Student Affairs Communications Group Minutes January 29, 2014 Attendance: Kami Hammerschmith, Kent Sumner, Brianna McNall, Marigold Holmes, Colleen Schlonga, Wendy Little, Majeed Badizadegan, Jen Still, David Baker, Santiago Uceda, Jennifer Edwards, Michele Ribeiro Next meeting of the Student Affairs Communications Group will be Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 9 a.m. -10:30 a.m., MU Council Room. Topic: Analytics, Information Sharing and Decision Making with Nancy Raskauskas, UHDS, and Majeed Badizadegan, RecSports. Today David Baker and Santiago Uceda from Interactive Communications (formerly Web Communications) held a discussion around the redesign of the OSU homepage. They are working to be inclusive in the process by making rounds to include many groups on campus. The last OSU homepage redesign was done in 2009 after seven years of no change. They were hoping for an iterative process, but it didn’t work, so they are trying to make it happen this time. The focus of the OSU homepage is marketing and recruiting for new/prospective students. There are close to 200 links on the homepage. Currently content is supplied by Drupal and then goes through a custom system that changes it to HTML for stability. Drupal has improved in the past five years, so they won’t need the additional complex architecture in the redesign. David and Santiago asked for any thoughts on the current homepage? What’s working? Challenges? They were asked about the stories on the homepage. David said they average two to three stories per month that rotate. Each story averages about 2000 hits. They source stories from around campus. They always want to include a research story. Other stories about young alums, academic success, student/faculty interaction is also of interest. They try to have a balance represented at all times. If you have a story idea, e-mail it to Callie Newton and David Baker for their editorial committee to review. Attendees said they liked the links on the side of the homepage to select what demographic you represent (prospective student, current student, faculty/staff, alumni, etc.). It was mentioned that many students just go to the links at the bottom of the page. The top right campus image has a plus sign that links to a slideshow. Many in attendance did not know about the slideshow capability. The new design will be responsive. David said they hope that the current design will be responsive in 6-8 weeks. After meeting with groups for feedback, Interactive Communications will present some homepage options to gather feedback. David said his ambitious launch goal is Fall 2014. It was asked how the marketing campaign “Beaver Nation” can be promoted more on the homepage? Michele expressed a concern about the Miller Light billboard on Hwy 34 that uses the “Beaver Nation” tagline. It looks like OSU is endorsing Miller Light. Jennifer said that Arizona State University used their myASU as a portal to access many of the items OSU has on their current homepage. OSU may want to push students, faculty and staff to utilize myOSU as a portal. David said if there are any further thoughts to feel free to share them with him through the process.