Montgomery County Public Schools Webinar on PARCC Assessments February 10, 2016 7:00 p.m. What is PARCC? Series of assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards and the MCPS curriculum Developed by a consortium of states, including Maryland Replaced the Maryland School Assessment (MSA) in literacy and math, and some High School Assessments (HSA) Online assessment PARCC Assessments Grades 3–8 English language arts/literacy and mathematics Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Grade 10 English language arts/literacy First administration was in Spring 2015 PARCC Timeline 2014–2015: Year 1 • Setting a new baseline for a new test • Students must take PARCC assessments • Passing score not tied to graduation for Algebra I and ELA 10, but students must take those tests to graduate 2015–2016: Year 2 2016–2017: Year 3 • Algebra 1 and ELA 10 are graduation requirements Changes for 2016 Streamlined administration: Only one testing window, May 9–June 3 Fewer testing units: 6 or 7, depending on grade level, down from 8 or 9 Less testing time: testing time reduced by 90 minutes MCPS students will no longer take Algebra 2 exam 2015 PARCC Results As expected, scores lower than previous state tests MCPS students outperformed peers across the state Significant gaps exist between African American and Hispanic students and their White and Asian peers Student Score Reports Parents received Individual Score Reports in December via U.S. mail • Score reports were generated for students who took the entire test • There are two types of reports—one for English Language Arts/Literacy and one for Mathematics Example: Grade 4 Student Score Report Performance Levels Exceeded expectations Met expectations Approached expectations Partially met expectations Did not yet meet expectations At levels 4 and 5, students in Grades 3-8 are demonstrating a strong command of the standards. For students in high school, this signifies that they are ready for college. Overall Performance Approached expectations Score Graph Additional Resources PARCC Inc. GreatKids State Test Guide for Parents Practice Assessments Maryland State Department of Education MCPS Website How is PARCC Different? Earlier Statewide Tests (i.e., MSA, HSA) Multiple choice • Memorization • Information without context • PARCC Read, write, reflect • Analyze and show results • Information in real-world context • Critical thinking, problem solving, clear writing • Effective Instruction Helping Students Develop Literacy Skills Measured on PARCC Literacy is… PARCC tests measure students’ skills in English language arts and literacy. Literacy is… Critical and creative thinking through reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing. Literacy is… A shared responsibility among all content areas, and students learn and practice literacy skills throughout the school day. Compare MSA to PARCC Grade 7 MSA – Brief Constructed Response Read this passage about a family’s dinner table conversation from the novel Absolutely Normal Chaos (620 words) How does the author use the dinner table conversation to make the characters seem real? In your response, use details from their conversation that make the characters seem real. Compare MSA to PARCC Grade 7 PARCC – Student Essay You have read two texts and watched a video describing Amelia Earhart. All three include information that supports the claim that Earhart was a daring, courageous person. The three texts are: • “The Biography of Amelia Earhart” (1575 words) • “Earhart’s Final Resting Place Believed Found” (740 words) • “Amelia Earhart’s Life and Disappearance” (video – 3:21 min.) Consider the argument each author uses to demonstrate Earhart’s bravery. Write an essay that analyzes the strength of the arguments related to Earhart’s bravery in at least two of the texts. Remember to use textual evidence to support your ideas. PARCC Literacy Skills Literary Text Informational Text Vocabulary Writing Expression Knowledge and Use of Language Conventions PARCC Literacy Skills Literary Text Students meet expectations by showing they can read and analyze grade-appropriate fiction, drama, and poetry. PARCC Literacy Skills Informational Text Students meet expectations by showing they can read and analyze grade-appropriate nonfiction, including texts about history, science, art, and music. PARCC Literacy Skills Vocabulary Students meet expectations by showing they can use context to determine what words and phrases mean in gradeappropriate texts. PARCC Literacy Skills Writing Expression Students meet expectations by showing they can compose well-developed, organized, and clear writing, using details from what they have read. PARCC Literacy Skills Knowledge and Use of Language Conventions Students meet expectations by showing they can compose writing using the rules of standard English, including those for grammar, spelling, and usage. Effective Instruction Helping Students Develop Mathematics Understanding Measured on PARCC A Measure of Proficiency PARCC tests require students to solve multistep math problems that require reasoning and address real-world situations. This requires students to reason mathematically, make sense of quantities and their relationships to solve real-world problems, and show their understanding. Many previous assessments focused mostly on rote procedure only. Compare MSA to PARCC Grade 5 MSA Question Compare MSA to PARCC This PARCC item measures understanding of the same concept a grade earlier (Grade 4) and with greater depth PARCC Mathematics Skills Major Content Additional & Supporting Content Expressing Mathematical Reasoning Modeling & Application PARCC Mathematics Skills Major Content Topics identified as Major Content receive especially in-depth treatment where students may examine and make connections among a variety of representations, strategies, and Standards for Mathematical Practice. PARCC Mathematics Skills Additional and Supporting Content Topics identified as Supporting or Additional Content are designated to support and strengthen areas of major emphasis. Though these concepts are not a major emphasis, they are still an integral part of curriculum and assessment. PARCC Mathematics Skills Expressing Mathematical Reasoning Students demonstrate their reasoning about grade-level or course content by constructing logical arguments or evaluating reasoning presented to them, and by being precise when making mathematical statements. PARCC Mathematics Skills Modeling and Application Students solve grade- or course-appropriate contextual problems by implementing the Modeling Cycle as defined by the Common Core. Students demonstrate their proficiency by persevering, reasoning abstractly and quantitatively, using tools strategically, and looking for and making use of structures or patterns. QUESTIONS