Day in the Life of the Hudson River 10/20/15 Data RIVER MILE 25W Piermont Pier Margie Turrin & 9 Lamonters, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Latitude N 41 degrees 02’591 Longitude W 73 degrees 53’794 Tom Mullane, Eileen McCaffrey, and Catherine Bonanno– Pearl River HS APES – 44 Students Jennifer Mazza Clarkstown South HS 13 Environmental Science Students Julie West, Oak Meadow School 4 students Location: Piermont Pier, Piermont NY Area: Man made fishing/shipping pier at the east end, long pier with paved roadway and vegetated strip along both sides Surrounding Land Use: Urban/residential 80% , Forested 20% Sampling Site: Pier, roadway in center of whole pier, parking area at end, Plants and trees along side. Shoreline Rip Rap, collected wood in area and piping entering river on the south of sampling site Plants in area: no submerged aquatic plants in the water Water depth: Varied by location on the pier and by tide River Bottom – sandy/rocky bottom with marsh grass growing in or near the water Plants in area: sumac and other plants 15%; phragmites 85% ITEM Time Temperature Weather & Observations Physical 9:10AM Beaufort 2 Cloud cover Air 12.2C Mph 10 SW 26-50% Temperature F 9:45 AM Beaufort 1 Cloud cover 13C 1-3 kts 26-50% F 1 10:45 AM 12:15 PM 1: 10 PM Weather today Weather last 3 days Water Temperature Turbidity – Long Site Tube 18.5 C F Beaufort 3 Mph 8-12 SW Beaufort 3 Mph 8-12 SSW Wind S Cloud cover 025% Cloud cover 025% No precip COLD – constantly, no precip. Time 9:10AM 9:45 AM 10:45 AM 12:15 PM 1: 10 PM Time 9:10AM 10:00 AM 10:45 AM 12:12 PM 1:15 PM Secchi 15C F 17C 9:10 10:00 AM Surface Sample thermometer 5.2C 13.3C 11.9C 15.5C 14.7 C Long Site Tube 10 cm 14 cm 10.5 cm 11 cm 10.0 cm 9.5 cm 22.6 cm 27.8 cm 16.6 cm 28.0 cm 16.5 cm 11 cm 12 cm 7.1 cm 8 cm 30 cm 30 40 30 26 60 65 60 40 cm 40 35 35 40 40 Meter sample 13.1C 14.2 C Average 11.1 cm 9.75 cm 23.75 cm 13.17 cm 7.55 cm 43.8 cm 41.33 cm 2 10:40 AM 10:48 AM 12:15 PM 1:15 PM Water Depth tides 45 47 50 45 cm 40 40 27 27 28 40 45 48 69 cm 50 40 10 cm 7 9 9 8 10 20 20 20 19 cm 12 8 17 16.5 15 32 Time Pier to Bottom 9:04 AM 9:27 AM 9:53 AM 10:10 AM 127 cm 111 cm 88 cm 111 cm 37.8 cm 53 cm 12.6 cm 17.1 cm Pier to water surface 51 cm 51 cm 46 cm 52 cm Water Depth @ pier end 76 cm/fall 60 cm/fall 42 cm/fall 59 cm/rise Transition to rising tide *10:40 AM 155 cm 53 cm 102 cm/rise *read in center of pier - found 12:15 PM 190 cm 110 cm 80 cm/rise a deeper pocket See HRECOS depth data below Chemical SAMPLES * see HRECOS readings appended at the end of the student reporting DO TIME DO Reading Water % Saturation Temp 9:10AM 14 ppm 110% Drop count 5.2C 3 pH colorimeter Other Chemistry 9:45 AM 10:45 AM 12:15 PM 1: 10 PM TIME 9:10AM 9 ppm 12 ppm (bubble) 3 10 ppm 8.0 7.5 7.5 8.3 TIME Phosphates colorimeter 0.2 mg/L 0.42 mg/L 0.5 mg/L 0 mg/L Nitrates Drop count 0.44 mg/L 0 mg/L 0 mg/L 0 mg/L meter ppt *Salinity - Refracto. Glass Hydrometer 9:10AM 10 ppt 9:45 AM 10:45 AM 9.2 ppt 1.007s.g.@5.2 C 8.7 ppt 10 ppt 12:15 PM 9 ppt 1: 10 PM Fish Catch Northside of pier 14 ppt Number Caught Rotation #1 Fish 14 Rotation #2 Fish Macroinvert 2 500 + 17 1 21 3 1 1 8 20 85% 110% 30% 96% 7.8 9:45 AM 10:45 AM 12:15 PM 1: 10 PM 9:10AM 9:45 AM 10:45 AM 12:15 PM Macroinvert 13.3C 11.9C 15.5 14.7C Alkalinity Drop count 59 ppm 72 ppm 136 ppm 60 ppm 8.5 ppt 8.9 ppt 1.0075 s.g. Species Atlantic Silverside Striped Bass Comb jellies Blue Crab Sand Shrimp Atlantic Silverside Striped Bass American Eel Blue Crab Sand Shrimp Comb Jellies 8.8 ppt 8.9 ppt Measure of largest 14 cm 9 cm 6 cm 6 cm 2.5 cm 9.5 cm 11cm 15 cm 3.5 cm 4 cm 4 cm TIME & CATCH 9:30 AM F -DIV - 2 16 Totals Macro M - DIV 3 518 Totals 10:25 AM F-DIV 3 25 totals Macro M – DIV 3 29 Totals 4 Rotation #3 Fish Macroinvert 49 10 1 1 75 6 2 11 cm 16 cm NR 14 cm 3 cm 2.5 cm 8.3 cm 2 Atlantic Silverside Striped Bass Macroinvert 40 2 5 Comb Jelly Blue Crab Sand Shrimp 10 cm 3.5 cm 3 cm Rotation #5 Fish 52 Rotation #4 Fish Macroinvert GRAND TOTALS Sediment Cores – (Nichole & Clare helping from core lab) 9:30 AM shallow 9:30 AM deep 10:00 AM – Shallow 104 Atlantic Silverside Striped Bass mummichog White Perch Comb Jelly Blue Crab Sand Shrimp 3 1 100 Atlantic Silversides Striped Bass White Perch Comb Jellies 9 cm 7 cm 10 cm 8 cm 10:45 AM Fish F - DIV 4 61 Totals Macro DIV – 3 83 Totals 12:20 PM Fish DIV 2 106 Total Macro M - DIV - 3 47 Total 1:00 PM FISH F - DIV - 3 56 - Total M - DIV 1 100 Total FISH DIV - 5 Length FISH TOTAL – 264 H2S Rare Smell MACRO DIV- 3 Common 7 cm total: Oxidized top bottom ~5 cm plant material, top ~ 2 cm sand 32cm with oxidized top top 7 cm 4 layers noted: ~1-2 cms bottom ~13 cm next ~7 cm next ~7 cm top 11cm bottom ~ half plant material, ~top half sand No Sand Gravel N/R N/R Clay Sand Gravel N/R Yes No Clay Sand Gravel Pebbles Coal Clay MACRO TOTAL - 777 Abundant 5 10:00 AM deep 10:40 AM – shallow 32 cm 1) bottom few cm sand, 2) main section clay, 3) top few cm sand 11 cm disaggregated No Sand N/R No N/R N/R 30 cm oxidized top (no measure on this) 9 cm oxidized top (no measure on this) 11.5 cm oxidized top (4 cm) No Sand Gravel N/R Yes Mud 1:07 PM left shore 12 cm no oxidized top Yes 1:07 PM deep core 17.5 cm no oxidized top No 10:40 AM deep 12:30 PM Shallow 12:30 PM deep Yes Gravel Pebbles Wood (roots?) Brick Living veget. (sprouts & roots) Mud Shells Pebbles Clay, Clay Mud Sand Gravel Clay Mud Pebbles Sand Gravel Sand Clay Mud Sand Gravel Pebbles Coal (image below) N/R Above core- pebbles, sand, coal Mud Gravel Sand Piermont HRECOS Screen Captures on following pages HRECOS site is located just behind the rectangular eastern end of the pier attached to one of the pier stations. When operational it is a continuous data feed recorded every 15 minutes. 6 Depth – sampling team captured the transition from a falling to rising tide Air Temperature 7 DO ppm Water temperature 8 pH Salinity in psu (equates in the Hudson to ppt) 9