20130826 Council Minutes

A&P Council Meeting
Monday, August 26, 2013
Present: Alexander, Jan, Gleiss, Katherine, LaMadrid-Quevedo, Rebeca, Sherry, Barbara, Pezzarossi,
Luigi, Valentin, Luvia, Wloch, Wojciech.
Minutes were approved.
Barbara needs to make the by-law change update. She will also email a date for the A&P Potluck at
12PM, 9/11 in the PE area.
Barbara reminded the group about meeting with President Hahs to introduce the Council and see if a
budget can be requested.
Luigi and Barbara will be meeting with Dr. Ross and will be invited to next meeting at CTC if he can
attend. Dr. Ross is the liaison for A&P Council.
BOT representative update: Barbara communicated to Mimi Crespo (President and BOT liaison) and
Mimi distributes the board packet to members, in this case Wojciech (A&P liaison to BOT) will be
receiving a packet on our behalf. Wojciech mentioned that BOT requests report only when asked to
provide reports.
Sick leave bank update:
HR is reviewing document, Barbara will be sending an email to request that the document gets updated
and approved as soon as possible.
Jan asked for a copy of the draft and Barbara will forward document to A&P Council members.
A&P website: Luigi sent the documents on the information that needs to be updated but PIXO is behind
of schedule with the University website updates which will take some time to update the Council’s
Additional items and issues we should be involved on Campus:
Luigi: Regarding the HR Survey that staff on campus took regarding their title, job description, etc., the
results have not been released and this affects our constituency. A few staff have asked why the results
have not been released and they want to see the information gathered.
Barbara: She and Luigi should email Martha Maso requesting a date when the results will be disclosed to
the constituency.
Online Employee Handbook:
Barbara will email Judy Brewer about Jan being the new liaison with A&P Council. Judy should contact
Jan Alexander regarding the handbook.
Barbara Sherry and Luigi: Had the idea of creating an Employee Code of Conduct. EOE new person
should create that document with input from different NEIU groups like A&P Council, the Ombudsman,
Suggestion box should be used the day of the picnic; Barbara has a box she can bring there.
We should update our display case and also have a suggestion box there. Luigi suggested having an
online suggestion box.
Next Meeting: September 16th at CTC.