Occasional Guest Speaker Seminar Department of Social Work & Social Care


Occasional Guest Speaker Seminar

Department of Social Work & Social Care

Tuesday 7 th May, 5pm

Room 104, Fulton


Dr Stan Houston, Reader in Social Work, Queens University, Belfast presents:

“When I look I am seen, so I exist”:

Supplem enting Honneth’s recognition model for social work


The interconnection between identity-formation and wellbeing is receiving increasing attention by the social work academy.

This seminar contributes to this debate by reviewing critically the work of Axel Honneth on the importance of acts of recognition in self-realisation.

A key gap in Honneth’s thinking is highlighted and addressed through proffering a fourth dimension to his tripartite model of optimal identity-formation. Thus, Dr Houston contends that the actor also requires demonstrations of recognition that instil hope and empower transformations of identity.


This seminar can be joined remotely by logging on to: https://connectpro.sussex.ac.uk/sw_houston7may13

This seminar will also be recorded and available to view retrospectively at: www.sussex.ac.uk/socialwork/newsandevents/events/seminars_current
