R.I.T. ELA Middle College Phil Shaw and David Yockel Year 2 Theme: Community Participation DAY 1 – Saturday, January 19th, 1-2:30pm Citizenship - Course Introduction - Take the USCIS Naturalization Test - What are the rights/responsibilities of a citizen? ● Students will generate a list of rights/responsibilities ● Students will then “share out”—write this list on the board ● look at actual USCIS list of rights/responsibilities ● Are there any that “we” did not come up with? ● What others should be added to this official list? (Handout packet with USCIS Rights & Responsibilities) - What does it mean to be an American citizen? ● How do you find a balance between your individual rights and responsibilities? - Walt Whitman, American Poet/Publisher - What does being “American” mean to him? (Handout Whitman packet, poem and short excerpt from Preface to Leaves of Grass) Homework: Write a poem about what YOU believe it means to be an American citizen.