BIOL 4120: Principles of Ecology Lecture 4: Adaptation to Physical Environment: Climate, Water, and Soil Dafeng Hui Office: Harned Hall 320 Phone: 963-5777 Email: Topics: 4.1 Global patterns in temperature and precipitation are established by solar radiation 4.2 Ocean currents redistribute heat 4.3 Seasonal variation in climate 4.4 Changes in water density drive seasonal cycles in temperate lakes 4.5 Climate and weather undergo irregular and often unpredicted changes 4.6 Topographic features cause local variation in climate 4.7 Climate and soil 4.1 Global patterns in temperature and precipitation are established by solar radiation Tropic of Cancer (latitude 23.5ºN), & Tropic of Capricorn (23.5ºS) defined by extreme latitudes at which sun is directly overhead annually--summer & winter solstice, respectively. This corresponds with 23.5º angle of tilt of Earth. Thus “solar equator” (region of maximum solar input) moves relative to latitude seasonally. Tilt of the earth’s axis causes seasonal variation in climate Autumnal Equinox Vernal Equinox Tropic of Capricorn of Cancer The distribution of solar energy with respect to latitude Compare a temperate region with a tropical region Much greater variation in temperate region Poles are not included but see high altitude Energy input to atmosphere & Earth’s surface via solar radiation drives the annual T: maximal at equator, & declines to 40% of maximal values at high latitudes. Temperature influences moisture content of air Evaporation: liquid to vapor Condensation: from water vapor to liquid Vapor pressure: amount of pressure water vapor exerts independent of pressure of dry air. Saturated vapor pressure: vapor pressure of air at saturation (Equilibrium VP). Absolute humidity; amount of water in a given volume of air. Relative humidity: RH 3.3 Air masses circulate globally The blanket of air surrounds the planet – atmosphere – is not static It is in a constant state of movement, driven by the rising and sinking of air masses and the rotation of the Earth on its axis. Coriolis effect: Deflection in the pattern of air flow. Clockwise movement in N hemisphere, counterclockwise in S. Hemisphere. Three cells and trade wind belts These air movements create global precipitation pattern Major latitudinal displacements of surface air currents: convection currents drive Hadley cells, pulling air at surface into Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone, ITCZ); Ferrel Cells driven by low pressure zone at 20º-30º lat.; Midlatitude westerlies converge into jet stream; polar cells driven by high pressure (cold) flows out of polar region along Earth’s surface towards south. Intertropical convergence and subtropical high-pressure belt (arid zone) 4.4 Latitudinal shifting of the sun’s zenith causes seasonal variation in precipitation (e.g., Intertropical Convergence Zone shift) Shifts of ITCZ produce rainy seasons and dry seasons in the tropics Seasonal climate patterns differ among subtropical localities A: Chihuahuan Desert (summer rainy season) B. Sonoran Desert (rainfall in summer and winter, from Pacific Ocean) C. Majave Desert (winter rain, summer dry: Mediterranean climate) 4.5 Ocean currents redistribute heat Ocean currents also affect climate, sometimes very dramatically (source of energy movement) Each ocean is dominated by great circular water movement, or gyres. Gyres move clockwise in the N. Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the S. Hemisphere (Coriolis effect). Warmer water moves away from equator and cold water moves towards equator. Upwelling and biological productivity Thermohaline circulation Two layers Thin warm layer 18 oC Deep cold layer 3 oC Ocean Water Currents are Determined by Salinity and Temperature Cold and High Saline Water Sinks and Warm Water Rises Rising and Sinking of Water Generates Ocean Currents Ocean Currents Have Huge Impacts on Temperature & Rainfall on Land This process occurs over hundreds of years 4.6 Temperature-induced changes in water density drive seasonal cycles in temperate lakes Turnover of water and nutrient during spring and fall 4.7 Climate and weather undergo irregular and often unpredictable changes Irregular variations (Little Ice Age: cooling between mid-14 to mid-19th century) (El Nino and La Nina) El Nino: an abnormal warming of surface ocean waters in the eastern tropical Pacific. El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO): An oscillation in the surface pressure between the southeastern tropic Pacific and the AustralianIndonesian regions. Indonesia Peru Normal conditions, strong trade winds move surface water westward. As the surface currents move westward, the water warms. The warmer water of the western Pacific causes the moist maritime air to rise and cool, bringing abundant rainfall to the region; Indonesia Peru ENSO: Trade winds slacken, reducing the westward flow of the surface currents. Rainfall follows the warm water eastward, with associated flooding in Peru and drought in Indonesia and Australia. La Nina: injection of cold water becomes more intense than usual, causing the surface of eastern Pacific to cool. Results in droughts in South America and heavy rainfall in Australia. Values below 0 are El Nino years Zimbabwe Area affected by ENSO in one typical El Nino year in Zimbabwe (Dry and warm) 4.8 Topography influences regional and local patterns of precipitation Rain shadow: Maui, Hawaiian Islands. 10 oN Many trees in the rain shadow on the Pacific slope of Panama shed their leaves during the dry season 4.8 Microclimates Microclimates defines the local, small scale conditions in which organisms live. These conditions include: topography (aspect=direction a slope face, surface or underground, beneath vegetation or not), light, temperature, air conditions or wind movement, moisture etc. Vegetation also moderate microclimates. Most organisms exist in a microclimate that is optimal Scale of climate in hundreds of kilometers Scale of microclimate can vary from meters to kilometers to tens of kilometers San Gabriel Mountains, near Los Angeles, CA. North facing slope( left): pine-oak forest South facing slope (right): droughtresistant chaparral vegetation. Life zones along mountain slope due to adiabatic cooling (6oC/1km) Vegetation changes with increasing elevation in the mountains of Arizona Saguaro catus->Agave and grasses Oaks and grasses ponderosa pine spurce and fir bushes, willows, herbs and lichens (above tree lines) BIOL 4120: Principles of Ecology Lecture 4: Adaptation to Physical Environment: Climate, Water, and Soil Dafeng Hui Office: Harned Hall 320 Phone: 963-5777 Email: Recap: Ocean currents redistribute heat Water cycling in temperate lakes Irregular and often unpredicted changes Local climate and microclimate Climate and soil 4.9 Climate and the underlying bedrock interact to diversify soils Soil profile Layers or horizons 4.10 Basic Soil Formation Processes Produce Different Soils Regional differences in geology, climate, and vegetation give rise to characteristically different soils Weathering is a process that soils are formed Five factors influencing weathering process: climate, parent material, vegetation, local topography, and age The broadest level of soil classification is soil order There are twelve orders of soil • • • • • • Entisol Mollisol Alfisol Andisol Aridisol Inceptisol • • • • • • Histosol Oxisol Vertisol Spodosol Ultisol Gelisol Ultisol (Laterization) Ultisol • Warm climate soil • Redish or yellowish • Low nutrient content Laterization: when PPT greatly exceeds ET in warm climates, water rapidly percolated through soil and into groundwater. Soluble soil nutrients are constantly leached out of soils, leaving behind the less soluble ions (Al+++ and Fe++) which give soil color (whitish for Al and red for Fe) and H+ make soil acidic and nutrient poor. Highly oxidized and deeply weathered soils in West Tennessee. Aridisol (Salinization) Salinization: in very dry climates and when loss of soil moisture due to ET exceeds PPT, water leaves the soil through the surface. The minerals (NaCl) dissolved move upward from the groundwater and result in a salt crust on the surface of the soil. Irrigation of dryland can result salinization. This becomes a problem in US southwest, Australia, Northern Africa, China, and major areas of dryland irrigation. Spodosols (Podsolization) Spodosols • Cool moist regions • Acid, shallow leaching horizon • Deep layer of deposition, lower soil fertility Podsolization: In acidic soils in cool moist regions of the temperate zone, clay particles break down in the E horizon and their soluble irons are transported downward and deposited in the lower B horizon, reduce the fertility of the upper layer of the soil. The End