Recipient of the National and North Central Region 2013 Salute to Excellence Volunteer of the Year Award 2 Recipient of the National and North Central Region 2013 Salute to Excellence Outstanding Lifetime Volunteer Award 3 Rod Buchele, Kansas State University Molly Frendo, Michigan State University Mark Light, The Ohio State University Kari Robideau, University of Minnesota 4 Why? Selecting the right tool Managing risks Ideas for tech integration Youth Development Financial Program Planning Other club, my community, my country, and My my world. Social Media Policy Understand your Digital Footprint Follow your Code of Conduct Set Good Boundaries Personal Virtual Professional Social networking can help link people together. Social networking can blur boundaries . Who is going to see it? How closely will I monitor my privacy settings? What is appropriate and not appropriate? The use of science in industry, engineering, useful things or solve problems… etc. to invent A machine, piece of equipment, method, etc., that is created by technology… Apps = applications Focus on free or low cost Short cuts to jump to user specific programs Apple versus Android - usually available in both Cloud feature apps allow movement between devices and often users What are you currently using and how? What is My 4-H my 4-H serves as a central and collaborative source for more of the 4-H resources you want – including the National Directory of 4-H Materials. 4-H professionals, volunteers, and youth leaders can share, discuss, and learn of information and resources related to 4-H positive youth development. 25 25 From To No Tech Techno Expect things to change. Explore, don’t master. Just try it! Be prepared and stay calm. Check the e-Forum website. When in doubt, Google. Always try YouTube. Keep it SIMPLE! We welcome your feedback from tonight’s e-Forum session. Your responses will help us to better plan future programs for 4-H Volunteers. Site facilitators, please compile your site’s data and enter it into the survey link within 2 weeks of the session. 29 To access resources presented in the e-Forum sessions, please visit: A recording of this session is also available at this site and at: 30 Hooray! You’ve Got 4-H Parents! Now What?? Engaging Teens/Older 4-H Youth (Tuesday, Using Technology to Enhance Your 4-H Experience Exploring the Science of 4-H Projects (Monday, (Monday, November 18, 2013) December 3, 2013) (Tuesday, January 14, 2014) February 3, 2014) All programs will be held from 8:00-9:30 p.m. (ET). Local activities begin at 7:30 p.m. (ET) 31