DEP ARTM ENT OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOG Y HONORS PROGRAM MENTORING CONTRACT N Name NYU ID NYU E-mail Address Contact Phone Number Mentor’s Name Mentor’s E-mail Address Congratulations on your acceptance into the Applied Psychology Honors Program! As a first step, we ask that you and your mentor meet and complete the following contract together. Completing the form will facilitate a discussion about the type of mentorship relationship you will have through this process. The Honors Program Mentoring Contract is designed to give structure to your experience, while ensuring some degree of flexibility for you and your mentor to devise a plan that meets both of your needs. Mentoring is based on the common goal of advancing the educational and personal growth of the student. In order to have a successful mentoring relationship, both the student and the faculty mentor must be willing to invest time in the relationship and fulfill a mutual commitment. Although the mentoring relationship should be a two-way street, it is the mentee’s responsibility to make the initial contact with his or her mentor. It is the mentor’s responsibility to keep in touch, and respond in a timely fashion. FACULTY MENTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES: Review and sign the honors contract prior to the first honors class, Ensure that your student is meeting all deadlines set by you, as well as those set by the Honors Seminar instructor, throughout the academic year. Be prepared to meet with the student regularly (at least monthly, we encourage bimonthly meetings) Be responsive to your student’s questions and concerns. Provide your student with the scaffolding necessary to gain full control of the research literature. Assist your student acquiring the conceptual, methodological, and statistical skills needed to complete successfully the honors program. Read drafts of your student’s work and provide your student with constructive feedback and critique. Inform the Honors/APUG Director if there appear to be indications that the project is not on track for completion HONORS STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITIES: Ensure that the honors contract completed and submitted on time. Meet all deadlines set by your faculty mentor, as well as those set by the Honors Director. Ask questions of your mentor, and be upfront with him/her regarding your areas of weakness and the assistance you need. Attend all meetings your mentor has scheduled for you, and reach out to your mentor on a regular basis and keep him/her updated about your progress. Demonstrate a clear willingness to grow as a researcher, and work throughout the semester on building your conceptual, methodological, and research skills. Be flexible in your thinking, and be open to the feedback and critique you receive regarding your work. This contract is a reminder of the expectations in key areas of the mentoring relationship, allowing you to define your objectives, activities, rate of progress, and benchmarks. Please know that this contract can be revisited and renegotiated throughout the course of the year. Please print three copies of the completed contract, one for you, one for your mentor, and a third to be submitted to the professor of the Honors Seminar on the first day of class. What expectations does your mentor have for you for the academic year? What type of assistance do you anticipate needing from your mentor? What are your weakest areas? How will you receive assistance from your mentor? Meetings? Assigned doctoral student? Please be specific. If you will be working with a doctoral student in addition to working with your mentor, provide name and contact information for the student. APUG Honors Contract Page 2 How often will you meet with your mentor and for how long? Who will be responsible for scheduling meetings? How will your meetings be structured? If applicable, how often will you meet with a doctoral or graduate student and for how long? Who will be responsible for scheduling meetings? How will your meetings be structured? Please provide general benchmarks for each month of the academic year. Month September Time Commitment Planned Tasks October November December January February March April APUG Honors Contract Page 3 Any additional comments: Student Signature Date Mentor Signature Date (If applicable)Doctoral/Graduate Student Signature Date APUG Honors Contract Page 4