MATH1050: Sums and Series Instructor: Laura Strube

MATH1050: Sums and Series
Instructor: Laura Strube
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Answer the questions in the spaces provided or copy the questions neatly on
your own paper
1. (5 points) Arithemetic Sums
(a) Find the sum of the first 100 terms of the sequence 1, 4, 7, 10,...
(b) Given a1 = 2 and a8 = 23 find the sum of the first 100 terms of the sequence.
(c) Given a1 = 0 and a12 = 55 find the sum of first 100 terms of the sequence.
2. (5 points) Geometric Sums
(a) Sum all the terms of the sequence 2, 1, 1/2, 1/4,...
(b) Given a1 =
and a5 =
find the sum of the first 7 terms of the sequence.
(c) Given a1 = −7 and a50 = 7 Find the sum of the first 23 terms of the sequence.
3. (5 points) Simple interest is interest that is earned yearly based on the original deposit
into the savings account.
(a) If an individual deposited $100 into an account 5 years ago and the account contains
$150 now, how much with the account contain at after 12 years from the date of
(b) What is the value of a1 for this sequence?
(c) What is the value of d for this sequence?