Soal Pert. 13 & 14: 1. Define Integrated Marketing Communications? 2. What are the four parts of the marketing mix? Explain the element of marketing mix! 3. Explain how a local business in your area (such as a bank) might use event marketing to its advantage. Be specific in describing the objectives that event marketing would satisfy for a bank and the type of event that would be compatible with this objectives. 4. 2. Assume you are the owner of a restaurant in your college/university community. A rumor about your business has circulated claiming that your head chef has AIDS. Your business is falling off. Explain precisely how you would combat this rumor. 5. 3. Explain the similarities and differences between general public relations, marketing PR, and publicity. 6. What are the advantages of publicity in comparison to advertising? What are some of the objectives that both of this marketing communications techniques satisfy?