Tips to Create a More Challenging Training for Facilitators When training facilitators who are professional educators or others who have experience teaching parenting or relationship building skills, try asking for volunteers to team teach activities on day two of the training. Participants will have an additional challenge which will make the training more fun and interesting, trainers will have an opportunity to observe participants’ facilitation skills, and participants often learn that the curriculum is more challenging than it might first appear. Volunteer teams of two or three participants can identify which activities they might be interested in teaching. Teams can get together briefly at the end of the first day of training to decide on roles for their activity. Trainers should plan to be available to share materials, provide tips and answer questions. Participants will need to review the material overnight and be prepared to teach the following day. It is helpful if participants check in with the trainers before they teach the activity just to be sure they understand the directions and that there are no suggested changes. Otherwise trainers end up “correcting” them in front of the group, which can be uncomfortable. As participants teach the activities, they may find that some of the activities are more complicated than they might have first appeared so trainers should be prepared to offer guidance, support and additional tips. Make sure all relevant information is covered. The following activities have been piloted by trainers during facilitator training and seem to work well for the purposes described above: Youth Session 4, Traffic Jam Ice Breaker Youth Session 4, Mystery Shape Family Session 4, Matching Values to Action Family Session 5, Going to Timbuktu Family Session 5, The Listening Game Youth Session 6, Going Fishing: What Makes a Good Friend Family Session 6, Reaching Our Goals Game Prepared by Pam Peterson, M.S., APSW, Family Living Educator, Door County UW-Extension, 03/2009 An EEO/Affirmative Action employer, University of Wisconsin – Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX and ADA requirements. Directions for Participants Leading Activities Please be prepared to teach the following activity tomorrow, using the directions that are in your curriculum manual. Be sure you understand it—ask us first thing before you leave or first thing in the morning if you don’t quite “get” how the activity works. We have any supplies/materials you may need. Have fun! YOUTH SESSION 4: TRAFFICE JAM ICE BREAKER Please be prepared to teach the following activity tomorrow, using the directions that are in your curriculum manual. Be sure you understand it—ask us first thing before you leave or first thing in the morning if you don’t quite “get” how the activity works. We have any supplies/materials you may need. Have fun! YOUTH SESSION 4: MYSTERY SHAPE Note: We have found that it works best with an odd number of participants. Try seven. Please be prepared to teach the following activity tomorrow, using the directions that are in your curriculum manual. Be sure you understand it—ask us first thing before you leave or first thing in the morning if you don’t quite “get” how the activity works. We have any supplies/materials you may need. Have fun! FAMILY SESSION 4: MATCHING VALUES TO ACTION Note: You’ll be dividing the group into youth and parents. Contrary to what the directions say, it often works best to give the parents the cards with the actual scenarios written on them. The youth typically get the cards with the one-word value written on them. Please be prepared to teach the following activity tomorrow, using the directions that are in your curriculum manual. Be sure you understand it—ask us first thing before you leave or first thing in the morning if you don’t quite “get” how the activity works. We have any supplies/materials you may need. Have fun! FAMILY SESSION 5: Going to Timbuktu Have fun with this one! We do have 100 Grand candy bars to give out to everyone once the group makes it to Timbuktu Please be prepared to teach the following activity tomorrow, using the directions that are in your curriculum manual. Be sure you understand it—ask us first thing before you leave or first thing in the morning if you don’t quite “get” how the activity works. We have any supplies/materials you may need. Have fun! FAMILY SESSION 5: THE LISTENING GAME Please be prepared to teach the following activity tomorrow, using the directions that are in your curriculum manual. Be sure you understand it—ask us first thing before you leave or first thing in the morning if you don’t quite “get” how the activity works. We have any supplies/materials you may need. Have fun! YOUTH SESSION SIX: GOING FISHING: WHAT MAKES A GOOD FRIEND Please be prepared to teach the following activity tomorrow, using the directions that are in your curriculum manual. Be sure you understand it—ask us first thing before you leave or first thing in the morning if you don’t quite “get” how the activity works. We have any supplies/materials you may need. Have fun! FAMILY SESSION 6: REACHING OUR GOALS GAME Note: you’ll make the “game board” on the floor with blue painter’s tape, which we have. It takes a while to tape it out, so please do that early in the day before it’s time for you to actually lead the activity. Thanks!