Comparing the Toxicity of Zinc Deficient Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and the Quad SOD mutant: Implications for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Jesse Fitzpatrick Dr. Joe Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) • ALS is neurodegenerative disease • Two Forms of ALS – Sporadic – Familial (fALS) (10-20%) • fALS caused by mutant Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) (1020% of fALS cases) • Mutant SOD becomes toxic (gain of function) Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute Superoxide Dismutase (dimer) Wild Type SOD e-O2 O2 Cu2+ Cu2+ Cu, Zn SOD Zn Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute Cu2+ Cu1+ Cu, Zn SOD Zn H2O2 O2- Mutant SOD Cu2+ Cu2+ Zn Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute Zn Copper Toxicity: Mutant SOD O2 O2- Mutant ZnSOD Mutant ZnSOD H2O2 Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute Cu1+ Cu2+ ½ Rate Cellular Reductases O2- Summary Cu O2 OONOPeroxynitrite (toxic!) Superoxide Zn- Mutant SOD *Cu binding site mutated “Quad” Mutant NO Nitric Oxide Mouse with ALS Why do Quad SOD Mice get sick? 1. Cu toxicity may not contribute significantly to ALS symptoms 2. Quad SOD causes ALS because Cu binds to another part of the SOD protein Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute Research Aims 1. Determine whether Quad SOD binds Cu 2. If Quad SOD binds Cu, determine whether it still exhibits deleterious redox behavior Quad SOD Binds Copper • Metalation Variables – – – – pH Cu concentration Folding Agents Urea Quad Cu Binding 5 1.2 10 Apo Quad SOD 5 1 10 4 8 10 Successful Conditions – Combine Quad with Urea (conc. 1.5M) – Dialyze against Tris buffer pH 7.5 with 300uM CuCl2 – Dialyze against Tris buffer pH 7.5 Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute Cu Quad SOD Ion counts • 4 6 10 4 4 10 63.5 am 4 2 10 0 15650 15700 15750 Mass 15800 15850 15900 Quad SOD Produces Superoxide Cu NO Mutant Zn- SOD NO Nitric Oxide 5000 5000 5000 5000 NO concentration NO NO concentration NOconcentration concentration NO Sensor OONO- O2- Cu Quad Quad Injection Injection Cu 4000 4000 4000 4000 Mutant SOD SOD injection injection Mutant B B 3000 3000 3000 3000 2000 2000 2000 2000 NO injection NO injection NO injection 1000 1000 1000 1000 Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute 0000 00 00 200 200 200 400 600 400 600 400 600 400 600 Time (sec) (sec) Time Time (sec) Time (sec) 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 Effects of Concentration on Toxicity Concentration and Zn- SOD 3000 Zn- SOD injection to 1.07uM Zn- SOD injection to .5uM NO conc. (nM) 2500 2000 1500 Zn- SOD Quad 3500 NO conc. (nM) Rate = 3.38 nM/sec Rate = 7.18 nM/sec 4000 1000 3000 500 2000 Zn- SOD injection Quad Injection 2500 0 0 200 400 600 Time (sec) 1500 800 1000 1000 Concentration and Quad 30 500 Quad500 injection to 3.5uM 0 NO conc. (nM) 2nd NO injection 2nd NO injection 500 4000 3000 1200 Quad injection to 1.75 uM 1000 T i m e (sec) 2500 1500 2000 Quad injection to 3.5 uM 2000 Conclusions 1500 1000 - Quad SOD does not act catalytically and is consumed in the reaction 500 0 1840 Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute 1920 2000 2080 T i m e (se c) 2160 2240 Effects of pH on Toxicity 250 Effect of pH on Zn- SOD Activity NO consumption (nm/sec) NO consumption (nm/sec) 25 20 15 10 5 Effect of pH on Quad Activity 200 150 100 50 0 0 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 6 6.5 7 7.5 pH pH Conclusions Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute - Zn- SOD activity is pH dependent while Quad activity is not - Supports that Cu is binding to the Zn site in the Quad mutant 8 The Big Picture Quad SOD binds Cu (possibly at the Zn site) Cu Quad exhibits toxic activity invitro Could explain why transgenic Quad mice develop ALS Allays the dissonance between the Cu toxicity theory and the Quad transgenic mouse study Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute Future Directions • Mutate both the copper and zinc binding site and test for Cu binding • Investigate the redox differences between Zn- SOD and Cu Quad SOD • Analyze invivo Quad SOD from Quad SOD transgenic mice • Look for evidence of peroxynitrite damage Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute Acknowledgments Dr. Joe Beckmen Keith Nylin Nathan Lopez Dr. Mark Levi Dr. Keri Trumbull Megan Hirko Kevin Ahern HHMI The Linus Pauling Institute Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute Results His 46 His 48 Cu2+ Arg 46 Mutate (Again) His 63 Gln 48 2+ Cu Quad SOD Cu Binding Site Gly 63 Cu2+ His 120 Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute Gly 120 Mouse with ALS What Function does Mutant SOD acquire? Mutant SOD has lower affinity for metals (Zn and Cu) Cu Toxicity Theory • Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute Loss of metals cause SOD to function backwards, creating super oxides which indirectly trigger apoptosis What Function Does Mutant SOD Acquire? Mutant SOD has lower affinity for metals (Zn and Cu) SOD Aggregation Theory • Loss of metals leads to SOD aggregation which triggers apoptosis Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute Cu Toxicity Theory • Loss of metals cause SOD to function backwards, creating superoxides which indirectly trigger apoptosis Consequences of Zn Deficiency 1. Copper becomes more exposed 2. Regeneration of Cu2+ SOD is decreased 3. Cu2+ SOD is reduced by cellular reductase 4. Cu2+ availability decreases while Cu1+ increases 5. Superoxide concentrations increase 6. Superoxides reacts with NO to produce peroxynitrate 7. Peroxynitrate nitrates tyrosine residues and triggers cell death Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute The Problem with Cu Toxicity Theory Quad Mutant Mouse with ALS Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute The Problem with Cu Toxicity Theory Gln His Cu2+ Gly His Arg His Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute Gly His Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) • Symptoms – Neuronal death – Muscle weakness – Paralysis • Death occurs in 3-5 years from onset • Two Forms of ALS – Sporadic – Familial (2-3% of cases) Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute Upper motor neuron Lower motor neuron Familial ALS: The Genetic Link • Familial ALS patients have mutations in the Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) protein • SOD – Structure • Binds a Cu and a Zn cofactors • Exists as a homodimer – Normal function - • Scavenges superoxides such as O2 • Protects the cell from oxidative stress Superoxide Dismutase (dimer) • SOD Mutations do not cause ALS by hindering normal SOD activity • SOD Mutations likely result in gain of harmful function Jesse Fitzpatrick (2008) Dr. Beckman’s Lab The Linus Pauling Institute