NEIU Human Diversity Rubric*

NEIU Human Diversity Rubric* (updated: 11/13/06)
No/Limited Proficiency
Some Proficiency
1. Understand the historical
Inaccurately or too vaguely Describes key attributes
development of and the
describes attributes of a
of a group which claims
changing meanings of group group which claims a
a unique identity in a
identities in diverse contexts unique identity in a
particular context.
and cultures
particular context.
2. Demonstrate an
Inaccurately or vaguely
Identifies an unequal
awareness of the individual,
identifies an unequal power power relationship in a
institutional, and broader
relationship in a
contemporary society,
social-structural dynamics of contemporary society.
focusing merely on the
unequal power relations
individual dynamics
between groups in
contemporary societies
3. Analyze and evaluate their Vaguely describes his or
Describes his or her own
own attitudes, behaviors,
her own attitudes,
attitudes, behaviors,
concepts, and beliefs
behaviors, concepts, and
concepts, and beliefs
regarding diversity, prejudice, beliefs regarding diversity,
regarding diversity,
intolerance, and discriminaprejudice, intolerance, and
prejudice, intolerance,
tion (e.g. racism, sexism,
and discrimination.
homophobia, a.o. forms of
social inequality).
4. Describe and discuss the
Inaccurately or vaguely
Describes the
experience & contributions describes the experience
experience and
of the many groups that
and contributions of one
contributions of one
have shaped specific
group, which has been or
group, which has been or
societies and cultures, in
currently is suffering from
currently is suffering from
particular those groups which discrimination and
discrimination and
have suffered discrimexclusion.
ination and exclusion.
5. Demonstrate knowledge
Demonstrates little
Demonstrates basic
about intercultural
knowledge about specific
knowledge about specific
communication skills
cultural beliefs, values, and cultural beliefs, values,
necessary for living and
sensibilities that might affect and sensibilities that
working effectively in a
the way people
might affect the way
society with great population communicate with each
people communicate
with each other.
* Adapted from Minnesota State University-Mankato’s Human Diversity Rubric
High Proficiency
Describes the development
of a group which claims a
unique identity in a
particular context.
Describes the development of a
group which claims a unique identity
in a particular context, and traces the
changes in the meaning of that
group’s identity.
Discusses an example of unequal
power relations between groups in
contemporary societies, focusing on
the individual, institutional, and the
broader social-structural dynamics
Discusses an example of
unequal power relations
between groups in
contemporary societies,
focusing on the individual
and institutional dynamics
Analyzes few possible
contributing elements
which have shaped his or
her own attitudes,
behaviors, concepts, and
beliefs regarding diversity,
prejudice, intolerance, and
Describes the experience
and contributions of at
least two groups, both of
which have been or
currently are suffering from
discrimination and
Analyzes and evaluates many
possible contributing elements which
have shaped his or her own attitudes,
behaviors, concepts, and beliefs
regarding diversity, prejudice,
intolerance, and discrimination.
Describes the experience and
contributions of at least two groups,
both of which have been or currently
are suffering from discrimination and
exclusion, and then compares those
experiences and contributions to a
group which has not suffered
discrimination and exclusion.
Demonstrates extensive
Demonstrates extensive knowledge
knowledge about specific
about specific cultural beliefs, values,
cultural beliefs, values, and and sensibilities of at least two
sensibilities that might
groups and how these beliefs,
affect the way people
values, and sensibilities might affect
communicate with each
the way people communicate with
other within their group.
each other within and across groups.