Pre-AP Chemistry Syllabus

Dr. Bovkun
Phone: 713-942-3340
Pre-AP Chemistry
Course Overview:
Chemistry is the study of matter. The Pre-AP Chemistry curriculum is an introductory course taught
in two semesters of high school. The primary objective of the course is to provide students with a
fundamental understanding of matter, energy, and scientific processes. By the end of this course,
you will have a better understanding of the chemical world around you.
Classroom Rules:
All HISD and HAIS rules apply during the Chemistry class. Please refer to the student handbook for
any other rules not mentioned below.
1. Safety guidelines will be strictly enforced. Do not do anything that may cause harm to yourself
or others or damage school property. No food or drinks are allowed in the classroom.
2. Be respectful to yourselves and others. Value everyone’s opinions. Listen when the teacher is
speaking and follow all instructions. Be courteous at all times.
3. Be responsible. Complete all course requirements on time. If you are absent, it is your
responsibility to make up for any assignments that you may have missed.
4. Be prepared to learn. Come to class on time with all required materials. Maintain a positive
attitude and be prepared to work. Maximize time and effort. Stay focused and on task. Ask
questions if something is unclear.
*** Electronic devices are not allowed.
1. Verbal warning
2. Conference with student and parent notification
3. Conference with parent
4. Detention
5. Office referral
Grading System:
Six-weeks grade
Semester grade
First six weeks
Second six weeks
Third six weeks
Final exam
Make Up Work and Tutorials:
It is your responsibility to get any work done in class while you were absent. This includes making up
quizzes, labs, and exams. Get lecture notes from the HUB and Edmodo. Use the tutorial time to
complete missed labs and tests.
Tutorials are held on Mondays after school (4:00-5:00 PM). Those dates will be posted on the HUB
and on the Gradespeed. The students will have +5pt. averaged in to their Classwork grade for every
tutorial attended.
You can also schedule a time and I’ll be in my classroom before/ after school.
- Composition notebook for lab work
- 3-ring AVID binder with dividers
- Composition notebook for notes
- Black/blue ink pen
- #2 pencils
- Graph paper
- red pen/pencil
- index cards
Laboratory experimentation and exploration are a large part of this course. It is vital that the
students follow all laboratory procedures and safety rules/guidelines. Failure to comply with behavior
expectations can result in removal from the lab activities. A safety contract will be sent home and
filled out by the student and the parent/guardian. These documents will be kept on file and are
needed before a student can participate in any labs.
Lab Reports:
Lab reports are to be professional quality, hand written, and in the format provided by the teacher.
They are due the beginning of class usually within one week after the lab is completed. Other labs
and investigations may only have data, conclusions, and analyses. Labs missed due to excused
absences need to be made up on an agreed upon time with the teacher. You cannot borrow data. It
is the student’s responsibility to be sure these labs are made up and will be at the teacher’s
convenience. Due to time and/or material constraints, it may not be possible to make up some labs.
Major Projects:
Students will complete one assigned project each six weeks. The project will count for one major
exam grade. Students will receive information about the project in ample time to complete.
Late Policy:
Late work may be accepted with a deduction, up to 5 consecutive days past the due date. After the
first day late, the assignment will receive a 10pt deduction and 5pts for every day proceeding it. After
4pm on the 5th day, it will be a 0. A parent/ guardian may contact the teacher if there are
circumstances in which a student may need further extended time. Should time be allotted, the
student will have another 5 days to complete the assignment and can only receive up to a 70. The
assignment must be submitted by 4pm on the 5th day, if not sooner.
Absolutely no late work will be accepted beyond 4pm on the Friday before the end of each grading
Cycle 1: September 25th
Cycle 2: October 30th
Cycle 3: December 11th
Cycle 4: February 5th
Cycle 5: March 25th
Cycle 6: May 13th
Mastery & Re-take Policy: All opportunities for re-takes should take place during tutorial time or at
a time agreed upon by the student and teacher at least 24 hours in advance.
Take home this syllabus to review with your parents and bring it back, signed, the
next day.
Role of parents:
Parents fill a very important role in their child’s education. They serve as an important
enrichment and evaluation source. Parents are encouraged to participate in their
student’s learning by checking binders for assignments, aiding student’s in projects and
homework, and sharing any applicable knowledge or expertise with their child and
class. Please contact the teacher at any time to gain information about your child’s
progress. Email is the preferred method of contact.
Students: I have carefully read and understand the rules, procedures, and guidelines
for Dr. Bovkun’s class. I will honor them at all times.
Student Name
_______________________ _________
Parents: I have carefully read and discussed these guidelines with my child. I
understand and support these guidelines.
Parent Name
Parent’s Daytime phone number
_______________________ _________
Parent E-Mail address (please print)
Parents, please feel free to share any comments, questions, or concerns.
Dr. Nataliya Bovkun
Houston Academy for International Studies
1810 Stuart Street
Houston, TX 77004-3043
Phone: 713-942-3340