IAPS A Exam Review

Student Review Guide
Integrated and Applied Physical Science Semester A Examination
Test Description
Length: 2 hours
Questions: 2 writing prompts with three sections each
Depending on the two units completed, upon successful completion of the first semester the
student should be able to do the following.
Power Up
 analyze systems with regard to the conservation laws including
o conservation of energy
 describe the sources and effects of electric and magnetic fields including
o a qualitative description of the force on a moving charge or on a current carrying
wire in a magnetic field
o simple D.C. series and parallel circuits
o practical applications (safety, grounding, circuit breakers, fuses)
 qualitatively describe the applications of electromagnetic induction including
o electromagnetic induction
o generators
 relate thermodynamics to the balance of energy in a system including
o heat energy transfer
o application of heat energy to the Law of Conservation of Energy
 compare qualitatively how waves are propagated and transmit energy
 use analytical techniques appropriate to the study of physics including
o symbolically representing vector quantities
 use algebraic and geometric concepts to qualitatively and quantitatively describe an
object’s motion including
o motion with a constant velocity
o motion with a constant acceleration
 analyze and explain how Newton’s Laws describe changes in an object’s motion
o the effect of balanced forces
o the effect of unbalanced forces
o inertia
o relationship among force, mass and acceleration
o action/reaction
 analyze the behavior of forces including
o friction
 analyze systems with regard to the conservation laws including
o conservation of energy
IAPS Semester A Examination
Montgomery County Public Schools
Student Review Guide
 use analytical techniques appropriate to the study of physics including
o symbolically representing vector quantities
 use algebraic and geometric concepts to qualitatively and quantitatively describe an
object’s motion including
o motion with a constant velocity
o motion with a constant acceleration
o free fall
 analyze and explain how Newton’s Laws describe changes in an object’s motion
o the effect of balanced forces
o the effect of unbalanced forces
o inertia
o relationship among force, mass and acceleration
o action/reaction
 analyze the behavior of forces including
o inverse square relationship of gravity
 describe the sources and effects of electric and magnetic fields including
o qualitative description of magnetic field created by moving charges
o qualitative description of the force on a moving charge or on a current carrying
wire in a magnetic field
 describe the types of electric charges and the forces that exist between them including
o the attractive/repulsive nature of the forces between charges
 describe the sources and effects of electric and magnetic fields including
o a qualitative description of the force on a moving charge or on a current carrying
wire in a magnetic field
o simple D.C. series and parallel circuits
o practical applications (safety, grounding, circuit breakers, fuses)
 qualitatively describe the applications of electromagnetic induction including
o electromagnetic induction
o generators
 compare qualitatively how waves are propagated and transmit energy including
o physical v. electromagnetic
o longitudinal v. transverse
 describe wave characteristics using both diagrams and calculations including
o wavelength
o frequency
o velocity
o amplitude
 qualitatively describe the physical behaviors of waves including
o reflection
o refraction
o diffraction
o interference
IAPS Semester A Examination
Montgomery County Public Schools
Student Review Guide
Sports Drink
 explain how atoms interact with other atoms through the transfer and sharing of electrons
in the formation of chemical bonds
o formation of ions
o bond
o formation of ionic bond
o formation of covalent bond
o ionic and molecular substances
 explain how the properties of a molecule are determined by the atoms it contains and
their arrangement
o polar and nonpolar molecules
o water
 explain why organic compounds are so numerous and diverse
o inorganic and organic compounds
o ability of carbon to form chains and make rings
 describe the properties of solutions and explain how they form
o solute, solvent, and solubility
o concentration
o dissociation/ionization
o electrolytes
 differentiate among acids, bases, and salts based on their properties
o Arrhenius definition
o salts
o indicators
 explain why the interactions among particles involve a change in the energy system
o exothermic change
 illustrate that substances can be represented by formulas
o subscripts
o acids
 explain how atoms interact with other atoms through the transfer and sharing of electrons
in the formation of chemical bonds
o formation of ions
o bond
o formation of ionic bond
o formation of covalent bond
o ionic and molecular substances
 explain why organic compounds are so numerous and diverse
o inorganic and organic compounds
o ability of carbon to form chains and make rings
 describe the general types of chemical reactions
o synthesis and decomposition
o combustion
o single displacement
o double displacement
IAPS Semester A Examination
Montgomery County Public Schools
Student Review Guide
describe the properties of solutions and explain how they form
o solute, solvent, and solubility
o concentration
o dissociation/ionization
o electrolytes
differentiate among acids, bases, and salts based on their properties
o salts
o indicators
explain why the interactions among particles involve a change in the energy system
illustrate that substances can be represented by formulas
o subscripts
o acids
 explain how atoms interact with other atoms through the transfer and sharing of electrons
in the formation of chemical bonds
o formation of ions
o bond
o formation of ionic bond
o formation of covalent bond
o ionic and molecular substances
 explain how the properties of a molecule are determined by the atoms it contains and
their arrangement
o polar and nonpolar molecules
 describe the properties of solutions and explain how they form
o solute, solvent, and solubility
o concentration
 differentiate among acids, bases, and salts based on their properties
o Arrhenius definition
o salts
o indicators
 illustrate that substances can be represented by formulas
o subscripts
o acids
 describe the general types of chemical reactions
o synthesis and decomposition
o combustion
o single displacement
o double displacement
 balance simple equations
o Law of Conservation of Mass
o coefficients
IAPS Semester A Examination
Montgomery County Public Schools
Student Review Guide
 explain how atoms interact with other atoms through the transfer and sharing of electrons
in the formation of chemical bonds
o formation of ions
o bond
o formation of ionic bond
o formation of covalent bond
o ionic and molecular substances
 differentiate among acids, bases, and salts based on their properties
o Arrhenius definition
o salts
o indicators
 illustrate that substances can be represented by formulas
o subscripts
o acids
 describe the general types of chemical reactions
o synthesis and decomposition
o combustion
o single displacement
o double displacement
The following information will be provided in the test book for students to use during their
 Common Ions
 Periodic Table of the Elements
Example writing prompts are provided to encourage student collaboration and review of
concepts in preparation for the exam. The writing prompts are titled by the unit to which
they relate. Students should look at the writing prompts only for the two units their class
did first semester. Although these writing prompts are examples of the types of questions
that will be asked on the final exam, they are not representative of the amount of
information asked per exam prompt.
IAPS Semester A Examination
Montgomery County Public Schools