Determining the Role of the luxR homolog in Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in Bacterial Invasion of Bovine Epithelial Cells PRESENTED BY: LAUREN SHIN MENTOR: DR. LUIZ BERMUDEZ MICROBIOLOGY DEPARTMENT can_Paratuberculosis.jpg Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) and Johne’s Disease MAP Agent of Johne’s disease in cattle and other ruminants Infects and grows within lining of intestine Passed through the milk of infected animals Mortality rate = 100% No treatment or efficient vaccine Significance of Our Research Provides useful information for characterizing and determining more desirable vaccine targets for Johne’s disease 2007 study by the USDA estimated that Johne’s disease has an approximately $200 million/year economical impact on beef and dairy industry Further research on how LuxR contributes to invasion in the early stages of the disease Background Research MAP can be delivered to host by milk MAP exposed to milk greater efficiency of invasion luxR homolog gene also significantly up-regulated when exposed to milk LuxR regulates transcription of many other genes These gene homologues alter bacterial cell wall composition may assist in invasion Our Research Project Aim: To determine whether or not the luxR homolog gene plays a direct role in invasion of MAP into epithelial cells Approach: Overexpress LuxR and its dependent genes in normally non-invasive Mycobacterium smegmatis and observe its effect on invasion. Our Research Project Hypothesis: The luxR homolog gene and its dependent genes in MAP play a direct role in the invasion of MAP into epithelial cells. Prediction: If LuxR and its dependent genes are overexpressed in M. smegmatis, the mycobacterium will invade epithelial cells with greater efficiency than a wild-type invasion. Our Genes Cloning three genes: MAP0482, MAP0483, and MAP4088 MAP0482 and MAP0483 make up luxR homolog in M. avium subsp. avium LuxR regulates the transcription of MAP4088 and MAP1203, both hypothetical invasion proteins Methods Step 1: Clone luxR related genes into pLDG13 A 5-step process 1. PCR 2. Digestion 3. Ligation 4. Transformation 5. Screening/ Sequencing Designing Our Primers and PCR Forward Primer: Ribosomal Binding Site Forward Sequence HIS-Tag Restriction Site (HindIII) Reverse Primer: Reverse Sequence Restriction Site (KpnI) Cloning Digest with restriction enzymes Ligate with T4 DNA ligase Transformation by electroporation into E. coli Plate on Kanamycin plates Screen by colony PCR or digestion to visualize clones Verify sequence Methods Step 2: Transform plasmid with inserted gene into M. smegmatis by electroporation Step 3: Protein Gel and Western Blotting to verify expression of genes in M. smegmatis Methods Step 4: Perform invasion assays in which transformed M. smegmatis is allowed to infect epithelial cells Invasion Assay Protocol Add bacteria to epithelial cells Incubate (1h, 3h) in 37°C to allow invasion Add antibiotics and wash off extracellular bacteria Serial dilute lysates and plate Lyse cells with detergent to release bacteria Difficulties with Cloning… PCR Amplification? Problem: No amplification of genes Ladder 4088 0482 0483 Possible Explanation: HIS-tag primers contain unspecific sequences; cannot anneal with such a large template of genomic DNA PCR Amplification? Proposed Solution: 2-step PCR amplification Forward Primer His-tag gDNA Gene Gene Reverse Primer Outcome: Still faint or inconsistent bands Gene PCR Amplification? Possible Explanation #2: Genes 4088, 0482, and 0483 are GC rich; difficult to PCR because they can form secondary structures like hairpins and have higher melting temperatures Proposed Solution: Use GC-RICH PCR System Contains DMSO, Polymerase from GC-rich organism L Outcome: Genes amplified! _____0483______ Continued Cloning Problem: After digesting and ligating the amplified genes, the screens showed empty vectors with no insert. Possible Explanations: The restriction enzymes may not be cutting completely, leaving uncut plasmid 2. The plasmid may be re-ligating together 1. Still Troubleshooting Proposed Solutions: Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (SAP) dephosphorylate plasmid to prevent self ligation 2. Include controls for ligations; without insert 3. Make sure digestion and ligation is working correctly with pLDG13 1. Another Important Gene MAP1203 LuxR regulated gene Already cloned into pLDG13 Attempting to verify expression Continued with invasion assay Untransformed M. smegmatis M. smegmatis transformed with empty vector, PLDG13 M. smegmatis transformed with wild type 1203 clone M. smegmatis transformed with ΔRGD 1203 mutant Invasion Assay Results Percent Invasion of M. smegmatis in MDBK Cells at 1 hour and at 3 hours 0.6 % Invasion 0.5 0.4 1h 0.3 3h 0.2 0.1 0 Smeg PLDG13 WT 1203 ∆RGD Future Direction Continue troubleshooting to obtain clones Verify expression of genes Invasion Assay Binding Assay Yeast Two-Hybrid System Identify receptor protein to which the bacterium binds Acknowledgements Dr. Luiz Bermudez Dr. Kevin Ahern Jamie Everman Bermudez Lab Howard Hughes Medical Institute University Honors College Cripps