Student intellectual property and confidentiality undertaking Introduction I,

Student intellectual property and confidentiality undertaking
I, [Insert full name of student]_____________ of [Insert student’s address]_____________________________ am
registered by the University of Sussex ('University') as a student in the School of [Insert full name of
School]______________________________, studying for the degree of [Insert name of degree]
________________. I wish to participate in a research project known as ‘[Insert full official title of
project]___________________________' ('Project'). The Project is governed by the terms of a contract (“Contract”)
entered into by the University with [Insert name of client/sponsor as used in the contract]___________________
('Client'), including terms relating to confidentiality and the ownership and use of results. A copy of the Contract is
appended hereto.
I agree that this undertaking supplements the University’s Regulations and does not replace any of them.
Operative terms
I understand and accept that I will participate in the Project on the basis that all work performed by me on the
Project is under the control of the University; and I agree:
(i) except where the University specifically instructs me in writing to the contrary, to keep confidential, and not
to disclose to any third party whether orally or in writing, all business, technical or other information relating to
the Project received by me from the University and/or the Client and all results arising from the Project; and
(ii) except where the University specifically instructs me in writing to the contrary, not to publish, write any
thesis containing, or in any other way to make use of information, material or findings derived from the Project
(including confidential information received from the Client) for any purpose other than strictly as required by
the Project.
I now assign to the University all copyright, database right, design right, and rights of a similar nature, which
may exist now or at any time in the future, in any work created by me (alone or jointly with others) in the
course of the Project, and waive all moral rights in that work (being the rights to be identified as the author or
director of the work and the right to object to derogatory treatment of the work conferred by Chapter IV of Part
1 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 as amended from time to time).
I agree to assign to the University (or to a third party as directed by the University) any invention that I make
(alone or jointly with others) in the course of my work on the Project. I also agree, on written instructions from
the University, to execute any further document required to complete the assignment, or to enable the new
owner to seek patent or any similar protection for any invention at their expense. I irrevocably appoint the
University’s Registrar & Secretary as my attorney to execute any document required by this clause and agree
that he may (if required by the contract with the Client) authorise any other person to do so.
I understand that neither the University nor the Client is obliged to file, prosecute or maintain any application
for patent or similar protection as set out in clause 3, but that where appropriate I will be named as an
inventor. I promise not to make a claim against the University or the Client based on acts or omissions
connected with the filing, prosecution or maintenance of any application for patent or other similar protection
as set out in clause 3.
I understand that if the University receives any royalties or other income from the exploitation of any
intellectual property rights assigned pursuant to clause 2 or 3, then I will be entitled to a share of that income
in accordance with the University’s Code of Practice on intellectual property, commercial exploitation and
financial benefits. However, I agree that the University is not obliged to seek a royalty or other value from the
exploitation of my work.
I will comply with the obligations which the Contract requires me to undertake (including but not limited to the
obligations set out in clauses 2.1, 4, 5, 7.2, and 7.3 in the Contract) and I will not by any act or omission
cause the University to be in breach of the Contract.
Signed as a deed and delivered:
In the presence of: (Witness’ signature)
Witness’ name: