Lab Report Instructions for


PAP Biology Lab reports:

Create an account at

You can find it on my web site:

5540320 PAP Biology

My class number is 5540320

The password is: Room=911

So far only 3 people signed up. You have a deadline on each report as listed.

Lab Report instructions: Do everything in one file (doc or docx) for submission. You cannot submit any other types of file. Pictures and figures should be cut and paste to the doc file.

There are two folders are currently open for submission and each has its deadline. If you have a lot of matches, you can log on and see it with the percent matches. If it exceeds

25% please retract it and correct the matches and resubmit before deadlines.

You need as usual:

First lab report:

Title, procedure (you write your own), hypothesis (if ……then……) ie ( If I do this….

Experiment, I would expect what…. would happen), results (data table and observation, graphs), discussions. Do it for each problem (objective)

Title: Osmosis and Diffusion:

Problem a) Semi-Permeability and diffusion of the dialysis bags : Dialysis of glucose and starch, just describe the observation of the Iodine diffusion, the dip-stick.

Problem b) Osmosis of sucrose in dialysis bags: show your table, your graph (% change of mass vs molar concentration of sucrose in the bags) discussion: about hypertonic hypotonic solutions.

Problem C) Osmosis of potato cores: your table, your graph ( % change of mass vs molar concentrations, make sure you have plus and minus signs on the Y axis. Use the graph to find the isotonic sucrose concentration from the curve for your potato.

Second Lab report:

Title: Photosynthesis/Respiration

Procedure (your own writing again), hypotheses (two, one for each process, background : write out the chemical equations for the reactions), results (your table of data) graphs as I instructed you to do. Discussion: discuss the controls (1,2,4,5) and the experiment 3.

Respiration: what are we measuring, is it reasonable?

How to plot graphs with excel:

Open and study and practice with this file on my website:

Use the xy scatter line plot.

After you plot the graphs, make sure you also label the x and y axis, you can copy the graph and paste it on the word document. Drag to shrink it to the right size.
