Theory and Practice of International Financial Management Foreign Exchange Risk

Theory and Practice of
International Financial
Foreign Exchange Risk
Foreign exchange risk: meaning
• Value of a currency changes frequently
• Affects firms engaged in international
• Assets, liabilities and cash flows are
affected through changes in exchange
• Possibility of unfavourable changes - Risk
Types of risk/ exposure
• Accounting/ translation exposure: financial
• Economic exposure: cash flows
– Transaction exposure: present cash flows
– Real operating exposure: future cash flows
Translation exposure
• Occurs on consolidation of financial statements
of different units of MNCs
• When the value of currency of a subsidiary
changes, its translated value in the domestic
currency of the parent company changes
• This change represents translation exposure
• It is only an accounting exposure
Transaction exposure
• Impact of exchange rate fluctuations on
present cash flows
• From transactions already entered into
– Export and imort
– Borrowing and lending in foreign currency
– Intra firm fund flow in an international
Real operating exposure
• Changes in exchange rates alter future
operating revenues and cost streams of a
• Changes in future cash flows from
changes in exchange rates
- real operating exposure
Foreign exchange risk:
techniques of management
• Transaction risk (short term):
– Hedging using currency forwards or futures
• Real operating risk (long term):
– Adaptation in production and marketing
strategy (plant location, input mixing, input
sourcing, market selection, product planning,
pricing, etc )
• Translation risk: accounting risk
The Nature of Hedging
We have:
1. Developed a number of measures of exposure
2. Constructed measures of the risks associated with
these exposures
3. Determined how to identify the appropriate exposure to
hedge among a portfolio of exposures.
4. Reviewed the advantages and disadvantages of a
number of financial instruments that can aid us in
hedging these exposures.
The Nature of Hedging
At this point, we want to address some broader concerns
in foreign exchange risk management:
1. Why hedge?
2. What kinds of risks should we focus on to hedge?
3. At what horizon should the hedging take place?
4. What can be done from the operational side to manage
foreign exchange risks?
5. What is an appropriate overall approach for managing
foreign exchange risk at a multinational?
Why Hedge?
As we have seen, exposure alone does not justify hedging.
However, the risk associated with a particular exposure
may be sufficient to justify hedging.
But this assumes that companies are risk-averse.
When are companies risk-averse?
This question must be addressed before a firm undertakes the
costs associated with hedging foreign exchange risks.
Why do corporations prefer a known home currency amount
rather than a gamble with the same expected value involving
potential gains or losses?
What is the ultimate objective of the firm?
To maximize shareholder value…and minimize systematic
Why Hedge?
Relative to the amount of hedging that takes place, the
arguments for firm risk-aversion are somewhat scarce.
When will risk management improve shareholder wealth
and/or reduce their systematic risk?
1. Tax gain/loss treatment asymmetry.
2. High financial distress costs.
3. Internal vs. external capital markets.
4. Executive compensation / monitoring / transparency.
5. Firms can hedge more efficiently than their shareholders.
The point is that unless a firm can identify one of the above
concerns as relevant to a particular exposure, the costs
associated with hedging may not be worthwhile.
What instruments you can use
to hedge?
• Structural
Leads & lags
Financial futures
Parallel lending/ Back-to-back loan
Currency baskets
What instruments you can use
to hedge?
• Structural
• Leads & lags
• Forwards
• Financial futures
• Swaps
• Options
• Parallel lending/ Back-to-back
• Assets
• Liabilities
- Cash in Euro
- Short-term obligation
- Cash in USD
– in USD
- Sell Contract in UKP - Mid-term obligation in
- Purchase Contract in
Leads & lags
A company expected payment in $87 mln in 27 days
and have to pay in three months Є 60 mln for taxation
XR $/Є
Є 66.7
$ 98
1.6 3
Є 64.5
Є 58.8
Financial futures
XR $/Є
$ 100
Forward 1.51
1 mnt
1.6 3
1. 75
3 mnt
6 mnt
Financial futures
Sold Futures
Purchased Futures
Adverse movement
of exchange rate
Rate of
Rate of
Loss of
windfall profit
Future Contract Pricing
Formula for forward rate calculation:
BID = Spot BID x
(% Rate EURO BID - % Rate USD OFFER) x Days
OFFER = Spot OFFER x 1 +
100 х 360
(% Rate EURO OFFER - % Rate USD BID) x Days
100 х 360
Interest Rate Spread may be either positive or negative. By this reason
forwards are traded either with premium or with SPOT Rate Discount (to
show interest rate spread between two currencies).
Swap – combination of two opposite exchange
contracts with different dates: purchase/sale in the
spot market for a simultaneous purchase/sale in
the forward foreign exchange market.
1Y Euro
Euro TOM
Euro TOM
1Y Euro
A company needs Euro funds make borrow expensive in Euro or cheaper in USD but face XR risk.
It can : sale USD for Euro by 1.4 for tomorrow (spot) and
purchase USD for Euro by 1.39 for 1 year (forward)
• Option – the right to choose, to buy (call
option) or to sell (put option) in any
moment between two given dates.
• For this right to buy/sell, the
buyer/seller will pay the other party
called the writer a fee (premium) which
will be forfeited if the option is not
exercised before the day of maturity.
Back-to-back loan
• Such loan involve two companies in
different countries funding the other
parties’ operations.
Currency Basket
Currency Basket
Price Fixing in:
-Tailor Designed Basket
What Risks Should be Hedged?
If firms should only concern themselves with risks that
have real economic costs associated with them, upon
which of our measures of exposure should we focus?
1. Translation exposure
Across-the-board changes in the balance sheet will
generally have little effect on the ongoing operations of the
firm. Cash flows are ignored and balance sheet entries are
measured in terms of book values.
The only possibility here is the tax gain/loss asymmetry. If
the firm operates in a high inflationary environment, it may
find the translation adjustment reported to the income
statement taxed more when positive than credited when
What Risks Should be Hedged?
Likewise, a firm may find changes in foreign borrowing
subject to asymmetric treatment of capital gains/losses.
But this is really part of a larger point.
In general, if firms need to worry about the balance sheet,
it will be due to an anticipated sale or discontinuation of
the firm’s operations or due to changes in the firm’s capital
structure - when firm value is no longer in NPV of cash
If this is the case, the appropriate measure of exposure will
generally be net worth exposure - with assets and
liabilities recorded at market values.
Any balance sheet exposure hedging activities must focus
on net worth exposure and be justified from this
What Risks Should be Hedged?
2. Transaction exposure
Transaction exposure is similarly limited as it focuses
solely on known, contractual cash flows.
Nonetheless, because these cash flows are almost always
denominated in pre-determined nominal amounts, hedging
them will perfectly insulate the firm against exchange rate
changes - nominal or real. Since the cash flows do not
change with inflation, they move entirely with nominal
Also, because transaction exposure focuses only known,
contractual amounts and as such will generally only
include cash flows of short horizon, financial instruments
for hedging them will be easily available and quite
What Risks Should be Hedged?
3. Economic Exposure
Economic exposure is ultimately what the firm should be
concerned with. For ultimately investors are concerned
with the value and riskiness of the firm itself.
Indeed, even transaction exposures should be evaluated in
terms of whether they are associated with an underlying
economic exposure.
When considering hedging a know outflow or cost, the firm
needs to evaluate the revenue side operations; and when
considering a known inflow or revenue, the firm needs to
evaluate the cost side.
For whenever the currency movement affects revenues
and costs equally, only the profit margin is truly exposed.
What Risks Should be Hedged?
For treating economic exposure, financial hedges have
two main shortcomings:
1. Horizon. Outside of swaps, most financial hedges
become quite expensive over longer horizons. While
swaps can provide an inexpensive way to construct a
series of long-dated forward contracts, they require
accurate assessment of future cash flows.
For hedging future cash flows are uncertain, longhorizoned futures contracts are unavailable, and the costs
of long-horizoned options will be prohibitively large.
What Risks Should be Hedged?
2. Real vs. Nominal. Financial hedges can only hedge
nominal amounts. If there are real changes in home
currency costs and revenues, nominal hedges may be
quite ineffective.
As we have seen, real and nominal exchange rates
coincide reasonably well in developed countries, but the
correspondence is usually weak for emerging economies.
Economic Exposure in the Long Run
Recall that economic exposure is only concerned with
changes in the market value of the firm that result from
real exchange rate changes.
Hence, if RPPP holds in the long run, changes in the real
exchange rate should balance out in the long run.
This is what we saw with most of the developing countries
that saw large short-term swings in the real exchange rate.
Thus, long-term hedging activity may not be entirely
needed or productive.
Where then is the value in hedging economic exposure?
Economic Exposure in the Long Run
Recall that most of our arguments for hedging activities
focus on the short-run:
1. Ensuring that the firm (or manager) gets to the long run.
2. Minimizing systematic shareholder risks.
3. Achieving short-run tax, monitoring, and investment
Hence, a shorter-horizon perspective which focuses on the
economic exposure of highly-known nominal cash flows
may be reasonable after all.
In other words, only exposures which pose a material
threat to the value of the firm’s periodic cash flows should
be hedged.
What else can be done?
In addition to financial hedges, a number of operational
activities exist which can be used to efficiently reduce the
risks posed by exchange rate movements.
Whereas financial hedges effectively eliminate the
exposure of certain cash flows by creating an offsetting
position, other activities exist which can mitigate the
overall level of cash flow exposures themselves.
Essentially these activities fall into two categories:
1. Marketing management.
2. Production management.
Marketing Management
Marketing management focuses on increasing sales in
countries in which the real exchange rate has appreciated
and restructuring sales in countries where the real
exchange rate has declined. Marketing management has
three main dimensions:
1. Promotional strategy. If the marginal cost of promoting
a product does not rise as much as the marginal benefit in
response to an appreciation, it will make sense to shift
promotional resources from undervalued currencies
towards overvalued currencies.
Marketing Management
2. Product design and development.
Although new products will generally be introduced based
on long-run competitive merits calculated at the long run
real exchange rate, the optimal time to introduce new
products may be when the exchange rate is high.
When revenues are relatively high in home currency terms,
it may be easier to justify high market entry costs particularly if these costs are partially determined in the
home currency.
Effectively, having a new product to introduce to a market
is like owning a long-dated call option. When the currency
becomes sufficiently appreciated, the option should be
exercised - the product should be introduced.
Marketing Management
3. Pricing strategy. If firms have some flexibility to adjust
prices and ‘pass-through’ the exchange rate effects, they
may want to take advantage of this in responding to
exchange rate changes.
Specifically, firms selling in overvalued currencies will
want to lower the local currency price to capture larger
market share, while those operating in undervalued
currencies will raise prices to maintain profit margins.
Certainly firms in more competitive industries face less
flexibility in terms of their pricing schedules.
Production Management
Just as marketing activities focus on firms that are
overvalued, production activities will focus on countries
where currencies are undervalued.
Certainly a firm will face less flexibility on the production
side than on the sales side. Nonetheless, to the extent
possible, a firm has a number of potential production
responses to shifts in exchange rates:
1. Since the costs of labor-intensive production activities
are most likely to fluctuate with real exchange rate
changes, they should be shifted from overvalued to
undervalued currencies.
In this way, having a flexibility with respect to production
sourcing acts as a portfolio of currency options which
benefit from exchange rate variability.
Production Management
2. Similarly, input components can be sourced from
countries with depreciated exchange rates at the
expense of countries with high exchange rates.
This activity is essentially enforcing the law of one price
for traded goods, and as such, opportunities may be
3. While expansions of capacity, introductions of new
technology, and other efforts to improve productivity
should be based on long-run comparative advantage and
real exchange rates, again, the optimal time to introduce
such changes may be when the currency is depreciated.
The investment can be easily justified since its costs are
likely to be lower and the facility is already realizing a
comparative advantage and operating at high volume.
Production Management
Similar to new product introduction, opportunities to
expand capacity or introduce new production
technologies behave as a put option on the currency.
The option should be exercised when the currency is
depreciated and costs are low.
Generally, production management will require a high
degree of flexibility from the outset. Since this flexibility
will generally take the form of excess capacity, it must
come at some cost.
Nonetheless, the option-like nature of this flexibility adds
value to the firm from both risk management and profit
maximization standpoints.
Foreign Exchange Risk Management
In managing foreign exchange risk several points are
worth keeping in mind:
1. Focus attention on risks which have a material impact
on the expected value and systematic risk of the firm
to shareholders.
2. Measure exposures and risks accurately:
recognize any potentially offsetting effects in costs,
revenues, quantities, or pass-through.
take into account offsetting movements in
exposures to other currencies.
apply appropriate measures of risk: RPPP for
exposures not linked to interest rates and UIP for
those that are interest sensitive (i.e. cash deposits).
Foreign Exchange Risk Management
3. Use risk management to control risks in the short-run,
while relying on firm, manager, and exchange rate
fundamentals to dominate in the long-run.
4. Don’t ignore opportunities to manage exchange rate
risks from the operational side.
5. Recognize that risk management often creates more
risk than it eliminates - no firm (or municipality) ever
went bankrupt solely due to insufficient risk
management, plenty have gone bankrupt as a result of
too much.
6. Keep in mind that investment banks make more money
when you worry about FX risk than when you don’t.