Pertemuan 13 Compare Contrast Essay 2 (Engaging Writings page 156-165) Matakuliah

: Writing III
: 2006-2007
Pertemuan 13
Compare Contrast Essay 2
(Engaging Writings page 156-165)
Learning Outcomes
• By the end of this session the students are
expected to be able to
– Use the strategies of cohesion to develop link
between the thesis statement and the
– Apply strategies to write the conclusion of
comparison/contrast essays
– Use vocabulary of comparison/contrast
Outline of the materials
• Cohesion strategies
• Writing conclusions
• Vocabulary and structures that signal
similarity and contrast
Cohesion Strategies
• Similar to the previous type of writing (causeeffect) you can increase cohesion by
– Name the supporting points in the thesis statement
– Put the supporting points in the same order in the
paragraphs as they appear in the thesis statement
– Repeat key words or use synonyms
– Use transitions such as one, another, first, finally in
the topic sentences of your paragraphs
Linking Thesis Statement and
Topic Sentences
Word forms
Thesis: Extended families and nuclear families differ
in three ways: the education of children, the division
of work, the distribution of property.
topic sentences
First, the way that babies and young children are
educated in extended families and nuclear families
are different.
Second, the way that work is divided among the
family members in extended and nuclear family is
Finally, the way that property is distributed in
extended family and nuclear family is different.
2. Similar sentence beginnings
Family life in two-career television families
differs from actual family life in two-career
families in terms of the way family
members communicate with one another,
care for children, and manage household
• Topic sentences:
In situation comedies and similar program, family members in
two-career families have a lot of time to talk to each other, but in
real life, working parents and their children are too busy to
On TV, men are shown caring for children as often as women,
but in real life, mothers care for children more often than fathers
On the air, dual-career couples seldom argue about or even
appear to do housework, but in real life, getting house work done
is big problems for dual-career couples, and they often disagree
about who should do the chores.
3. Correlative Conjunctions
Use “not only… but also” to link the topic
Married and single people lead very
different lives in terms of their ability to live
economically, to find companionship, and
to plan for the future.
Topic sentences:
Married people can share basic expenses and save
money, while single people have to manage household
expenses on their own.
Married people have companionship almost anytime
they want it, whereas single people have to make an
effort to find company.
Not only married people are better off economically and
socially than single people, but married people can also
face the future with greater certainty.
Writing Conclusions
• You can use the following methods:
– Summarizing
– Predicting
– Recommending
– Offering an opinion
– Drawing conclusions about how and why
things occur
Vocabulary for Similarities
• Coordinating conjunctions: and, also
• Subordinating conjunctions: as, just as,
• Correlative conjunctions: both…and…, neither
… nor
• Transitions: likewise, similarly, in the same way
• Other parts of speech:
alike, similar (adj.),
also, as well, so, the same, too (adv.)
Similarity (n)
Like (preposition)
Vocabulary for Differences
• Coordinating conjunction: but
• Subordinating conjunctions: whereas,
• Transitions: however, in contrast, on the
contrary, by comparison, (on one
hand)…on the other hand,
• Other parts of speech:
– differ (verb), difference (noun), different (adj.),
unlike (prep.)
• You can increase cohesion by
– Naming the supporting points in the thesis statement
– Put the supporting points in the same order in the
paragraphs as they appear in the thesis statement
– Repeat key words or use synonyms
– Use transitions
• You should link the thesis and the topic
sentences in the paragraphs to increase
cohesion by using
– the same word forms,
– similar sentence beginnings,
– correlative conjunctions not only … but also…
• There are certain vocabulary to signal
similarities and differences