Name & Period #____________________________________ You will turn in an INDIVIDUAL sheet to me at the end; it’s fine if you work in groups, but make sure you get all the work done and turn in one sheet with ONE name on it to me when its due. Step 1: Go to Google Maps, you’re going to want the driving map, where you can put in two locations, URL: Step 2: In the upper left hand corner you’ll have a blue box that has two blank lines. On the first line type the first location and on the second type the second location. Hit enter. ALWAYS look at the route that is 1) Toll Free & 2) By car Step 3: Zoom out, look at the country, and determine its shape (Elongated, Compact, Prorupt, Fragmented, and Perforated). Shapes are found on Getis pg. 281. Notes: 1) Miles per minutes is figured by dividing miles by length of time. 2) Make certain you have converted kilometers into miles!! 3) Country shape may require you to “zoom out” on the Google Map and see the country. Shapes are found pg. 281 in Getis. A country can actually be more than one shape; pick the one that BEST fits. Location Houston, TX Houston, TX Guadalajara, Mexico Brazilia, Brazil Osorno, Chile Maseru, Lesotho Luanda, Angola Athens, Greece Moscow, Russia Hanoi, Vietnam To From Length of Time Miles Mile per/Minute Dallas, TX Freer, TX Mexico City, Mexico Colider, Brazil Iquique, Chile Patlong, Lesotho Dundo, Angola Prague, Czech Republic Namtsy, Russia Ho Chi Minh City 210 min 239 miles 1.13 Country Shape (Greece) Questions: 1) Based on mile per minute, how long would it take to ship a package 400 miles in the U.S. and then 400 miles in Vietnam? Explain some of the reasons for these possible differences in time? Based on the time that you get for the U.S. and time for Vietnam, figure out the cost of sending the package if it costs $5.00 an hour. 2) Athens, Greece to Prague, Czech Republic is a relatively decent speed. A majority of these countries are part of the European Union., meaning that an individual can cross the border into another country with minimal time spent going through a border check-point. Look at the route; how long would this trip take if there was a border crossing at each country and each one roughly took an hour to go through? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of this type of border? 3) Look at travel times per minute. Apply the concept of friction of distance and discuss it in various locations; especially the two similar distances in Texas with different travel times. 4) Identify a country and discuss how its shape maybe a centrifugal force. Identify a country and discuss how its shape maybe a centrifugal force. 5) Look at a major city such as Mexico City, Brazilia, or Moscow. Look at the roads around these areas and discuss how it is a “core” area in the city (Getis has the concept). 6) Which country has a “forward capital” (look it up). How is its placement a centripetal force? Look for another capital from a country on the list; how is its placement potentially a centrifugal force? Apply distance decay to this concept as well.