Student Affairs Communications Group Minutes March 12, 2014 Attendance: Kami Hammerschmith, Brianna McNall, Colleen Schlonga, Wendy Little, Majeed Badizadegan, Jennifer Edwards Next meeting of the Student Affairs Communications Group will be Wednesday, April 2, 2014, 9 a.m. -10:30 a.m., MU Council Room. Topic: TBA Today Wendy Little talked about the Recreational Sports branding process that they have been in for about two years. They began by looking at The Brand Gap book and following their focus test asking Who are you?, What do you do?, and Why does it matter? The book states that a brand is “a person’s gut feeling, because brands are defined by individuals, not companies, markets, or publics. It’s a gut feeling because people are emotional, intuitive beings.” Wendy said themes started emerging, both positive and negative. They discovered six key themes emerged which became their brand values. Wendy said they began sharing their brand values throughout the organization, because it takes a village to build a brand – everyone needs to be a brand ambassador. They then did a SWOT analysis of each of the six brand values. They looked at where is the energy on campus and what’s the greatest need? They decided to focus on community. 1. What is it? How do we want to define it internally? 2. How do others see us/perceive us related to “community”? 3. What can we do to sell our story better regarding what we are currently doing related to community? 4. What actions or steps can we take to enhance our brand related to community? They looked to identify their main audiences, what message they wanted to deliver to them and the method for delivery. The branding committee met with each area within Recreational Sports and created a mind map with the group around community. They asked, “What is currently happening in your program that can be shared? and What new ideas do you have to enhance brand?” They looked at the audience, message, method and outcome/effect. The goal was that each group would put one outcome in their assessment plan each year. Recreational Sports plans to focus on one brand value every two years. Wendy asked those in attendance to partner and design a t-shirt for a Student Affairs department that you think represents their brand. The two groups then shared their work. Wendy said their focus is on audience. They have started Rec Checks where their student outreach team checks in with participants. They have varying topics for them to ask about. One check was using a mad lib about brand. They asked the students to provide an adjective, a feeling, etc. and then read the story back to the student to help impart/educate about some of their brand values. They developed a screen background with the six brand values for staff to post on their computers and to post on student computers. They developed signage guidelines for the building, so that all new signage will tie to the branding effort. Wendy said it is helping with marketing efforts – selection of photos and marketing language. It also helped them write their annual report. They broke the report into sections by brand value and used the brand values to tell their story and provide statistics. Wendy shared a video created by Josh Norris for the Adventure Leadership Institute about “We are a community.” Brianna reminded groups to add closed captioning to videos. She said Disability Access Services will provide one-on-one training for closed captioning and is looking at holding some group trainings in the future. Wendy also shared a book titled Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation, by Damian Ryan and Calvin Jones. Wendy said about 40 applications were received for the Student Affairs Director of Marketing and Communications. The committee is meeting today to begin looking at the applications. At the May 21 meeting Wendy is looking at having a student panel. Our group will design the questions for the students. For the August meeting she is looking at a field trip or presenter. If you have suggestions for student participants, questions for the students, a field trip or presenter, please contact Wendy.