PBHS AVID 9 Days August 25-Oct 3 (30 days) Major Objectives: Building the habit of using the binder; Identifying keys to successful interactions, Introduce Cornell Notes and Tutorials, Team Building, building inquiry and reading skills through Socratic Seminar discussions, and Goal Setting Theme Connections: Goal Oriented, Erudite, Responsible, Team Building Preparation: Guest speakers, prepare for college field trip Monday August 25 Icebreaker, Introductions, Binder 9-CD.A2 9-COLL.A4 9-ORG.A1 3.3 September 1 No School – Labor Day! Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 26 Icebreaker, Contracts, Calendar/Agenda 27 Icebreaker, Study Buddy, Becoming Great 28 Four Corners, Partner Plan, Learning Logs 9-ORG.A1,A3 9-COLL.A4 9-CD.A1,B8 9-COMM.A5 9-COLL.A4 9-ORG.A1,A2 9-COLL-A4 9-WRI.D3 2 Intro to Cornell Notes, Portfolio Creation, Quick write, Class Norms, Group Brainstorm 3 Icebreaker, Practice Cornell Notes, Note Exchange 9-CD.B4 9-COLL.A4 9-COLL.A4 9-ORG.B4,B5 6.1 7.4 8 Abbreviating, Upping Levels of Questions 9 What are Tutorials, Quickwrite, 10 Steps of Tutorials 9-ORG.B5,B6 9-INQ.B1 9-COMM.A7,B3 9-INQ.B1 3.3 7.5 6.4 3.3 4 Costa’s Levels of Questions, C Note Rubric, C Note Grading 6.3 9-INQ.A1 9-ORG.B6 9-WRI.A6 7.1 29 Binder Check, Desk Grouping, Guest Speaker: Felicia Kimmel, AVID counselor intro 9-ORG.A1 9-COLL.A1 2.1 5 Binder Check, Guest Speaker: Dr. Rogers – “Aiming High” 9-COLL.A1 9-ORG.A1 6.3 10 Importance of Goals, Writing GPAs 11 Tutorial Video, Tutorial Representation 12 Guest Speaker – Coach Rochelle Coleman “High School to College Success” 9-CD.B1,B4,B5 9-COMM.B3 9-INQ.B3 9-CR.A2,A4 9-ORG.A1 16 Student Questions, Tutorial Video, Question Development 17 Socratic Seminar, Marking the Text 18 TRF, Expectations, Group Norming 19 Guest Speaker – Mrs. Cheryl Holdefer, Assistant Principal Binder Evals, Socratic Seminar –“What’s your life’s blueprint?” 9-INQ.A1,B1,B3 9-INQ.C1,C2,C3 22 Life Goals, Brain Clusters, Sample Life Goals Essay 23 TRF Collection, Review Norms, Tutorial 24 Life Goals Essay Prompt Analysis, Life Goals Drafting Early Release 9-CD.B7 9-WRI.B1,C4 9-INQ.B1,B3 9-COMM.B1 9-WRI.A1,A2,B1 9-WRI.C4 29 30 October 1 15 Thank you cards, Quickwrite, College Roadmaps, Student Questionnaire 9-CR.A5 9-CD.B4,B5 7.2 7.1 6.5 9-COLL.A1 9-INQ.B2,B3 25 No School - Holiday 7.4 8.1 9-INQ.C2,C4,C5 26 Guest Speaker – Mrs. Tracy Pettis-Jones, Assistant Principal Binder Evals, Student Presentations 9-COMM.A1,B1 9-COMM.B2 9-CD.B8 6.2 2 5.3 7.3 3 3.3 Revise Thesis, Feedback/Revisions 9-CD.B7 9-WRI.A3,A4 6.2 TRF Collection, Costa’s Activity, Posing Questions, Tutorial Timed Writing – Life Goals 9-COMM.B2 9-INQ.A1,B2,C2 9-REA.B1 9-WRI.A1,C4 7.2 TRF Collection, Tutorial Observation, Let’s Collaborate 6.2 9-COMM.B2 9-INQ.B1,B2 9-COLL.A1 Major activities for the day Key: AVID Elective Standard(s) covered CSS evidence Binder Check C Note Quality Check, Life Goals Publication, Team Building, Portfolio 5.4 9-ORG.A5,A6,B7 6.2 8.6