Document 15063103

: M0734-Business Process Reenginering
: 2010
The Implementation of BPR
Pertemuan 10
Continuous Improvement Phase :
Why ?
How ?
Continuous Improvement Phase
Why ?sustainability is not worth
Process improvements without
the effort, as the improved practices quickly fade away as
the business grows and changes
To ensure the continuity of process improvement and
make it part of business-as-usual
The considerable investment made in any project must be
maintained and enhanced over time
Processes must continuously be improved and
redesigned otherwise the organization will be performing
in sub-optimal fashion
We had improvement programs. But the real difference came when we decided it
was no longer a program, it was a business strategy.
Stephen Schwartz, IBM
How ?
Step 1 :
Fine-tune, Embed and Reward Continuous Improvement
Continuous improvement – mechanism for continual process
optimization and management, it needs to address:
What are the objectives of continuous improvement?
What is in the scope of continuous improvement and what is out of scope?
What are the roles and responsibilities regarding continuous improvement?
How are people rewarded for their contribution towards a continuous
improvement environment?
Processes need to be socialized, sufficient support and guide
during initial stages of new processes are essential to ensure
continuous improvement within the organization
• Use Intranet to publish the new processes
• Keep the processes up-to-date
• Adopt user centric approach for process publication on the internet
Reward initiatives as well as results for process improvements
• Rewards can be in the form of training, promotion and financial compensation
Step 2 :
Process Governance
• The managing, controlling and reporting of processes within an organization
Impact of Governance on BPM
• Impact on the processes refers to the increasing rules and regulations applying to
• Impact on the management of the business processes refers to the fact that governance
forces organization to take all the necessary measures to ensure that the processes are
managed and under control, and that they are properly administered
Keep measuring
Divide the leadership
Almost any governance structure is good
Encourage the desired behavior
People are allergic to excessive control
Keep it simple
Step 3 :
Monitor Continuous Improvement
Measurements for monitoring
• Customer, partner and employee satisfaction with the internal BPM programs
and services (via a survey)
• The number of times process models are consulted
• The number of complaints from people that the process models are not up to
date or correct
• The number of process model descriptions that have not been reviewed or
modified in the agreed time period
• The turnover of staff (internal and external)
• The percentage of projects that have achieved their targets and were
completed on time and on budget
• The availability of process models
• The turn-around time for process modeling
“Main emphasis is now on the correct execution of the processes.”
Step 4 :
Maintain Process Models
Register the change (for example, who is requested the change)
Determine the type of change and the drivers for change
Prioritize changes
Determine impact assessment
Obtain approval for the change
Plan realization of the change
Implement change
Review implementation of the change
 Mechanisms to manage
business processes, and
identify and realize
opportunities for process
 Managed and improved
Mitigation Strategy
No one takes ownership of the
management of the processes
Discuss with senior management, as ownership has already been
– this is the most critical success factor in BPM
People are not following the new way
Find out why people are not working in the new way and address the
motivated, ‘sell’ the benefits to them. If people have forgotten how to
additional training and guidance
Processes are not updated
Ensure that people are using the process models and can detect any
ensure that processes are reviewed on a regular basis
Not further process improvements
initiated from employees and line
Encourage employee and line management to provide suggestions.
suggestions, explain why certain suggestions are not viable, and
Difficulty in keeping up with the pace
governance requirements are
Approach governance holistically, rather than piece by piece
Business Process Management is a management discipline that requires end-toend view and improvement of the organization processes. It is not just a
technology, it is an integral part of management which extends from modeling
implementation and execution up to monitoring and continuous improvement
Business Process Management Implementation Framework provide step-by-step
framework to implement Business Process Management in your organization. The
framework stretches from initial foundations required to execution, monitoring and
continuously maintaining success and improvement in your business process
management by integrating your improve process into business-as-usual activities
When implemented correctly, Business Process Management will deliver a number
of benefits towards your business including
Improves Business Process Efficiency and Effectiveness
Increased Customer Loyalty as the result of better and more timely service
Increased competitiveness
Better process visibility
Improved agility
Enhanced Simplicity
Continuous Improvement within your organization
Business Process Management can be aligned with other technology initiatives
within your organization, like Service Oriented Architecture, Enterprise Content
Management and Enterprise Portal to enable and Integrated Enterprise Ecosystem
that integrated automated and manual processes within the organization
About Meyliana
• Seorang praktisi di bidang business process
management and application development
• Saat ini menjabat sebagai Corporate Business
Development Manager di Bina Nusantara
• Juga sebagai dosen S1 dan S2 di PS Sistem Informasi
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Bina Nusantara
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