Political Parties

3.1 Political Parties
Do Now:
Why do cliques (exclusive groups of friends) form?
Political Parties
Political Parties
What are they?
•Dancing and Cake?
•Good ol’ Boys with cigars?
•Political organizations that intend to affect public policies by nominating like
minded politicians.
Political Parties
Founding Fathers’ Thoughts:
"By a faction, I understand a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or
a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of
passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent
and aggregate interests of the community."
James Madison, Federalist Paper 10
Political Parties
Founding Fathers’ Thoughts:
I have already intimated to you the danger of Parties in the State, with particular
reference to the founding of them on Geographical discriminations. Let me now
take a more comprehensive view, & warn you in the most solemn manner against
the baneful effects of the Spirit of Party, generally.
George Washington, Farewell Presidential Address
Political Parties
•Checks and Balances
Political Parties
Group Discussion/Reflection Journal:
Discuss the following question in your groups and then write a reflection paragraph
What would our democracy look like without parties? Identify concrete ways in
which elections and policy making would be affected (amongst other affects
you foresee). Make sure to visit the following areas in your discussion: elections,
issue education, equality.
Political Parties
Organization: A decentralized network of local, state and national groups.
National Chair
National Convention
State Organizations
Local Organizations
Political Parties
National Convention:
The national convention is a meeting of party members which
nominates the presidential and vice presidential candidates
for the party. The convention also determines the party
platform for the election.
Political Parties
National Committee:
The group of influential party members who run the party between presidential
election years. This group organizes the National Convention. It includes
chairpersons from states and other territories as well as other officials.
Political Parties
National Chair:
This person leads the National Committee and runs the staff of the
national party headquarters. Organizing party fundraising is a
critical role of the position.
Political Parties
State Organization:
The State central committee runs state party politics. These bodies
are often closely tied to influential politicians within the state.
Political Parties
Local Organization:
Local party politics are divided in increasingly smaller bodies.
Ward- Units used to elect city council members are also used by parties
Precinct- The smallest political unit in which all voters report to one polling location
Political Parties
The Three Components of a Party:
•Organization-The actual party machinery
•Electorate-The voters (and even non-voters) who identify with party
•Members in Office-Elected officials who align with party platform
3.1 Assignment
Reflection Journal
Which of the three components of a political party is the most influential in
affecting public policy? Why? (make sure to explain why your choice is most
influential, and why others are not)
(Organization, Electorate, Elected Officials)