Research Links American History The American Revolution: Kidport Life in Colonial America National Historical Society National Museum of American History US Virtual Jamestown and the Virginia Experiment Animals Cats Defenders of Wildlife - Animal and Habitat Fact Sheets Dogs - American Kennel Club Green Nature - Animal Guides National Geographic - Animals Reptile Channel - Species Profile Art edbydesign: Art is Fun National Gallery of Art: Activities and Projects Check out the guided tour of the Sculpture Garden with Lizzy and Gordon. Biographies Biographies of the American Revolution Famous Americans Meet Amazing Americans Presidents of the United States Smithsonian - Spotlight Biographies Who2 - Biographies Women in American History Black History Black History from A-Z Butterflies and Insects Butterflies at Enchanted Learning Cicadas Japan's Secret Garden: Animal Transformations Watch a QuickTime video of a Japanese Omurasaki butterfly or a Cabbage Butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. Countries, Maps Lonely Planet WorldGuide Information, maps, and pictures about countries of the world. Current Events Ben's Guide to Government From the Government Printing Office - Guide to the U.S. Government for Kids CNN Congress for Kids The official kids' portal for the United States Govenment NBC Newsround - BBC USA Today Washington Post Homework Help Homework Hotline Need help with homework? Use the Montgomery County Homework Hotline! Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 5:00pm to 6:00pm you can call and talk to a MCPS Teacher about any questions you may have. MCPS Homework Resources The full list of MCPS databases and important links. Maryland Maryland County Map Maryland State Government Maryland's Kids Page Math Create your own graph Use your own data to make a pie chart, bar graph, line graph, or area chart. Math Lessons that are Fun, Fun, Fun! Developed by Rice University faculty. Max's Math Adventures Online math activities from Scholastic for the K-2 set (with an adult to help with reading). Math Maven's Mysteries Online math activities from Scholastic for the 3rd-5th grade set. Minerals Diamonds The Mineral & Gemstone Kingdom Rocks for Kids Poetry Giggle Poetry RhymeZone Reference America's Library - From the Library of Congress - America's Story Awesome Library Awesome Library organizes the Web with 37,000 carefully reviewed resources, including the top 5 percent in education. Fact Monster A good resource for dates, events, and geographical summaries. (Grades 2-7) Little Explorers Dictionary from Enchanted Learning National Geographic Kids The Why Files The science behind the news Science Fair Projects How Stuff Works Science Fair Projects for Kids Science Fair Project Research Guide Science Made Simple Search Engines AskJeeves for Kids States 50 States - Alphabetical Order 50 Maps by State Weather National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Education Tsunamis Weather Channel Yahoo's Weather for cities and countries