TEACHER: ROBERSON SCHOOL: Johnston Middle School SUBJECT: Science STUDENT OBJECTIVES TEACHING, RETEACHING, AND ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES Punnet Sqaures Review Punnet Sqaure worksheet Genotype and Phenotype 1 Punnet Squares Review Punnet Square worksheet Genotype and Phenotype 1 Nov 2 gray 7th grade 7.14 A Define heredity as the passage of genetic instructions from.. Nov 3 purple 7th grade 7.14B compare the results of uniform or diverse offspring from….. TUESDAY MONDAY Nov 1 purple 7th grade WEDNESDAY WEEK OF: TEKS/ELPS OBJECTIVES 7.14 A Define heredity as the passage of genetic instructions from.. Strawberry DNA Lab Go Over Genetics and Reproduction Post Lab Questions Nov 4 gray 7th grade 7.14 A Define heredity as the passage of genetic instructions from.. Strawberry DNA Lab Go Over Genetics and Reproduction Post Lab Questions Nov 5 purple 7th grade 7.14 C Recognize that inherited traits of individuals are governed in the genetic material Genetics with a smile lab Genetics Study Guide THURSDAY FRIDAY Periods This lesson plan addresess individual IEP's or service plans for students in specific classes. ** Lesson plans are subject to change MATERIALS Strawberries Graduated Cylinder Coffee Filter Ajax Strawberries Graduated Cylinder Coffee Filter Ajax DESCRIPTION