Student Affairs Communications Group Minutes April 13, 2016 Attendance:

Student Affairs Communications Group Minutes
April 13, 2016
Attendance: Kami Hammerschmith, Lisa Hoogesteger, Sarah Payne, Michael
McDonald, Jenna Riccolo, Tram Hoang, Carmen Twenge, Jennifer Viña, Jennifer
Rouse, Tracy Getz, Carolyn Boyd, Leslee Mayers, Kent Sumner, Candace Baltz
Next meeting of the Student Affairs Communications Group will be Wednesday,
April 27, 2016, 9a.m. - 10:30 a.m., Snell 240/242/244. Topic: Attend this
collaborative, drop-in space to get feedback on projects or guidance on creative
Carolyn announced that a Drupal Open Lab is being held on Friday, April 13 from 2
p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Valley Library. Representatives from Interactive
Communications and Central Web Services will be present to assist with website
The group met on the fourth floor of the Student Experience Center at Orange Media
Network. Orange Media Network Director Candace Baltz welcomed the group. She
took the group on a tour of the floor.
In the bullpen, large student work area, editors and managers of the different media
talked about their programs. Rachel Suchan, editor-in-chief of The Daily Barometer,
said she manages a staff of about 30 editors, reporters and photographers. The
paper prints daily. She welcomes story ideas. They can be pitched through email or
online. Contact information is printed in the staff box on page 2 of every paper. If
you pitch a story, it is best to give a week to week and a half notice. Editors meet
weekly in training meetings on Fridays. They review the papers for the week and
discuss what was done well, what could be improved and offer constructive
criticism to each other. It is all about building and growing. They also hold training
with the news staff reporters every Sunday afternoon. The newspaper was just
named the Best All-Around Student Newspaper in Region 10 (Oregon, Washington,
Idaho, Montana and Alaska) by the Society of Professional Journalists. This ranks
them in the top 12 nationally.
Orange Media Network will be hiring their 2016-17 student leaders on Tuesday,
April 26.
Darryl Oliver is editor-in-chief of Prism magazine, OSU's art and literature magazine.
The magazine accepts student submissions of art and literature through week 4. It is
a 40-page magazine, printed three-times-per-year, 1,800 copies each. They receive
about 50 submissions each term and publish in print and online. They receive many
creative submissions from engineering and science students.
Halie Sutton is editor-in-chief of Beaver's Digest magazine, a student-life magazine.
It is printed three-times-per-year, 40 to 48 pages. The magazine is student run,
student made. A student designer even created the body type in the magazine. The
magazine has content for Student Life, Arts & Culture, Athletics and Health &
Fitness. Stories can be pitched at the weekly editorial meetings on Wednesdays at 5
p.m. or emailed to the editor. The magazine prints 4,000 copies each term and also
accepts advertising.
Orange Media Network is printing extra copies of the Barometer Renter's Guide,
Barometer Best of Beaver Nation, spring Prism and spring Beaver's Digest to hand
out over the summer.
Candace reported on KBVR FM 88.7 FM. It is a commercial-free, student-run,
student-played radio station. They have about 140 student DJs trained. The station
plays a variety of music depending on the hour. They accept underwriting and
sponsorships. You can hear the station for a 40-mile radius.
Aaron Davis, KBVR TV Station Manager, has five staff members and 10 producers.
There are six shows currently being produced – Beaver News, Beaver Sports,
Welcome to the Show (comedy/talk), Locals Live (live bands), State of the Arts
(documentary-style covering artists) and Split Screen (video gaming). The station
runs 24/7 on Comcast Cable Channel 26 and is uploaded to YouTube. Reruns of
shows are aired when not live. Students can learn to create their own
shows/packages in the brand new, state-of-the-art studio. Candace announced that
State of the Arts was just nominated for a College Emmy.
About 450 students work for Orange Media Network on an annual basis.
After the program overviews, the group toured the rest of the production spaces on
the floor.
There is an online PSA form that can be submitted to request a radio public service
announcement. Once new leaders are selected, they will review current processes
and may make changes for next year.
The group ended in the conference room. Candace said that there is great support
for student media at OSU. They invested $3.2 million in the fourth floor of the
Student Experience Center. Students get great career experience that enhances
whatever degree they earn at OSU. Candace passed around her business cards and
invited coffee talks if people want to talk to her.
Next year Orange Media Network is talking about adding daily news blasts online,
adding more multi-platform and social media and will add two new assistant
director positions in the fall (advertising and marketing and
web/mobile/multimedia). The Daily Barometer is currently out to bid for their
printing contract. It is an option that the paper will go to printing once a week next
year. A daily newsletter will be produced to fill in on non-print days.
DAMchic, currently produced through the College of Business, will be joining Orange
Media Network in the fall. It is a fashion magazine.
In-house advertising/marketing agencies are common in departments of this size.
The department is still in discussion on what that looks like. They could provide
advertising and marketing services to clients in the future, as well as creative
Carolyn reminded the group of the monthly student workshops related to
communications and marketing. They are a collaboration of Orange Media Network,
Student Affairs Communication and Marketing and the MU Design Studio.
Friday, May 6 - Design Theory by Kent Sumner and Michael McDonald
Friday, June 3 - Outgoing students will offer advice around marketing work
All sessions are at 1 p.m. in 402 Student Experience Center. Students should RSVP to
The Orange Media Network website lists other trainings available to students.