Addition Strategies Traditional Algorithm m/2012/10/traditional-vsinvented-algorithms.html#.V ftwft9VhBc These are some of the strategies that 3rd grade students might use depending on their math understanding and ability to move from hands on to more abstract math (as in the traditional method). Act It Out Use Base 10 Blocks to show your addends. Combine them to find the sum. /math/mathsteps/2/c/ Compensation For example: 52 + 39 Think 52 + 40 = 92 BUT because I added 1 to 39 to round up to 40 I need to subtract 1 from my answer. So: 52 + (40 – 1) = 91 page.aspx?id=47553&s=71 h/?h=BhO20g4 Draw a Picture: Base 10 Draw/Use a Number Line h/?h=YE0nTAO Break Apart/Partial Sums Addition Strategies Traditional Algorithm Video Links: Click the strategy name to link to an example. Act It Out Compensation (With Base 10 Blocks and a Mat) Draw a Picture Draw a Picture (Base 10 Model) (Number Line) Break Apart (aka Partial Sums)