Importance of microRNA for seedling development in Arabidopsis thaliana Jennifer Coppersmith Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics Mentor: Dr. Hiro Nonogaki (Horticulture) Significance of Seed Development Agriculture and Food Why Arabidopsis? Arabidopsis Seed Structure Testa Endosperm Embryo Overview of Experiment SPL13 T DNA insert SQUAMOSA PROMOTER-BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE13 (mSPL13) microRNA • 21-24nt in length • Gene regulation at the mRNA level microRNA mRNA miRNA miRNA RISC microRNA mutation Mutation mRNA SPL13 GU G CU C UC U CU CU U CU G UC A miR156 C ACG AG UG AG AG AAG AC AG U miRNA mSPL13 GU G CU A CU U A CU A A C UC U CU G UC A RISC C ACG AG UG AG AG AAG AC AG U Hypothesis: SPL13 needs to be down regulated by microRNA156 to maintain normal developmental program for germination or seedling establishment. Overaccumulation of SPL13 WT SPL13 rRNA Cont mSPL13 Mutant Phenotype Cot Cot Cot 4 leaf seedling (normal) Cot 2 leaf seedling (delayed) Developmental Delay 4-leaf seedlings 2-leaf seedlings Temporal Seedling Arrest WT mSPL13 CONTROL Shoot Apical Meristem (SAM) 0d 2d Storage Protein and Meristem Hypocotyl Radical Meristem Cot Embryo Meristem Development 3d 2 4 WT mSPL13 1d 2d WT 3d 4d mSPL13 Visible Difference WT mSPL13 8d Analysis WT mSPL13 SPL13 Based on phenotype, down regulation of SPL13 via microRNA is essential for proper meristem development. Determine Potential Targets of SPL13 miRNA156 SPL13 SPL13 Promoter Gene X X Acknowledgements Hiro Nonogaki Kevin Ahern Howard Hughes Medical Institute Lab Members: Masa Asahina Tammy Chan Po-Pu Liu Jessica Kristof Piotr Pupel Jing Sun SBP1 SBP2 SPL13 ? SQUAMOSA ( or APETALA1) SQUA AP1 - 455 - 429 TTCGACGTCCGTACAACAAGTCTTTAT CCAGTGGTCCGTACAATGTTACTTACC - 419 10 bp conserved stretch 19-mer core seq - 393 Normal Embryogenesis in mSPL13 Coppersmith JL, Hewitt JR, Nonogaki H, unpublished results