy Meddaugh is still working on two possible workshops, one in Corvallis and one in
Bend. She is awaiting responses from Extension and Research people to see if there is enough interest in
holding one East of the mountains. Information will be sent to all potential attendees.
OSURA Scholarship: The idea of a talent show to raise money for an OSURA Scholarship was proposed.
Gary reported on a meeting held last fall with Gale Hazel and they came up with the following 10
point/ideas to be considered:
Make the talent show a benefit for a scholarship fund.
consider hiring/including a well-known regional performing artist as the featured performer to boost sale,
e.g.: Neal Gladstone
Consider booking the new Corvallis High School Auditorium, good size, Majestic maybe too small, Austin
Auditorium, too large.
One idea for a title “Fall Follies-I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” HA!
Include performers who are retired or approaching retirement in the show.
Make the show 90 min. long with an intermission: regional artist to do second half.
Consider making selections/inviting people to perform instead of conducting auditions.
Provide a variety of acts, i.e.: singers, juggler, magic act, musical ensemble, dance ensemble,
Need to identify a director and tech director.
General expenses would include rental of venue, publicity, artists fees, programs, stage lighting, others?
The show would more than likely be held next fall. It was suggested that Gary could write a song that the
OSURA Board could sing (sic). More discussion and plans will be forthcoming.
The Scholarship was discussed with a number of ideas suggested:
It would be open to all students with an umbrella appeal on ideas
It must be somehow connect to the elderly.
We need to establish an account – OSU Foundation.
The OSU Foundation takes 5% of deposits for handling accounts.
We might use some of the Provost funds to start the scholarship while an endowment fund is developed.
Funds raised by the talent show could go to the scholarship with any surplus over the $500/$1000 going
into the endowment fund.
We need to establish a scholarship committee. Bill, Kathy H. and Kathy M. volunteer to work as a
temporary committee. This would be our fifth standing committee.
If possible, announce the Talent Show at the Annual Meeting.
Have an option to donate on the membership renewal form.
Include talent show information in the newsletter.
Orange Card: Laura handed out a list of possible orange card sponsors and a sample card. There was a
general discussion of the orange card sponsors and if they should be rated, should there a first come, first
accepted policy, and will there be room for all logos on the card, etc.
The invitation letter will be modified to see if they are interested, not just implying that if they responded,
they would be automatically accepted as an Orange Card Sponsor. It is hoped that the Orange Card could
be announced
at the Annual Meeting.
Guest speaker Allison Davis-White Eyes, Indian Education office coordinator was not available.
Meeting adjourned at 11:47 am by President Eiseman.
Secretary Note: The recorder which is used to back up my notes stopped after only a few minutes of
recording, so these minutes may not be as complete as in the past.
Respectfully Submitted,
Glenn Klein, Secretary