Yale Metabolic Health and Weight Loss Program Patient Entry Form NAME: ___________________ DATE OF BIRTH: ____________________ PLEASE LEAVE BLANK ANY TOPICS YOU WOULD PREFER TO DISCUSS IN PERSON Reason for Weight Loss Program referral: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Patient goals and expectations How much weight are you expecting to lose? Over what time? Any other expectations…………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………... How important is weight loss to you? � Slightly � Moderate � Very � High Priority How much time a day are you prepared to apply to weight loss changes? � 10-20 min � 20-30 min � 30-60 min Are you interested in a specific type of treatment (e.g., nutrition education, medications)? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… What is your age, height and weight: Your Weight History Early Childhood (up to 6 years old): � underweight � average weight � overweight � very overweight Late Childhood (6 years to puberty) � underweight � average weight � overweight � very overweight Ages12 through 20 years � underweight � overweight � very overweight � average weight Approximate weight in pounds during: 20 - 30 years 35 - 50 years 50 - 65 years Family History: Are any family members overweight? � Mother � Father � Siblings � Spouse/partner � Children Page 1 of 12 Triggers of weight gain: In your opinion, which factors are the most important causes of your weight gain? � Pregnancy � Stopping smoking � Family history � Change in activity level (describe): ………………………………………………………………….. � Emotional factors (describe): ………………………………………………………………………… � Medicines (describe): ………………………………………………………………………………… � Other events or factors (describe): …………………………………………………………………… Please answer the following questions regarding your lifestyle: My sleep hours are: ______________________ My work hours are: ______________________ My internet hours a day total are: ___________ Nutrition and Physical Activity 1. Household members: Please list all members of your household and their relationship to you ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Which family member(s) is responsible for grocery shopping? � Yourself � Spouse/partner �Other: ………………… 3. Which family member(s) are responsible for cooking? � Yourself � Spouse/partner � Other:…………………… 4. Overall, when do you eat most of your food? � At meals � In snacks � Both � Varies 5. Which meal is the largest? � Breakfast � Lunch � Dinner 6. When are the largest snacks? � Morning � Afternoon � Nighttime Page 2 of 12 How often do you usually have a meal in each of these types of restaurants? Fast food – e.g., McDonald’s, Burger King etc. � Never � Less than 1 time/week � 1 time/week � 2-3 times/week � 4 or more/week Primary reason for use: � Business � Social � Convenience Moderately-priced restaurants � Never � Less than 1 time/week � 1 time/week � 2-3 times/week � 4 or more/week Primary reason for use: � Business � Social � Convenience High-priced restaurants � Never � Less than 1 time/week � 1 time/week � 2-3 times/week � 4 or more/week Primary reason for use: � Business � Social � Convenience Take-out food – e.g., Pizza, subs, Chinese food, etc. � Never � Less than 1 time/week � 1 time/week � 2-3 times/week � 4 or more/week Primary reason for use: � Business � Social � Convenience How often do you usually have any of these beverages? Juice � None � 1-2 servings/day � 3-5 servings/day Soda � None � 1-2 servings/day � 3-5 servings/day Soda (diet) � None � 1-2 servings/day � 3-5 servings/day Coffee / tea � None � 1-2 servings/day � 3-5 servings/day Smoothies � None � 1-2 servings/day � 3-5 servings/day Milk-based drinks (latte, Frappucino, etc.) � None � 1-2 servings/day � 3-5 servings/day � 6+ servings/day � 6+ servings/day � 6+ servings/day � 6+ servings/day � 6+ servings/day � 6+ servings/day How often did you have a drink containing alcohol in the past YEAR? � Never � Monthly or less � once/week � 2-4 times/week � 4 or more times/week In the past year, on a typical day when you were drinking, how many drinks would you have? � I don't ever drink alcohol � 1 � 2 � 3 � 4 � 5-6 � 7-9 � 10 or more In the past year, how often did you have 5 or more drinks on one occasion? � Never � Monthly or less � once/week � 2-4 times/week � 4 or more times/week Cigarette use � None � 1/2 pack/day or less � I quit smoking _______ years ago � 1/2-1 pack/day � More than 1 pack/day Page 3 of 12 Do you have any food allergies/intolerances? If yes, please list: List any dietary or vitamin/mineral supplements you take: Typical Intake: (Please list everything you eat and drink in a typical day). First Meal Time: Second Meal Time: Third Meal Time: Snacks Midmorning: Time: Afternoon: Time: Evening: Time: Physical activity patterns Do you do any regular exercise, including walking to/from work/school, walking dog, etc.? � Yes � No If yes, what type of exercise do you do? How many minutes at a time do you typically do this exercise for? How many days a week do you do this exercise? How would you describe your activity during a typical day at work or home? (circle one) � Sedentary (sit most of day) � Active (on my feet most of day) � Very active (lifting, walking, on feet all day, construction) Page 4 of 12 Personal History Your Family: Spouse or Partner: � Never married � Divorced � Married � Widowed � Cohabitating � Separated � Remarried (e.g. 2nd, 3rd marriage) Children: Do you have any children? � Yes � No If yes, please give the following information: Age / gender Is he or she living with you? Years / M : F � Yes � No Years / M : F � Yes � No Years / M : F � Yes � No Years / M : F � Yes � No Years / M : F � Yes � No Education: 1. What is the highest grade or year of school you completed? � 8th grade or less � Started but did not complete college � Some high school, did not finish � Graduated from two-year college � Graduated high school or earned GED � Graduated from four-year college � Vocational, trade, or technical school � Finished post-college degree (e.g., Master’s etc.) 2. If you are currently a student, do you attend classes? � Part time � Full time Employment: 1. Which of the following best describes your occupational status? Currently employed � Full time � Part time Please list occupation/job title: � Disabled If disabled, please state what year this began, and reason for disability: ___________________ � Retired � Unemployed � Student � Volunteer. Describe: ______________ � Other. Describe: __________________ � Stay-at-home parent/homemaker Page 5 of 12 Your Medical History Medical Problems Please list all of your known medical conditions, and when they were first diagnosed: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Surgery Please list any surgery you have had, and when each was done: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Medications Please list all medications you are currently taking, including nonprescription drugs. Include the frequency and dose, if known: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Allergies Drugs/Latex: …………………………………………………………………………………………… Other: …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Your Medical Conditions Pulmonary � Yes � Yes � Yes � Yes � Yes � Yes � Yes � No � No � No � No � No � No � No Smoked within the past year Require oxygen Had a pulmonary embolism/blood clot in lung Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Obstructive sleep apnea Use CPAP/BiPAP Asthma Page 6 of 12 Gastrointestinal � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No Heartburn requiring medications Gallstones or had your gallbladder removed Pancreatitis Fatty liver disease Previous weight loss surgery Musculoskeletal � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No Back pain Disc disease in the back Rheumatoid arthritis Osteoarthritis Musculoskeletal disease Limitation of activity by pain Daily pain medication required Surgery for joints planned Mobility devices used (cane, walker, etc) Renal/Kidney � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No Kidney disease Kidney Failure requiring dialysis Urinary or Stress Incontinence Kidney Stones Cardiac/Vascular � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No Heart attack Cardiac catheterization (stent in the heart) Cardiac surgery Elevated cholesterol High blood pressure Blood clot in the leg (DVT) Venous stasis Peripheral vascular disease Cellulitis Family History of Clots Endocrine � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No Diabetes Mellitus, Oral medications, or Insulin (Circle One) Insulin Resistance Diabetic eye disease Chronic Steroids/Immunosuppression Gout Thyroid disease Polycystic ovary disease Reproductive disorder Page 7 of 12 Neurologic � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No Stroke Migraines Headache Numbness Other � Yes � No � Yes � No � Yes � No Blood thinner Reason:________ Cancer. Type:_____________ Rheumatologic Disorders Your Family Medical Conditions Please specify who in your family has the following diseases: consider grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren. Diabetes � Yes � No If yes, who? …………………………... Heart Disease � Yes � No If yes, who? …………………………... Stroke � Yes � No If yes, who? …………………………... Obesity � Yes � No If yes, who? …………………………... High Blood pressure � Yes � No If yes, who? …………………………... Thyroid problems � Yes � No If yes, who? …………………………... High cholesterol � Yes � No If yes, who? …………………………... Substance abuse disorders � Yes � No If yes, who? …………………………... Eating disorder � Yes � No If yes, who? …………………………... Other psychological disorder � Yes � No What type of disorder? ..…………………… Cancers � Yes � No What type of cancer? ………………………………………… Other diseases that run in your family? Please list which relatives have the problem ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 8 of 12 Your Mental Health History: Have you ever had symptoms of or been diagnosed with any of the following illnesses? Anorexia nervosa � Yes � No � Unsure Bulimia nervosa � Yes � No � Unsure Binge-eating disorder � Yes � No � Unsure Other type of eating disorder � Yes � No � Unsure If so, what type? ____________________ Learning disability: � Yes � No � Unsure If so, what type? _____________________ Personality disorder: � Yes � No � Unsure If so, what type? _____________________ Depression: � Yes � No � Unsure Bipolar disorder (manic-depression): � Yes � No � Unsure Anxiety disorder: � Yes � No � Unsure If so, what type?______________________ Panic attacks: � Yes � No � Unsure Phobia(s): � Yes � No � Unsure Obsessive-compulsive disorder: � Yes � No � Unsure Posttraumatic stress disorder: � Yes � No � Unsure Schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder: � Yes � No � Unsure Alcohol dependence or abuse � Yes � No � Unsure Drug dependence or abuse � Yes � No � Unsure Other type of emotional problem or mental illness: � Yes � No � Unsure If so, what type(s)? ___________________ Have you ever intentionally injured yourself? � Yes � No If so, when and how? __________________ Have you ever tried to kill yourself? � Yes � No If so, when and how? __________________ Have you ever intentionally injured someone else? � Yes � No If so, when and how? __________________ Mental Health Treatment: 1. Are you currently seeing a therapist? � Yes If YES, please list this provider’s name and telephone number � No Name: …………………………………………………Telephone: ………………………… 2. Have you ever received mental health therapy or counseling in the PAST? � Yes � No If YES, please list the approximate dates of treatment, provider’s name, and reason for treatment Dates of Treatment Clinician’s name Reason(s) for treatment Page 9 of 12 3. Are you currently taking any psychiatric medications? � Yes � No If YES, please be sure to list these medications on the medications list If YES, please list the name and telephone number of the provider who prescribes these medications Name: ………………………………………………Telephone: ………………………….. Have you ever received medication for emotional problems or mental illness in the PAST? � Yes � No If yes, please list the names of all of the mental health medications you have taken in the past: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Have you ever been hospitalized for psychiatric reasons? � Yes � No If YES, please provide more information about each hospitalization, to the best of your recollection: Dates of Treatment Institution Reasons for hospitalization …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Have you ever received treatment for drug or alcohol problems (e.g., detox, rehab, outpatient therapy, methadone treatment)? � Yes � No If YES, list approximate date(s) and substance for which you received treatment ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 10 of 12 Prior Weight Loss Efforts I started dieting at age: ________ Have you lost weight and regained weight many times? After losing weight do you gain even more back? � Yes � Yes � No � No Below is a list of diet programs. Please indicate which of these methods you have tried, if any: DIET OR PROGRAM Commercial Programs: What age were you when you first tried this diet? Number of times on this diet? How much weight did you lose? What age were you when you first tried this diet? Number of times on this diet? How much weight did you lose? What age were you when you first tried this diet? Number of times on this diet? How much weight did you lose? What age were you when you first tried this diet? Number of times on this diet? How much weight did you lose? TOPS Weight Watchers Jenny Craig NutriSystem Diet Center Other (please list) Medically Supervised Liquid Diets: Optifast / HMR / Other: Medication(s): Phen/fen; Redux Meridia Orlistat Qysma Belviq Other (please give name of drug) Behavior Modification programs: run at a hospital or with a dietitian or behaviorist Page 11 of 12 Other (please be specific): What age were you when you first tried this diet? Number of times on this diet? How much weight did you lose? Overeaters Anonymous, self-directed diets, diet books, etc: Thank you for taking the time to answer these important questions. This information will enable the clinicians to provide a complete assessment and make well informed treatment recommendation with the highest chance of satisfactory outcome. Your answers will be held in strictest confidence. **PLEASE HAND THIS FORM TO THE RECEIPTIONIST ON YOUR FIRST VISIT** Page 12 of 12