TEACHER: Woods, Helen M Charles H. Milby High School Weekly Lesson Plan SUBJECT(S): ENGLISH- Mod Warm-up /DO NOW AIM VIA INQUIRY OBJECTIVES MONDAY/TUESDAY TEKS/SE/STAAR: Students will collaborate with teacher to create general rules/procedures for the class ELPS: Respond orally to information…to build and reinforce concept and language attainment Anticipatory Question: In general, What are sight words and how do we use sight words in our writing when we making rules Sentence Stem: To develop rules and laws using language is necessary because_______________. Introduce( show) Think-Aloud Stems Samples; Visualize- I imagine… Prediction- I wonder… Connection- This remind me of… Identifying a problem- The problem is… Vocabulary: persuade, inform, entertain plus sight words Materials: Vocabulary work sheet, bell schedule, student schedule AGENDA Instruction/Modeling: Study the school map; trace route from one class to the next; Explain bell schedule Guided Practice/Independent Practice: Brainstorm the rules and consequences needed in our classroom and school. Create some rules ( add new rules) Check for Understanding/Assessment: 1. Individual students will have a chance to sign rules and explain the meaning 2. Individual students will have a turn to sign the word rule list Week# 1 WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY TEKS/SE/STAAR: Students will collaborate with teacher to create general rules/procedures for the class 6-Weeks Cycle: 1st WEEK OF: Aug 25-29-14 FRIDAY (Blue/Gold) TEKS/SE/STAAR: Use correct English language and reading terminology to explain literacy concepts ELPS: Respond orally to information… to build and reinforce concept and language attainment ELPS: Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in literacy Anticipatory Question: why do we have to have rules in our school and classroom Anticipatory Question: How do we use language in our daily communication Sentence Stem: Rules are necessary to have in our classroom and why________________. Display the rules that the students came up with yesterday; Ask students what we did yesterday; Read/sign rules on the list Vocabulary: ( Review) persuade, inform, entertain plus sight words Materials: “ Name Tag” English worksheet Instruction/Modeling: Discuss and categorize the different rules Explain the procedures that teacher will implement- instructor’s time, students will open/close strategy, “Name Tag” worksheet. Guided Practice/Independent Practice: Students will do the Name Tag English in pairs and explain to their team about each name tag they created- sharing each of their own creation Check for Understanding/Assessment: 1. Learning Target Self- Assessment Sheet 2. Brief discussion of Exit Ticket questions Sentence Stem: Think-Aloud helps us because__________________. Develop their own vocabulary list: Fill out “ Learning Target Self- Assessment” Sheets ( left side only); Highlight important words on the ESPN interview side Vocabulary: ( Students word list) can, I, of, me, the, in, at, with, a, he, go, to, see, do, on Materials: Pre-Primer work sheet Instruction/Modeling: Test students vocabulary area using the Pre-Primer 1-3 word list Guided Practice/Independent Practice: Pairs: Students “ Sharing what they know and the answers with the whole class Check for Understanding/Assessment: Teacher will display words related to each vocab; students will put words in the right category( English, Reading and Writing worksheets) CLOSURE/EXIT TICKET Open-ended Response: As a class, answer Exit ticket; Then, call on students to sign the answer; Students copy answer in their English folders Exit Ticket: Rules are important because_________________ Homework: Open-ended Response: As a class, answer Exit Ticket; Each students have turn to share their answer in their English folders Exit Ticket: There should be consequences for any infraction because______________. Homework: Take home” Self- Assessment Target” and ask family members to share any new vocab words with them. Bring back new words and share the meaning in class Open-ended Response: Exit Ticket: Students will draw or write words related to each category Homework:” Take home” Self- Assessment Target: Bring new vocab words each learned over the weekend and share in class.