June 20

Oregon State University Retirement Association
Board Meeting Minutes – Friday, June 20, 2008
Present: Kathy Heath, Susan Poole, Bill Smart, Barb Stuber, Gary Tiedeman, Shelly
Houghtaling and Kate Sanders. Members not present: Erin Haynes, Jim Krueger, Carol
Kronstad, Curt McCann, Mike Rainbolt and Jo Anne Trow.
President Bill Smart called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Approval of Minutes. The approval of the minutes of April 18 and May 14 was postponed due
to the lack of a quorum.
Treasurer’s Report. OSURA State Account balance: $1,846.31. The account balance for the
OSURA Foundation Account was not available. There are still several bills outstanding for the
State Account so the ending balance will be close to zero.
Election of Board Treasurer. Carol Kronstad was nominated to serve as treasurer. Five votes of
approval were cast at the meeting. As a quorum was lacking, other Board members will be
contacted by mail for their votes.*
Committee Reports of Past and New Events
Member Services Committee – Gary Tiedeman, liaison to the Committee from the Board
reported. Roy Arnold has agreed to chair the Committee this year. The fall program is in the
planning stage with Al Mukatis as the lead. The program will focus on Health Insurance
including Long Term Care Insurance and will be held in ALS 4001 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. on
Tuesday, October 21. Lee Strandberg, retiree from the College of Pharmacy is organizing the
speakers. There will be no free parking on campus after October 13th and this may be a problem
for OSURA members attending events. Susan Poole mentioned that she left parking passes at the
kiosk for pick-up for an activity. It is also possible to mail passes to attendees or to have them
pick them up prior to the meeting. Kate Sanders will investigate this and report to the Board. It
was mentioned that the lack of free parking is a discussion item for Carol Kronstad to raise at
Parking Committee meetings as she is our representative.
Bill Wilkins, Past Chair of the Committee requested an increase in the committee budget from
$1,000 to $1,200. There was no action because of the lack of a quorum.
Newsletter – Gary Tiedeman reported that the newsletter is in the mail. The feature article is
about Ken Hedberg and the trivia question was: “How many buildings on the OSU campus are
named for women?”
Program Committee - Bill Smart announced that Curt McCann will chair the Program
Committee. The goal is to have a program scheduled each month and to avoid conflicts with the
Academy of Life Long Learning (ALL). Suggestions include: George Taylor from Applied
Climate Services, National Clonal Germplasm Repository, Computer Maintenance, Healthy
Brains, Sports Activities, Bruce Mate on Whales, Visit to the Sport’s Performance Center, Visit
to Weatherford Hall and another program on Healthy Aging at Good Samaritan Regional
Medical Center.
Golf Committee – Barb Stuber is the Board liaison to this committee. The event is on September
10. The information will go out on July 15 with the golf entry forms and registration materials
are due on September 4. It is important to have the golf forms in on time this year so Bob Wess
can make the pairings for the tournament. Coach Robinson will be the guest speaker. A letter
with attachments will go out to all members from the last two years. ALL and AROPE have been
invited before and Shelly Houghtaling will mail to members of these groups if the information
and names are given to her. Publicity also will be on the Web.
Membership Committee – Bill Smart announced that Kathy Meddaugh will chair this committee
and Jim Krueger will be the liaison from the Board. The Board members reviewed the OSURA
brochure and made corrections and this revised brochure will be printed soon.
Scholarship Committee – Susan Poole indicated that there is not a lot to share yet. She plans to
meet with Ron Lovell, chair for the past two years. An area of concern is how to get the word out
to students. Creative ways to endow the scholarship fund also need to be considered. It was
suggested that the general donation section of the OSURA brochure be dropped and that the
donations be just for the Scholarship Fund. Information about the scholarship will be included in
this brochure. Susan will update the scholarship brochure.
Old Business:
Revised Bylaws – The approval of the revised bylaws was postponed as there was not a quorum
State Fair, OSU Day, Sunday, August 24 – Kathy Heath reported that this day at the Fair will
feature OSU and many activities from OSU. OSURA members will volunteer to greet the
visitors at the entry gates and pass out OSU wristbands. There are four gates and we will staff all
four from 9:30 to 2:00 or when we run out of the wristbands. It is estimated that we need 15-20
volunteers during that period of time.
New Business:
Ideas for the coming year were discussed. The Board will be invited to an event at Ed and Beth
Ray’s home during the summer. The Foundation funds will need to be transferred to the
Scholarship account; Bill Smart will set up a meeting about this. Bill, Kathy Heath and Jo Anne
Trow will attend a meeting that Bill arranged with LuAnne Lawrence on August 6.
Gary Tiedeman reminded Bill that a President’s message is needed for the Newsletter as well as
a picture. A list of officers will be submitted to the Gazette Times and to OSU This Week.
The next Board meeting will be August 15, 2008, 10 am, President’s Conference Room.**
Meeting adjourned at 11:30 am
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Heath, Acting Secretary
* Members not present were contacted by e-mail to vote for treasurer. Carol Kronstad was
**Members not present were contacted by e-mail to determine availability for the August
meeting. A majority of members agreed to be present on August 15.