This is the space for the Title of your Contribution (font Times New Roman 16 pt). Author1 Author2 Institution you are representing at location, state, country Author3 Institution you are representing at location, state, country Abstract Include here your abstract (Times New Roman font, 12 pts, italic) - maximum 100 words. Keywords: maximum 6 keywords. 1. INTRODUCTION This is a template for Microsoft Word for Windows users. The page format is Letter; top margin and bottom margin are set to 2.5 cm, and left and right margins to 2.5 cm. Text in Times New Roman font, 12 pt. Your paper should be no more than 6 pages long (this is a hard constraint). DO NOT include page numbers. Please feel free to eliminate the text and figures to enter your contribution. First paragraph with an example of two inserted figures (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2) including the figure caption. Histogram of X Components in Storage Ring (Q+S) P-Curve Smoothing for X Component 400 5.0 N(0,.09) N(0,.15) 300 Number of Occurances Delta Value in [mm] 2.5 0 100 -2.5 -5.0 0 200 6 0.25x10 6 0.50x10 6 0.75x10 6 1.00x10 0 -0.50 -0.25 Fig. 1 Lateral 0 Deviations in mm Distance in [mm] Fig. 2 Histogram of the lateral Address: <full address for corresponding author.>. E-mails: <e-mail list>. 0.25 0.50 displacements. multipoles Second paragraph with an example for an inserted table (Table 1) including the table caption. Please feel free to eliminate this text and the table to insert your contribution PAR Synchrotron Storage ring Table 1 Dipoles tolerances Horizontal/Vertical In Beam Direction ±0.5mm ±1mm ±0.5mm ±1mm ±0.2mm ±0.5mm Roll Angle ±0.5mrad ±1mrad ±0.5mrad 2. SECTION HEADING The paper body must contain the Introduction section, main section(s) with results of your work, and the Conclusion section followed by the References. Your contribution should be in English or Spanish. 2.1 First Sub-section heading This is the first paragraph of the first sub-section of section two. 2.2 Second Sub-section heading This is the first paragraph of the second sub-section of section two. 3. CONCLUSION Text space for your conclusions with an example showing references [1][2] to other publications in the text. The font size for the references has been changed from (12pt) to (9pt). 4. REFERENCES [1] H. Friedsam, J. Penicka, S. Zhao, Status Report on the Survey and Alignment Efforts and Results of the Advanced Photon Source, Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Accelerator Alignment, Tsukuba, Japan, November 1995. [2] R. Ruland, Magnet Support and Alignment, in Synchrotron Radiation Sources a Primer, World Scientific Publishing, 1995, pages 274 - 305.