Leadership Student and Stakeholder Focus Based on the root cause analysis it was revealed that students need the ability to answer text dependent questions due to close reading by: 1. 2. 3. Increased understanding of vocabulary to access grade level curriculum. Building comprehension skills. Demonstrating motivation and persistence to put forth effective effort on all tasks. Based on the root cause analysis it was revealed that students need to utilize strategies and skills in math to demonstrate learning by: 1. 2. 3. Increased understanding of vocabulary to access grade level curriculum. Applying learning to new situations. Demonstrating motivation and persistence to put forth effective effort on all tasks. School Vision: Fallsmead Elementary School will be a safe and respectful learning community where students, teachers and parents challenge and inspire each other to do their very best in all areas. School Mission: The Fallsmead Elementary School staff is charged with providing an environment that recognizes the individual needs of our children. We will nurture them and structure their education so that they will share a lifelong love of learning. School staff and parents will work together to provide a variety of educational experiences that enable all children to reach their maximum potential. Open communication is ongoing between teachers, students, administrators, and parents creating a critical component to the success of our program. Communication/Monitoring: Staff will meet in teams to analyze student data and inform instructional practices for continued school improvement. The School Leadership Team will meet to analyze and review student data and the school improvement process. The School Data Team will meet to identify, monitor, and analyze data to ensure continuous student achievement. Staff will share our school’s vision, mission, goals and progress with the school community. Pertinent information is updated and shared on a regular basis through multiple means of technology. Faculty and Staff Focus Fallsmead Elementary School 2013 - 2014 *See attached data Strategic Planning By June 2014, all students at Fallsmead Elementary School will demonstrate an improvement in academic achievement and social emotional learning as measured by the following targeted goals: Teaching and Learning Goal: To increase the level of proficiency of Special Education and Hispanic students in reading comprehension across the curriculum to meet or exceed district benchmarks. Social Emotional Goal: Through increased motivation and persistence, students will put forth effective effort to overcome obstacles and reach goals. As a result of root cause analysis, professional learning will be provided on the following in order to meet students’ needs: See attached learning progressions Performance Results Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management Teams will hold monthly data meetings to discuss student progress/identify instructional strategies to support targeted students Appropriate interventions will be implemented for targeted students to improve achievement MAP-P&M as well as formative data will be used to determine student success in math MAP-R and MClass Assessments in reading MSA Predictor Tool Develop and implement grade level formative assessments in response to reading Review reading level data (MClass, Fountas & Pinnell, guided reading) Guided reading data collection tools TASS Skills and Gallup Survey results will be used to determine student success in increased motivation and persistence Process Management (Standard Operating Procedures) As a result of root cause analysis, the following structures and processes will be implemented and monitored to address student and staff needs: Continue 70 minute math block implementation to incorporate: math centers, math discourse, journal writing, use of manipulatives Continue 90-minute reading/language arts block to incorporate reading centers, explicit instruction in close reading strategies during guided reading, vocabulary instruction and guided writing. Implement two 90 minute collaborative planning blocks Leadership will develop a planning protocol for teams to use in order to plan for flexible grouping, vocabulary, and comprehension strategies Develop a school data team to guide the data collection, analysis, and monitoring of student growth Monthly data chats Effectively use all available human resources (para educators, reading specialist, SDT, ESOL, special ed, specialists, admin) to implement the goals of the SIP