5 and 6 th

5th and 6th
Students should be able to state research
problems clearly and precisely as well as its
Formulating background to the study
Problem and symptom
Steps in formulating problems
Formulating the purposes of the study
Examples of well-defined problems
A problem could simply indicate an interest in an
issue where finding the right answers might help
to improve an existing situation.
Problem is any situation where a gap exists
between the actual and the desired ideal
Symptoms =/= real problem
Antecedent =/= real problem =/= consequence
Real problem is the ultimate cause or the
primary cause of the problem.
“A manager might have tried to increase
productivity by increasing the piece rate, but with
little success”
The real problem here may be the low morale and
motivation of employees who feel they are not being
recognized as valuable contributors to the system and get
no “praise” for the good work they do.
The low productivity may be a symptom of the morale
and motivation problem
While the consequence or effect of the low motivation
can also manifest in absenteeism, sabotage, laziness, etc
Problem definition or problem statement also often
referred to a clear, precise and succinct statement of
the question or issue that is to be investigated with
the goal of finding an answer or solution.
Problem definitions could pertain to:
Existing business problems where a manager is looking for a
 Situations that may not pose any current problems but which
manager feels have scope for improvement
 Areas where some conceptual clarity is needed for better theory
 Situations in which researcher is trying to answer a research
question empirically because of interest in the topic
Problem identification
Make a formulation in pointers
Relate the relevant research variables with business
Use them to refer the research’s purposes
Make some statements about the research's
purposes based on the problem identification
How has the new packaging affected the sales of the
Has the new advertising message resulted in
enhanced recall?
How do price and quality rate on consumers’
evaluation of products?
What network system is best suited for Sandoz
Can cultural differences account for the differences
in the nature of hierarchical relationships between
superiors and subordinates in Germany, India,
Japan, Singapore and the United States?
What is the problem statement in the
following situation?
Companies benefit through employee loyalty. Crude
downsizing in organizations during the recessions
crushed the loyalty of millions. The economic benefits of
loyalty embrace lower recruitment and training costs,
higher productivity of workers, customer satisfaction, and
the boost to morale of fresh recruits. In order that these
benefits are not lost, some companies, while downsizing
try various gimmicks e.g. flex leave. This helps employees
receive 20% of their salary, plus employer provided
benefits, while they take a 6 to 12 months sabbatical, with
a call option on their services. Others try alternatives like
more communication, hand holding and the like.
Stated to:
Explain what is going to do in the research
 Answer problem identification
 Become guidance in formulating hypotheses and
research design
Not For:
Automatically solving business problem
 Requirement in graduating from under graduate study
 Completing students’ activities