Reader's Theater Project Instructions

The Reader’s Theatre Project
The Reader’s Theatre Project is a project where you collect poems, sayings, songs, interesting
anecdotes or short stories on ONE topic only, and you create a script around all of these different forms
of writing. For example you might choose the subject of love, and then you would start hunting for love
poems, love songs, stories about love, sayings about love, pictures about love, etc.
Your group would then organize your material into an order and write a script around all of these
writings incorporating them into your script. You could also add a short drama if you felt led to do that.
In the end, the whole thing would be read out loud by different members of your group, as you cast the
different parts to different people. This is why it is called a “Reader’s Theatre.”
1. You will need to elect a director, and also someone who keeps all of your material that you collect in
one place.
2. You will need to collectively write a script for the presentation, beginning to end.
The script should include:
 An introduction to explain or describe your subject
 A plan for the order in which your poems and other writings will be read
 Transitional statements between the poems, songs or writings
 Closing statements
3. Each group member will need to be involved in doing expressive or dramatic readings of at least two
poems or writings, and they should practice speaking with clarity, projection, emotion and a sense of
purpose. Try to interpret your poem through your reading by varying your tone and volume, and by
using body language and facial expressions. Rehearse for clear and smooth delivery.
4. Each writing or poem should be introduced formally, including the title, poet, approximate date of
publication, and any other relevant information.
5. Help your audience focus its listening by mentioning some important features of the poem before
reading it.
6. Your presentation should last about 25 minutes. Frequent rehearsals help to make it run smoothly.
Ideas for Reader’s Theatre:
Love, Tragedy, Joy, “To be Alive,” The Sun, Loneliness, Happiness, Courage, Who Am I? and any other