Center for Legislative Studies Parliamentary Documents Titles Catalogue Membership Directories, Session Reports, Rules of Procedure and Constitutions of Post-Communist Parliaments of Central Europe Department of Political Science Graham Building 213 University of North Carolina at Greensboro Greensboro NC 27401-6170 USA Ph 1 336 334 4360 Fax 1 336 334 4315 612917202 Last update 12/26/03 dge Center for Legislative Studies Parliamentary Documents Titles Catalogue TABLE OF CONTENTS Documents Catalog Call Number System ______________________________________________________ 4 I. MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORIES __________________________________________________________ 7 Albania [A4] _____________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Bulgaria [A4] ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Croatia [A4] _____________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Czechoslovakia 1989-1992 [A2] _____________________________________________________________________ 8 Federal Assembly _______________________________________________________________________________ 8 Czech Republic [A2] ______________________________________________________________________________ 9 Chamber of Deputies ____________________________________________________________________________ 9 Senate _______________________________________________________________________________________ 10 Estonia [A1] ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10 Georgia [F1] ____________________________________________________________________________________ 11 Hungary [A4] ___________________________________________________________________________________ 11 Latvia [A1] _____________________________________________________________________________________ 12 Lithuania [A1] __________________________________________________________________________________ 13 Macedonia [A4] _________________________________________________________________________________ 14 Moldova [A5] ___________________________________________________________________________________ 14 Poland [A3] ____________________________________________________________________________________ 14 Sejm ________________________________________________________________________________________ 14 Sejm 10th Term and Senate 1st Term________________________________________________________________ 14 Sejm ________________________________________________________________________________________ 15 Senate _______________________________________________________________________________________ 15 Romania [A5] ___________________________________________________________________________________ 16 Slovak Republic [A2] _____________________________________________________________________________ 16 Slovenia [A4] ___________________________________________________________________________________ 17 Ukraine [F1] ____________________________________________________________________________________ 18 II. SESSIONAL REPORTS ________________________________________________________________ 19 Bulgaria [A4] ___________________________________________________________________________________ 19 Croatia [A4] ____________________________________________________________________________________ 19 Czechoslovakia 1989-1992 [A2] ____________________________________________________________________ 20 Czech Republic [A2] _____________________________________________________________________________ 20 Estonia [A1] ____________________________________________________________________________________ 22 Hungary [A4] ___________________________________________________________________________________ 23 Lithuania [A_] __________________________________________________________________________________ 23 Moldova [A5] ___________________________________________________________________________________ 24 Poland [A3] ____________________________________________________________________________________ 24 Sejm ________________________________________________________________________________________ 24 Senate _______________________________________________________________________________________ 25 Slovak Republic [A2] _____________________________________________________________________________ 26 Slovenia [A4] ___________________________________________________________________________________ 26 III. RULES OF PROCEDURE _____________________________________________________________ 28 Bulgaria [A4] ___________________________________________________________________________________ 28 Croatia [A4] ____________________________________________________________________________________ 28 Czechoslovakia 1989-1992 [A2] ____________________________________________________________________ 28 Czech Republic [A2] _____________________________________________________________________________ 28 - - 2 612917202 Last update 12/26/03 dge Hungary [A4] ___________________________________________________________________________________ 29 Latvia [A1] _____________________________________________________________________________________ 29 Lithuania [A1] __________________________________________________________________________________ 29 Poland [A3] ____________________________________________________________________________________ 29 Slovak Republic[A2] _____________________________________________________________________________ 30 Slovenia [A4] ___________________________________________________________________________________ 30 IV. CONSTITUTIONS & CONSTITUTIONAL lAWS _________________________________________ 31 Bulgaria [A4] ___________________________________________________________________________________ 31 Croatia [A2] ____________________________________________________________________________________ 31 Czechoslovakia 1989-1992 [A2] ____________________________________________________________________ 31 Czech Republic [A2] _____________________________________________________________________________ 31 Hungary [A4] ___________________________________________________________________________________ 31 Latvia [A1] _____________________________________________________________________________________ 32 Lithuania [A1] __________________________________________________________________________________ 32 Poland _________________________________________________________________________________________ 32 Romania [F1] ___________________________________________________________________________________ 32 Slovak Republic [A2] _____________________________________________________________________________ 32 Slovenia [A4] ___________________________________________________________________________________ 32 - - 3 612917202 Last update 12/26/03 dge Documents Catalog Call Number System Country Alphabetic order International Abbreviations (two letters each) Chamber (one letter) J Joint for 2 chambers (e.g. Czechoslovak Federal Assemby) L Lower chamber (if bicameral) P Parliament (single chamber) U Upper chamber (if bicameral) U/L Two chambers combined in one document X Other (eg Polish National Assembly) Document Content Category (two letters each) CO ME RP RL Constitution Membership Directory Reports: sessional or annual Rules of procedures/Standing orders Note: a, b, indicate country/term/document type specific variations (lower case) Term of Parliament Number of term if given (e.g. 37, Bulgaria) Year Year of applicability (last year of applicability if for two+ years) or if not available, year of publication Note: n.d. indicates no date provided a, b, indicate multiple documents same year with same codes + Additional if needed (in order) Part I, II if parts in separate bindings C 1, 2, for multiple copies F, documents in file cabinet: “A” shelf is default Catalog Notes Comments in brackets Translation after original text, in Italics and parantheses Some entries not translated Updated 12/2003 dge - - 4 612917202 Last update 12/26/03 dge Parliamentary Documents Membership directories and Reports are the two types of parliamentary documents which provide comprehensive sets of information about the members and activities of any one term of office of the parliament of any one country. We emphasize the collection of these basic working documents for the parliaments of post-communist parliaments. This collection is a basic source of evidence about the beginning stages of the development of new democratic parliaments. While many other publications are issued by, and about, parliaments, they are diverse in content and format within any one country, and are very different among countries. The two types of basic and working parliamentary documents are fairly small in size, and thus are easily stored. They are also, however, diverse in size and format and thus are difficult to collect systematically. No other library in the world (to our knowledge) collects these types of materials for a variety of countries. While each may be available in special collections in any one country, they are not collected or archived in any one location for several or more parliaments over a period of time. Membership directories usually list the names of members of a parliament, with identification of district and party. They may also provide pictures of the members and a brief biographical sketch of each. In addition, they often list the members by party and show the distribution of members among the committees and special working bodies of the parliament. Finally, some directories provide basic statistics of the members, such as age, gender and previous terms of parliamentary service. The membership directories thus provide essential information about the members for each term of office. In most parliaments, the membership directory is issued at the beginning of a parliamentary term. In new and sometimes unstable parliaments, there is a considerable turnover of members within the term, but the directory at least indicates the membership at the beginning of each term. But in some instances, the directories are not issued until the middle of the term, in some cases to provide current mid-term information. In some parliaments, the directories are issued by private sources, either commercial or non-profit. While we emphasize official publications, we include privately issued ones if they are the only ones available. We are usually told, in those cases, that the private publications are the ones used at the parliaments, which increases our confidence in their accuracy and relevance. Reports of parliamentary activity are much more diverse than the membership directories. In Poland and Hungary, for example, thick reports are issued every year, and are cumulative through the (typical) four years of a parliamentary term. At the other extreme, some parliaments issue no reports of their activities. As an intermediate type of report, the Czech Chamber of Deputies issues a list of the titles of bills adopted by the parliament. Search for these two types of documents, is both simplified and complicated by computerization. Most parliaments now have their own websites, which usually list basic information about the members. While websites tend to be current, they typically do not provide access to past membership information. Parliamentary websites vary greatly in their contents, in the frequency of revision, and in the ease of access in world languages in addition to the state language(s). Report information is increasingly provided on the parliament’s internal computer system, which differs from information on the publicly accessible website. We are sometimes provided report information on disk, with files transferred directly from internal sources. The material in these files is often not produced in publication form. Because of changing technology in parliaments, our own collection keeps changing; we now collect and archive computer disks as well as paperbased publications. We provide a catalogue of document titles and call numbers. The titles are given in the state language, with English translations. Some publications, however, are issued in English as well as in the state language. Documents are mainly stored in a book case, for they approximate the size of booklets and have a firm binding as well as standard publication source information. More fragile materials are stored in a file cabinet. Each publication carries a discrete call number. Since no library (to our knowledge) retains or catalogues these types of parliamentary documents on a multi-national basis, the call number system is unique to this collection. As the number and diversity of parliamentary data sources proliferate, the call number system will necessarily adapt. - - 5 612917202 Last update 12/26/03 dge Our collection includes two other types of parliamentary documents: rules of procedure, and constitutions. Rules of procedure (“Standing Orders” in Westminster parliaments) in post-communist parliaments were inherited from Communist predecessors, necessitating major changes. As each parliament rewrites its internal structure and procedures, we attempt to obtain a copy of the new rules. While constitutions are available from several sources, the constitution is a basic document for the understanding of parliaments. In addition, many parliaments enact “constitutional laws,” which elaborate general provisions in the basic document, and which are regarded as part of a country’s constitution. Sometimes, rules of procedure have this status, as often do election laws. Both the Rules and Constitutions, and constitutional laws, are collected in the text of the state language. They are sometimes translated into English (or German) by either parliamentary or private sources. Unlike the directories and reports, the rules and constitutions are issued episodically rather than periodically. Both types of publications are included in the Parliamentary Documents Catalogue. In addition to the four types of parliamentary documents in our “core” collection, a wide variety of other publications are issued by and about parliaments. We retain these “ancilliary” as we discover them, but have no titles listing in a catalogue. In addition, we retain membership directories and reports from other parliaments as they become available to us, but neither are they catalogued. Each type of ancillary document is stored either on a set of book shelves or in file cabinets. We have, in addition, a large varied assortment of materials about parliamentary elections in post-communist democracies, as a necessary supplement to our main concern with parliaments. These materials are contained in country folders in file cabinets. - - 6 612917202 Last update 12/26/03 dge PARLIAMENTARY DOCUMENTS TITLES CATALOGUE I. MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORIES Albania [A4] AL P ME 1995 Te Njohim Parlamentin – manual. Tirane: Instituti Nderkombetar Republikan (IRI) dhe Kuvendi Popullor i Republikaes se Shiqiperise, 1995. 94p. (Let's know the Parliament – manual. Tirane: International Republican Institute (IRI) and the National Assembly of the Republic of Albania, 1995. 94p) [not an offical publication] Bulgaria [A4] 37th Term BG P ME 37th 1996a (12/3 missing) Narodni Predstawitieli w trideset i sedmo Narodno Zbranie. Sofia 12.04.1996: Narodno Zbiranie na Republika Bulgarija. 59p. (Members of Parliament in The Thirty Seventh National Assembly. Sofia 12.04.1996: National Assembly of the Republic of the Bulgaria. 59p.) [Bulgarian cyrylic and English text] BG P ME 37th 1996b (12/3 missing) Narodni Predstawitieli w trideset i sedmo Narodno Zbranie. Sofia 15.07.1996: Narodno Zbiranie na Republika Bulgarija. 59p. (Members of Parliament in The Thirty Seventh National Assembly. Sofia 15.07.1996: National Assembly of the Republic of the Bulgaria. 59p.) [Bulgarian Cyrillic and English text] BG P ME 38th 1997a BG P ME 38th 1997b BG P ME 38th 1998a BG P ME 38th 1998b 38th Term Narodni Predstawitieli w trideset i osmoto Narodno Zbranie. Sofia 10.07.1997: Narodno Zbiranie na Republika Bulgarija. 50p. (Members of Parliament in The Thirty Eighth National Assembly. Sofia 10.07.1997: National Assembly of the Republic of the Bulgaria. 50p.) [Bulgarian Cyrillic and English text] Narodni Predstawitieli w trideset i osmoto Narodno Zbranie. Sofia 10.10.1997: Narodno Zbiranie na Republika Bulgarija. 60p. (Members of Parliament in The Thirty Eighth National Assembly. Sofia 10.10.1997: National Assembly of the Republic of the Bulgaria. 60p.) [Bulgarian Cyrillic and English text] Narodni Predstawitieli w trideset i osmoto Narodno Zbranie. Sofia 15.3.1998: Narodno Zbiranie na Republika Bulgarija. 108p. (Members of Parliament in The Thirty Eighth National Assembly. Sofia 10.07.1997: National Assembly of the Republic of the Bulgaria, 108 p.) [Bulgarian Cyrillic text] XXXVIII Narodno Zbranie. Parlamentaren Sprawocznik. Sofia: Narodno Zbiranie Sluzba „Izdatielska Dejnost”. 15.III.1998. 108p. (XXXVIII National Assembly. Parliamentary Handbook. Sofia: National Assembly Publications Office. March 15, 1998. 108p.) [Bulgarian Cyrillic and English text; two separate publications bound together, 108 p. each] - - 7 612917202 Last update 12/26/03 dge Croatia [A4] HR P 1996 (12/3 missing) HR P 1999 (12/3 missing) Politicky Vodic kroz Hrvatsku. 4.azurirano izdanje. Tko je Tko U Hrvatskoj Politici i Drzanvoj Upravi. Telefonski Imenik i Adresar. Zagreb: Lexis i Sabor Republika Hrvatska. 1996. 232s. (Political Guide of Croatia. 4th Edition. Who is Who in Croatian Politics and State Administration. Telephone and Address Guide. Zagreb: Lexis and Sabor of the Republic of Croatia. 1996. 232 p.) [not an official publication] Politicky Vodic kroz Hrvatsku. 7 izdanje. Tko je Tko U Hrvatskoj Politici i Drzanvoj Upravi. Telefonski Imenik i Adresar. Zagreb: Lexis i Hrvatski Drzavni Sabor. 1999. 234s. (Political Guide of Croatia. 7th Edition. Who is Who in Croatian Politics and State Administration. Telephone and Address Guide. Zagreb: Lexis and Sabor of the Republic of Croatia. 1999. 234 p.) [not an official publication] Czechoslovakia 1989-1992 [A2] CS J ME 6th 1990 F CS J ME 6th 1991 CS J ME 7th n.d. F CS J ME 7th n.d. F CS J ME 7th 1992 Federal Assembly 6th Term Federalni shromazdeni CSFR. VI volebni obdobi. Praha 1990 (Federal Assembly of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. Term 6. Prague 1990) [Xerox copy, partial] Federalni shromazdeni Ceske a Slovenske Federativni Republiky. VI volebni obdobi. Praha: Kancelar Federalniho shromazdeni CFSR, cervenec 1991. 193p. (Federal Assembly of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. Term 6. Prague: Federal Assembly of the CFSR Chancellery, July 1991. 193p.) 7th Term Federalni shromazdeni CSFR. VII volebni obdobi. Praha [n.d.] (Federal Assembly of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. Term 7. [n.d.]) [Xerox copy, partial] Federalni shromazdeni CSFR. VII volebni obdobi. Praha [n.d.] (Federal Assembly of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. Term 7. [n.d.]) [Xerox copy, partial] Ciganek, Frantisek. Kronika Demokratickeho Parlamentu 1989-1992. Praha: Cesty. 1992. (Ciganek, Frantisek. Chronicle of the Demokratic Parliament 1989-1992. Prague: Cesty, 1992) [compiled from official records; both directory of members and officers through many changes, and record of activities]. - - 8 612917202 Last update 12/26/03 dge Czech Republic [A2] Chamber of Deputies CZ L ME 6th 1990 CZ L ME 6th 1992 CZ L ME 7th 1992 c.1 c.2 - F 6th Term Ceska Narodni Rada. VI volebni obdobi. Praha: Ceska Narodni Rada, rijen 1990. 83p. (Czech National Council. Term VI. Prague: Czech National Council, October 1990. 83p.) Ceska Narodni Rada. VI volebni obdobi. (Czech National Council. Term VI. January 1992) 7th Term Ceska Narodni Rada. VII volebni obdobi. Praha: Ceska Narodni Rada, zari 1992. 93p. (Czech National Council. Term VII. Prague: Czech National Council, September 1992. 93p.) c.1. [c.2 partial photocopy in File] CZ L ME 1st 1994 c.1,2 1st Term CZ L ME 2nd 1996 c.1,2 2nd Term CZ L MEa 2nd 1996 F CZ L ME 2nd 1997 F CZ L ME 3rd 1998 c.1,2 Parlament Ceske Republiky. Poslanecka Snemovna. 1994. I volebni obdobi. Praha: Poslanecka Snemovna Parlamentu Ceske Republiy, rijen 1994. 97p. (Parliament of the Czech Republic. Chamber of Deputies. 1994. Term I. Prague: Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic, October 1994. 97p.) [2 copies] Parlament Ceske Republiky. Poslanecka Snemovna. 1996. 2 Volebni Obdobi. Praha: Poslanecka Snemovna Parlamentu Ceske republiky, 1996. 108p. (Parliament of the Czech Republic. Chamber of Deputies. 1996. Second Term. Praha: Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic 1996: 108p.) [2 copies] List of political clubs and their participants in Czech Parliament. May 1996. 7p. F1 [fax] Seznam poslancu zarazenych do jednotlivych vyboru a komisi Poslanecke snemovny a do stalych delegaci do meziparlamentnich organizaci (stav ke dni 12. 2. 1997) (List of members registered to particular committees in Chamber of Deputies and to permanent delegations in interparliamentary organizations. 12.02.1997) [printout] 3rd Term Parlament Ceske Republiky. Poslanecka Snemovna. 1998. 3 Volebni Obdobi. Praha: Poslanecka Snemovna Parlamentu Ceske republiky, 1998. 95p. (Parliament of the Czech Republic. Chamber of Deputies. 1998. Third Term. Praha: Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic 1998: 95p.) [2 copies] - - 9 612917202 Last update 12/26/03 dge 4th Term CZ L ME 4th 2002 Parlament Ceske Republiky. Poslanecka Snemovna. 2002. 4 volebni obdobi. Praha: poslanecka snemovna Parlamentu Ceske republiky, 2002. 115s. (Parliament of the Czech Republic. Chamber of Deputies 2002. Fourth Term. Prague: Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic 2002. 115p.). Senate CZ U ME 1st 1997 c.1,2 CZ U ME 1 1997 F CZ U ME 2nd 1999a 1st Term Parlament Ceske Republiky. Senat. Praha: Kancelar Senatu, 1997. 59s. (Parliament of the Czech Republic. Senate. Praha: Chancellery of Senate, 1997. 59p.) [2 copies] Parlament Ceske Republiky. Senat. Pp 4-57. (Parliament of the Czech Republic. Senate. Pp. 4-57). [no source, no date. photocopy, partial]. 2nd Term Parlament Ceske Republiky. Senat. 2. funkcni obdobi. Praha: Kancelar Senatu, 1999. 54s. (Parliament of the Czech Republic. Senate. Second (functional) Term. Praha: Chancellery of Senate, 1999. 54p.) CZ U ME 2nd 1999b F Senatori Parlamentu Ceske Republiky. Vydal informacni odbor KS, edicni a tiskove oddeleni, unor 1999. (Senate members of Czech Republic Parliament. Published by Information Department of Senate Chancellery, Editorial Bureau. February 1999.) [xerox copy] CZ U MEa 2nd 1999c F Senat Parlamentu Ceske Republiky. Senatori. (udaje k 1. 2. 1999) . (Senate of Czech Republic Parliament. Members. 01.02.1999) [Xerox pages of names with photos] CZ U ME 4th 2004 4th Term Parlament Ceske Republiky. Senat. 4. funkcni obdobi. Praha: Vydal tiskovy a spisovy odbor, Kancelare Senatu, unor 2003. 61s. (Parliament of the Czech Republic. Senate. Fourth Term. Prague: Press Office, Chancellery of Senate, 2003. 61p). Estonia [A1] EE P ME 7th 1993 c.1&2 EE P ME 7th 1994 c 1&2 7th Term Riigikogu Teatmik 1993. Tallinn: Eesti Rahvusraammatukogu, 1993. 36p. (Riigikogu Directory 1993. Tallinn: National Library of Estonia, 1993. 36p.) [2 copies] Riigikogu Teatmik 1994. Tallinn: Eesti Rahvusraammatukogu, 1994. 38p. (Riigikogu Directory 1994. Tallinn: National Library of Estonia, 1993. 38p.).[2 copies] - - 10 612917202 EE P ME 8th 1995 c. 1&2 EE P ME 8th 1997 c.1&2 EE P ME 9th 1999 c.1&2 EE P MEa 9 1999 F Last update 12/26/03 dge 8th Term Riigikogu Teatmik 1995. Tallinn: Eesti Rahvusraammatukogu, 1995. 39p. (Riigikogu Directory 1995. Tallinn: National Library of Estonia, 1995. 39p.) [2 copies] Riigikogu Teatmik 1997. Tallinn: Eesti Rahvusraammatukogu, 1997. 39p. (Riigikogu Directory 1997. Tallinn: National Library of Estonia, 1997. 39p.) 9th Term Riigikogu Teatmik 1999. Tallinn: Eesti Rahvusraammatukogu, 1999. 36p. (Riigikogu Directory 1999. Tallinn: National Library of Estonia, 1999. 36p.) [2 copies] “101 Biographies: The 9th Riigikogu.” Information Service of the Chancellery of the Riigikogu, 1 December 1999. (multilith; n.p.). Georgia [F1] GE P ME 1995 F GE P MEa 1998 F GE P MEb 1999 F GE P MEc 1999 F List of the Members of the Parliament of Georgia. December 21, 1995. [internet printout] Georgian Parliament’s Faction Composition. March 11, 1998. [internet printout] Georgian Parliament’s Committees Composition. [internet printout from October 26, 1999.] Members of the Parliament of Georgia. : [internet printout from October 26, 1999.] Hungary [A4] HU P ME 1st 1992 HU P ME 2nd 1996 1st Term Az 1990-ben megvalasztott Orszaggyules Almanachja. Uj Sorozat I. Budapest: Magyar Orszaggyules, 1992. 606p. (Parliament elected in 1990.Parliamentary Almanach. First Term. Budapest: Hungarian Parliament, 1992. 606p.) 2nd Term Az 1994-ben megvalasztott Orszaggyules Almanachja. Uj Sorozat II. Budapest: Magyar Orszaggyules, 1996. 778p. (Parliament elected in 1994. Parliamentary Almanach. Second Term. Budapest: Hungarian Parliament, 1992. 606p.) - - 11 612917202 HU P ME 3rd 1998 HU P MEa 3rd 1998 F HU P MEb 3rd 1998 F HU P MEc 3rd 1998 F HU P MEd 3rd 1998 F HU P MEe 3rd 1998 F HU P MEf 1999 F HU P MEg 1999 F Last update 12/26/03 dge 3rd Term Valasztas ’98. Orszaggyulesi Kepviselok. Budapest: Belugyminiszterium – Orszagos Valasztasi Iroda, junis 1998. (Elections ’98. Members of Parliament. Budapest: Elections Office, June 1998. 239p.) Az Orszaggyulesi hiteles jegyzokonyve. 1998 junius 18-ai alakulo ules. (Members of Parliament and Seat Diagram. 1998 June) “1998. evi orszaggyulesi kepviselo valasztas 2. forduloja 1998. Majus 24. Tajekoztato adatok az orszaggules osszetetelerol” 15pp. [Parliament membership list following 1998 elections; printout]. Az Orszaggyulesi kepviselok nevsora. (Members of Parliament 1998) [printout] Az Orszaggyules bizottsagainak tisztsegviseloi, tagjai. 1998. julis 1. Budapest: Orszaggyules Hivatala Fotitkarsag – Bizottsagi Foosztaly, 1998. 24p. (Members of Parliamentary Committees. 1998 July 1st. Budapest: , 24p.) “Az Orszaggyules bizottsagainak letrehozasarol, tisztsegviseloinek es tagjainak megvalasztasarol”. Budapest: Magyar Kozlony, 1998. junis 29. (Committee composition) Kepviselo riport. 1999.07.20. (Members list. 07.20.1999) [internet printout] Kepviselo riport. 1999.07.20. Kepv.csop. (Members list. 07.20.1999. Party composition) [internet printout] Latvia [A1] LV P ME 1991 LV P MEa 1991 F LV P MEb 5th 1993 F Latvijas Republikas Augstaka Padome, 1991. Riga: Latvijas Republikas Augstaka Padome Kanceleja, 1991. 128p. (Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia, 1991. Riga: Chancellery of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia, 1991. 128p.) Results of Latvian SSR Supreme Soviet elections. :[Xerox of a fax September 20, 1991] [members list] [no source, no date] 5th Term Latvia’s Embassy in US. Faction Composition in 5th Saeima. June 30 1993. F1 [Xeroxed copy of a fax] [2 pages] - - 12 612917202 LV P ME 5TH 1994 LV P ME 6th 1996 c.1&2 Last update 12/26/03 dge Latvijas Republikas. 5 Saeima. Riga: Saeimas Kanceleja, 1994. 99p. (Republic of Latvia. The 5th Saeima. Riga: Saeima Chancellery, 1994. 99p.) 6th Term Latvijas Republikas. 6 Saeima. Riga: Saeimas Kanceleja, 1996. 119p. (Republic of Latvia. The 6th Saeima. Riga: Saeima Chancellery, 1996. 119p.) [2 copies] [Latvian and English text] Lithuania [A1] LT P ME n.d. F LT P ME 1992 c.1,2 LT P ME 6th 1995a LT P ME 6th 1995b LT P ME 7TH 1996a c. 1,2&3 LT P ME 7TH 1996b c.1,2&3 LT P ME 7TH 1998 LT P ME 7TH 1999 c.1&2 [c2 12/3 missing] List of Deputies of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania by factions. F1 [xerox copy, n.d., no source] Lietuvos Respublikos Auksciausioji Taryba 1990 - 1992. Vilnius: Lietuvos Respublikos Auksciausiosois Tarybos Prezidiumas, 1992. 184p. (Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania 1990 - 1992. Vilnius: Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania, 1992. 184p.) [2 copies] [Lithuanian and English text] 6th Term Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas 1992 - 1996. Vilnius: Danielius, 1995. 284p. (Seimas of the Lithuanian Republic 1992 - 1996. Vilnius: Danielius Publishers, 1995. 284p.) [Lithuanian and English text] The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. 1992 - 1996 Directory. Vilnius: Danielius Publishers, 1995. 64p. 7th Term Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas. Trumpas vadovas. Vilnius: Leituvos Respublikos Seimas, 1996. 20p. (Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Short Guidebook. Vilnius: Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, 1996. 20p.) [members list] [3 copies] Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Short Guidebook. Vilnius: Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas leidykla, 1996. 20p. [members list] [3 copies] Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas 1996-2000. Vilnius: Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo spaudos tarnyba, 1998. 208p. (Saeima of the Republic of Lithuania 1996-2000. Vilnius: Press Service of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, 1998. 208p.) Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania 1999. Vilnius: Press Service of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, 1999. 29p. [members list] [2 copies] - - 13 612917202 LT P ME 2001 c.1,2,3,4 F LT P ME 2002 c.1,2 F LT P ME 2004 Last update 12/26/03 dge “Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.” Seimas Office of the Republic of Lithuania, c2001 [12 pp folder]. 4 copies Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas, “Ekskursija I parlamenta,” Seimo spaudos tarnyba. 2002 (Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, “Visits in Parliament,” Press Service of the Seimas, 2002.) [booklet; n.p.]. 2 copies. Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas 2000-2004. Vilnius: Seimo spaudos tarnyba, 2001. 288p. (Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania 2000-2004. Vilnius: Press Service of the Seimas, 2001, 288p.) Macedonia [A4] MK P ME 1999 Pratenici vo sobranieto na Republika Makedonija. Skopje: Sobranie na Republika Makedonija, Sektor za medunarodna sorabotka, juli 1999 godina. 33p. (Delegates for Republic of Macedonia Assembly. Skopje: Assembly of Republic of Macedonia. Department of International Cooperation, July 1999. 33p) Moldova [A5] MD P MEa 1991 F MD P ME 1996 C. 1&2 [c2 12/3 missing] Lista deputatolir poporuli din R. S. S. Moldova (legislatura a douasprezecea). Chisinau 1991: 70p. Parlamentul Republicii Moldova. Chisinau: Studioul de creatie “Fotojurnalist”, 1996. 219p. (The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. Chisinau 1996: 219p.) A1 [not an official publication] [2 copies] [Moldovian, Russian and English text] Poland [A3] PL L ME 9TH 1986 PL L ME 10TH 1990 Sejm 9th Term Sejm Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej. IX kadencja. Warszawa: PPW „Rzeczpospolita”, 1986. 575s. (Sejm of People Republic of Poland. IX term. Warsaw: PPW „Rzeczpospolita”, 1986. 575p.) 10th Term Sejm RP. X kadencja. Warszawa: Kancelaria Sejmu RP, Biuto Prezydialne i Spraw Poselskich, czerwiec 1990. 177 s. (Sejm RP. Term X. Warsaw: Sejm Chancellery, Presidium Bureau and Deputy Matters, June 1990. 177p.) Sejm 10th Term and Senate 1st Term PL L/U ME 10TH&1st 1991 Sejm i Senat Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej 1989 – 1991. Warszawa: Kancelaria Sejmu, 1991. 343s. (Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland 1989 - 1991. Warsaw: Sejm Chancellery, 1991. 343p.) - - 14 612917202 PL L MEa 1991 F PL L ME 1ST 1992 PL L ME 2ND 1994 PL L ME 2ND 1995 c. 1,2&3 PL L MEa 2ND 1996 F PL L ME 3RD 1997 PL L ME 4th 2002 PL U ME 2ND 1991 PL U ME 2ND 1992 PL U MEa 2ND n.d. Last update 12/26/03 dge “Poslowie Sejmu RP wybrani 27 pazdziernika 1991 r.” 12pp. (Deputies of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland of the election of xx 27, 1991, 12pp). [multilith, includes seating chart] Sejm 1st Term Sejm Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej. I Kadencja. Informator. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 1992. 199s. (Sejm of the Republic of Poland . Term I. Information Guide. Warsaw: Sejm Publishing Office, 1992. 199p.) 2nd Term Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. II kadencja. Przewodnik. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 1994. 247s. (Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Term II. Information Guide. Warsaw: Sejm Publishing Office, 1994. 247p.) Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. II kadencja. Przewodnik. Suplement(1). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 1995. 39s. (Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Term II. Information Guide. Suplement(1). Warsaw: Sejm Publishing Office, 1995. 39p. [3 copies] Lista poslow drugiej kadencji. 04.25.96. (Deputies List. Second Term. 04.25.96) [internet printout] 3rd Term Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. III kadencja. Informator. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 1997. 143s. (Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Term III. Information Guide. Warsaw: Sejm Publishing Office, 1997. 143p.) 4th Term Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. IV kadencja. Przewodnik. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 2002. 303s. (Sejm of the Republic of Poland. TermIV. Guide. Warsaw: Sejm Publishing Office, 2002. 303p.) Senate 2nd Term Senat RP. II kadencja. Warszawa: Kancelaria Senatu RP, 1991. 155s. (Senate RP. Term II. Warsaw, Senate Chancellery, 1991. 155p.) [Polish and English text] Senat RP. II kadencja. Warszawa: Kancelaria Senatu RP, 1992. 175s. (Senate RP. Term II. Warsaw: Senate Chancellery, 1992. 175p.) [Polish and English text] Senat RP. Komisje i Kluby. Organy Senatu drugiej kadencji. [n.d.] 28p. (Senate Republic of Poland. Committees and Clubs. II Term Senate Organs. 28p.) - - 15 612917202 PL U ME 3RD 1993 C. 1&2 PL U ME 3RD 1993 C. 1&2 PL U ME 3RD 1994 C. 1&2 PL U ME 4TH 2001 PL U ME 5th 2002 Last update 12/26/03 dge 3rd Term Senat Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej. III Kadencja. Warszawa: Kancelaria Senatu, Biuro Informacyjne, 1993. 30s. (Senate of the Republic of Poland. Term III. Warsaw: Senate Chancellery, Information Bureau, 1993. 30p.) : [2 copies] [Polish and English text] Senat Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej. III Kadencja. Kancelaria Senatu RP, Biuro Informacyjne, Organy Senatu [Stan na 6 grudnia 1993 roku]. (Senate of the Republic of Poland. Term III. Warsaw: Senate Chancellery, Information Bureau, 1993. 192 pages.) : [2 copies] [Polish and English text] Senat Rzecyzpospolitej Polskiej. III Kadencja. Uzupelnienia [stan na 8 sierpnia 1994]. Warszawa: Kancelaria Senatu, Biuro Informacyjne, 1994. 30s. (Senate of the Republic of Poland. Term III. Supplements [status of August 8, 1994]. Warsaw: Senate Chancellery, Information Bureau, 1994. 30p.) [2copies] 4th Term Senate of the Republic of Poland. IV Term (1997-2001). Internet printout from March 12 1999. [English text] 5th Term Senat Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej. V Kadencja. Organy Senatu RP, Kluby parliamentarne, Biogramy senatorow. Warszawa: Kancelaria Senatu, Biuro Informacyjni I Dokumentacji 2002. 219s. (Senate of the Republic of Poland. Term V. Senate Bodies of the RP, Parliamentary Party Groups, Biographies of Senators. Warsaw: Senate Chancellery, Information and Documentation Bureau, 2002. 219p.) Romania [A5] RO U/L MEa 1997 RO L/U MEa 2001 Cartea albastra a democratiei. Un ghid’al institutiilor publice centrale din Romania. Bucaresti: Associatia pro democratia, septembrie 1997. 220p. (The Blue Book of Democracy: a Guide to the Romanian State Institutions. Bucarest: Association for Democracy, September 1997. 220p.) Cartea albastra a democratiei. Un ghid al institutiilor publice centrale din Romania; editia a –3a 2001. Bucaresti: Associatia pro democratia, 1 august 2001. 1997. 214p. (The Blue Book of Democracy: A Guide to Romanian State Institutions. Bucharest: Association for Democracy, August 1, 2001.) [not an official publication.] Slovak Republic [A2] SK P MEa 8TH 1986 F 8th Term Slovenska Narodna Rada. VIII volebne obdobie. Bratislava: Kancelaria Slovenskej Narodnej rady, august 1986. Pp 13-63, 73. (Slovak National Council. VIII Term. Bratislava: Slovak National Council Chancellery, August 1986. ) photocopy partial, pp. 13-63, 73. - - 16 612917202 SK P ME 9TH 1990 SK P MEa 9TH 1990,1992 F Last update 12/26/03 dge 9th Term Slovenska Narodna Rady. IX volebne obdobie. Bratislava: Kancelaria Slovenskej Narodnej rady, september 1990. 78p. (Slovak National Assembly. IX Term. Bratislava: Slovak National Assembly Chancellery, September 1990. 78p.) Slovenska Narodna Rada. IX volebne obdobie. Bratislava: Kancelaria Slovenskej Narodnej rady, (Slovak National Council. IX Term. Bratislava: Slovak National Council). Photocopy. This set of photocopy pages contains two versions of the Term 9 membership directory: September 1990, and January 31, 1992. Pp. 7-77. The same pages of each version are copied on same sheet. SK P ME 10TH 1992 SK P ME 10th 1992 F SK P ME 1st 1994b F SK P ME 9th 1995 F SK P ME 1st 1996 c. 1&2 SK P MEa 2002 F 10th Term Slovenska Narodna Rada. Zoznam poslancov. X volebne obdobie. Bratislava: Kancelaria Slovenskej Narodnej rady, august 1992. 69p. (Slovak National Assembly. Members listing. X Term. Bratislava:Slovak National Assembly Chancellery, august 1992. 69p.) Slovenska Narodna Rada. X volebne obdobie. Bratislava: Kancelaria Slovenskej Narodnej rady, (Slovak National Council. X Term. Bratislava: Slovak National Council). Photocopy, partial. 1st Term Zlozenie vyborov Narodnej rady Slovenskej Republiky. I volebne obdobie. Bratislava, november 1994. 12p. (Committees composition of National Assembly of Slovak Republic. I Term. Bratislava, November 1994. 12p.) 9th Term National Council of the Slovak Republic. General Information. November 1995. 7p. 1st Term Narodna rada Slovenskej Republiky. I volebne obdobie. Bratislava: Kancelaria Slovenskej Narodnej rady, januar 1996. 119p. (National Assembly of Slovak Republic. I Term. Bratislava: Slovak National Assembly Chancellery, January 1996 119p.) [2 copies] Membership Directory Information 1999-2002, 2002- . On Disk, supplied by student of Dr. Malova, Comenius University, Bratislava, from computer files of National Council of Slovak Republic Slovenia [A4] SI L ME 1st 1996a 1st Term Drzavni Zbor Republike Slovenje. Ljubljana: Poslanske pisarne, 24 aprila 1996. 23s. (Chamber of Deputies of the Slovenian Republic. Ljubljana: Parliamentary Publishers, April 24, 1996. 23p.) - - 17 612917202 SI L ME 1st 1996b SI L ME 2nd 1998 Last update 12/26/03 dge Drzavni Zbor Republike Slovenje v 1. mandatnem obdobju 1992-1996. Ljubljana: Oddelek Drzavnega zbora Republike Slovenje za informiranje, 1996. 157p. (Chamber of Deputies of the Slovenian Republic. First Term. Ljubljana: Chamber of Deputies of the Slovenian Republic. Information Office, 1996. 157p.) [Xerox copy] 2nd Term Drzavni Zbor Republike Slovenje v 2. mandatnem obdobju. Ljubljana: Oddelek Drzavnega zbora Republike Slovenje za informiranje, 1998. 124p. (Chamber of Deputies of the Slovenian Republic. Second Term. Ljubljana: Chamber of Deputies of the Slovenian Republic. Information Office, 1998. 124p.) Ukraine [F1] UA P ME 1993 F Spisok Narodnih Deputativ Ukrainy. Za stanom na 25 lituovo 1993 roku. (List of National Deputies of Ukraine. accurate on day 25th of February 1993) [xerox copy] - - 18 612917202 Last update 12/26/03 dge II. SESSIONAL REPORTS Bulgaria [A4] 38th Term BG P RPa 38th 1997 BG P RPb 38th 1997a c. 1&2 BG P RP 38th 1997a BG P RP 38th 1997b c.1&2 Republika Blgarija. Narodno Sbranie. XXXVIII Narodno Sbranie. Prva sesija (7 maj 1997 – 31 juli 1997). Sofia: Narodno Sbranie. Otdel „Informacionno Obsluzwanie”. Sluzba, Izdatelska Dejnost”, 1997. 51p. (Republic of Bulgaria - National Assembly. XXXVIII National Assembly. First Session (7 May 1997 – 31 July 1997). Sofia: National Assembly. Information Department Publishing Office, 1997. 51p.) [Bulgarian cyrylic] Republic of Bulgaria - National Assembly. XXXVIII National Assembly. First Session (7 May 1997 – 31 July 1997). Sofia: National Assembly. Information Department Publishing Office, 1997. 47p.(2 copies) Republika Blgarija. Narodno Sbranie. XXXVIII Narodno Sbranie. Vtora sesija (1 septembri 1997 – 22 dekabri 1997). Sofia: Narodno Sbranie. Otdel „Informacionno Obsluzwanie”. Sluzba, Izdatelska Dejnost”, 1998. 78p. (Republic of Bulgaria - National Assembly. XXXVIII National Assembly. Second Session (1 September 1997 – 22 December 1997). Sofia: National Assembly. Information Department Publishing Office, 1998. 78p.) [Bulgarian cyrylic] Republic of Bulgaria - National Assembly. XXXVIII National Assembly. Second Session (1 September 1997 – 22 December 1997). Sofia: National Assembly. Information Department Publishing Office, 1998. 74p. [ 2 copies] BG P RP 38th 1998a Republic of Bulgaria - National Assembly. XXXVIII National Assembly. Third Session (11January 1998 – 16 April 1998). Sofia: National Assembly. Information Department Publishing Office, 1998. 66p. BG P RP 38th 1998b Republic of Bulgaria - National Assembly. XXXVIII National Assembly. Fourth Session (27 April 1998-31 July 1998). Sofia: National Assembly. Information Department Publishing Office, 1998. 48p. Croatia [A4] HR P RP 1999 Zastupnicki dom Hrvatskoga Drzavnog Sabora 1995-1999. Zagreb: Hrvatski Drzavnmi Sabor. 1999. [Report of activities of parliament] - - 19 612917202 Last update 12/26/03 dge Czechoslovakia 1989-1992 [A2] 5th Term CS J RP 5th 1991 CS J RP 6th 1990 CS P RP 6th 1991 pt I CS P RP 6th 1991 pt II CS P RP 6th 1992 pt I CS P RP 6th 1992 pt II CSFR Federalni shromazdeni. Prehled zakonodarne cinosti Federalniho Shromazdeni. V obdobi transformace pravniho radu (od ust. Zakona c. 135/1989 Sb. do zak. C. 491/1991 Sb.). Zpracovano podle Sbirky zakonu od castki 31/1989 Sb., vydane dne 30.11.1989 do castki 96/1991 Sb., rozeslane dne 5.12.1991: Knihovna FS, leden 1992. 44s. (Federal Assembly of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. Review of Legislative Activities of the Federal Assembly. Term V. Transformation of Legal Order (from act of regulation section 135/1989 Collection to regulation section 491/1991 Collection). Elaborated according to Collection of Law from Section 31/1989 Collection, published on 11.30.1989 to section 96/1991 Collection, sent on 12.05.1991: Federal Assembly Publishers, January 1992. 44p.) 6th Term Federalni shromazdeni Ceske a Slovenske Republiky. VI volebni obdobi. Prehled cinnosti organu Federalniho shromazdeni za obdobi cervenec-prosinec 1990. Praha: Kancelar Federalniho shromazdeni, 1991. 191s. (Federal Assembly of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. Term VI. Survey of Activities of the Federal Assembly Organs from July - December 1990. Prague: Federal Assembly Chancellery, 1991. 191p.) Federalni shromazdeni Ceske a Slovenske Federativni Republiky. VI volebni obdobi. Prehled cinnosti organu Federalniho shromazdeni za rok 1991. I cast. Praha: Kancelar Federalniho shromazdeni, 1992. 195s. (Federal Assembly of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. Term VI. Survey of Activities of the Federal Assembly Organs in 1991. Part I. Prague: Federal Assembly Chancellery, 1992. 195p.) Federalni shromazdeni Ceske a Slovenske Federativni Republiky. VI volebni obdobi. Prehled cinnosti organu Federalniho shromazdeni za rok 1991. II cast. Praha: Kancelar Federalniho shromazdeni, 1992. 109s. (Federal Assembly of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. Term VI. Survey of Activities of the Federal Assembly Organs in 1991. Part II. Prague: Federal Assembly Chancellery, 1992. 109p.) Federalni shromazdeni Ceske a Slovenske Federativni Republiky. VI volebni obdobi. Prehled cinnosti organu Federalniho shromazdeni za rok 1992 (leden-cerven). I cast. Praha: Kancelar Federalniho shromazdeni, cerven 1992. 151s. (Federal Assembly of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. Term VI. Survey of Activities of the Federal Assembly Organs in 1992 (January - June). Part I. Prague: Federal Assembly Chancellery, June 1992. 151p.) Federalni shromazdeni Ceske a Slovenske Federativni Republiky. VI volebni obdobi. Prehled cinnosti organu Federalniho shromazdeni za rok 1992 (leden-cerven). II cast. Praha: Kancelar Federalniho shromazdeni, cervenec 1992. 64s. (Federal Assembly of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. Term VI. Survey of Activities of the Federal Assembly Organs in 1992 (January - June). Part II. Prague: Federal Assembly Chancellery, July 1992. 64p.) Czech Republic [A2] CZ L RP 1st 1993a c.1&2 1st Term Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Parliamentary Library. Survey of Legislative Activities of the Parliament of the Czech Republic from January - June 1993. 66p. (2 copies) - - 20 612917202 CZ L RP 1st 1993b c.1&2 CZ P RP 1st 1994a c.1&2 CZ P RP 1st 1994b c.1&2 CZ L RP 1995a CZ P RP 1996a CZ P RP 1996b CZ P RP 1997a CZ P RP 1997b CZ P RP 1998a Last update 12/26/03 dge Parliamentary Library of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Survey of Legislative Activities of the Parliament of the Czech Republic from August - December 1993. Prague: Chancellery of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, 1994. 31p. (2 copies) Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Parliamentary Library. Survey of Legislative Activities of the Parliament of the Czech Republic from January - July 1994. Prague: Chancellery of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, 1994. 29p. (2 copies) Parliamentary Library. Survey of Legislative Activities of the Parliament of the Czech Republic from August - December 1994. Prague: Chancellery of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, 1995. 27p. (2 copies) Parliamentary Library of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Survey of Legislative Activities of the Parliament of the Czech Republic from January-Julty 1995. Prague: Chancellery of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, 1995.319 Parliamentary Library of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Survey of Legislative Activities of the Parliament of the Czech Republic from January-May 1996. Prague: Chancellery of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, 1996.p.26 Parliamentary Library of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Survey of Legislative Activities of the Parliament of the Czech Republic from June-December 1996. Prague: Chancellery of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, 1997.p.27 Parliamentary Library of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Survey of Legislative Activities of the Parliament of the Czech Republic from January-June1997. Prague: Chancellery of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, 1997. p.25 Parliamentary Library of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Survey of Legislative Activities of the Parliament of the Czech Republic from June-December 1997. Prague: Chancellery of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, 1998. p.21 Parliamentary Library of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Survey of Legislative Activities of the Parliament of the Czech Republic from January-June 1998. Prague: Chancellery of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, 1998. p.18 - - 21 612917202 CZ P RP 1st 1998b CZ P RP 1999a CZ L/U RPa 2001 CZ L/U RPa 2002 CZ U RPa 2003 Last update 12/26/03 dge Parliamentary Library of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Survey of Legislative Activities of the Parliament of the Czech Republic from July-December 1998. Prague: Chancellery of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, 1999. p.22 Parliamentary Library of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Survey of Legislative Activities of the Parliament of the Czech Republic from January-July 1999. Prague: Chancellery of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, 1999. p.17 Linek, Lukas, and Petra Salamounova, eds., The Parliament of the Czech Republic, 1993 - 1998: Factbook. Prague: Parliamentary Documentation and Information Centre, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. 95p. 2001. [Compiled from parliament's data sources, for both Senate and Chamber of Deputies; not an official publication.] Kolar, Petr, Stepan Pechacek, and Jindriska Syllova, eds., Parlament Ceske republiky 1993 - 2001: Politicke strany, Volebni system, Poslanec, sator a Parlament, Organizace Parlamentu, Funkce Parlamentu, Parlament a verejnost. Praha: Vydalo Linde. 296p. 2002. [Compiled by staff of Parliamentary Institute, Chamber of Deputies; not an official publication, but with prefaces by presiding officers of both chambers.] The Czech Senate: History and Presence. Prague: 2003. [Prepared by authors associated with Senate; issued by "Editors Department of Senate (p. 105; report information at pp. 102-129.] Estonia [A1] EE P RP 7th 1993 EE P RP 7th 1994 EE P RP 7th 1995 EE P RP 8th 1996 EE P RP 8th 1998 7th Term Riigikogu Kroonika 1992/1993. Tallinn: Eesti Rahvusraammatukogu, 1994. 107p. (Riigikogu Chronicle 1992/1993. Tallinn: National Library of Estonia, 1994. 107p.) Riigikogu Kroonika 1993/1994. Tallinn: Eesti Rahvusraammatukogu, 1994. 128p. (Riigikogu Chronicle 1993/1994. Tallinn: National Library of Estonia, 1994. 128p.) Riigikogu Kroonika 1994/1995. Tallinn: Eesti Rahvusraammatukogu, 1995. 150p. (Riigikogu Chronicle 1994/1995. Tallinn: National Library of Estonia, 1995. 150p.) 8th Term Riigikogu Kroonika 1995/1996. Tallinn: Eesti Rahvusraammatukogu, 1997. 124p. (Riigikogu Chronicle 1995/1996. Tallinn: National Library of Estonia, 1997. 124p.) Riigikogu Kroonika 1997/1998. 08.09 1997 – 13.09.1998. Tallinn: Eesti Rahvusraammatukogu, 1998. 109p. (Riigikogu Chronicle 1997/1998. 08.09 1997 – 13.09.1998. Tallinn: National Library of Estonia, 1998. 109p.) - - 22 612917202 EE P RP 8th 1999 Last update 12/26/03 dge Riigikogu Kroonika 1998/1999. 14.09.1998 – 25.02.1999. Tallinn: Eesti Rahvusraammatukogu, 1998. 116p. (Riigikogu Chronicle 1998/1999. 14.09.1998 – 25.02.1999. Tallinn: National Library of Estonia, 1999. 116p.) Hungary [A4] HU P RP 2nd 1994 HU P RP 2nd 1995 HU P RP 2nd 1996 HU P RP 2nd 1997 HU P RP 2nd 1998 HU P RP 3rd 1998 HU P RP 3rd 1999 HU P RP 2002 2nd Term Adatok az Orszaggyules elso Felevenek (1994. junis 28. – 1994. december 27.) Tevekenysegerol. Budapest: Orszaggyules Fotitkara. 33p. [xerox copy] Adatok az Orszaggyules 1995. evi Tevekenysegerol. Budapest: Orszaggyules Fotitkara, 1995. december 22. [Xerox copy] Adatok az Orszaggyules 1996. evi Tevekenysegerol (1996. februar 5. – 1996. december 19.). Budapest: Orszaggyules Fotitkara, 1996. december 19. [xerox copy] Adatok az Orszaggyules 1997. evi Tevekenysegerol (1997. februar 3. – 1997. december 15.). Budapest: Orszaggyules Fotitkara, 1997. december 15. 216p. [Xerox copy] Adatok az Orszaggyules 1994 –1998. evi Tevekenysegerol (1994. junis 28. – 1998. marcius 16.). Budapest: Orszaggyules Fotitkarsaga. 297p. (Data on the activity of the Parliament 1994 – 1998 (June 28th 1994 – March 16th 1998). Budapest:) [xerox copy] 3rd Term Adatok az Orszaggyules Tevekenysegerol (1998. junius 18. – 1998. december 28.). Budapest: Orszaggyules Fotitkarsaga, 1998 december 129p. (Data on the activity of the Parliament (June 18 1998 – December 28 1998). Budapest: ) [Xerox copy] Adatok az Orszaggyules 1999. I. felevi Tevekenysegerol (1999. februar 1. – 1999. junius 22.). Budapest: Orszaggyules Fotitkarsaga, 1999. 158p. [xerox copy] Adatok az orszaggyules 1998-2002. Evi; Tevekenysegerol (1998. Junius 18. – 2002. Februar 26.) Keszitette: az Orszaggyules Fotitkarsaga 2002. Marcius 22. 298p. Lithuania [A_] LT P RP 1995 F LT P RPa 2000 F Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas. Informacijos analizes skyrius. Seimo Triju Metu Darbo Rezultatai 1992.11.15 – 1995.11.21. Viduus informacijo analizes grupe. 1995.11.23. [statistics of Seimas activity. Nov. 15 1992 – Nov 21, 1995. multilith.] Lietuvos Respublikos VIII Seimas 1996-2000. Vilnius: Seimo Informacijos technologiju departamentas. 2000. (Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania 1996-2000. Information Technology Department of the Seimas. 2000.) [CD Disk] F - - 23 612917202 Last update 12/26/03 dge LT P RPb 2001 F “Statistika apie Seimo posedzius,” [ statistics of Seimas activity. Oct. 19, 2000 – Jan. 26, 2001, from Seimas internal website, May 14, 2002] Moldova [A5] MD P RP 1993 Parlamentul Republicii Moldova. Activitatea Parlamentului. Legislatura a XII-a (17 Aprilie 1990 – 19 Octombrie 1993) Chisinau, 1995. 95p. MD P RP 1994 Parliament Respubliki Moldova. Informaconnyj Bjulleten. XII-i sozyv. (29 marta – 27 dekabra 1994). Moldpres. 42p. [Russian text only] MD P RP 1995 Parlamentul Republicii Moldova. Buletin Documentar. Legislatura a XIII-a (1 februarie – 26 decembrie 1995). Chisinau, 1996. 84p. [Moldovian and Russian text] MD P RP 1996 Parlamentul Republicii Moldova. Buletin Documentar. Legislatura a XIII-a (1 februarie – 27 decembrie 1996). Chisinau, 1997. 84p. [Moldovian and Russian text] Poland [A3] Sejm 10th Term PL L RP 10th 1990 pt.I PL L RP 10th 1990 pt.II PL L RP 10th 1991 pt.I PL L RP 10th 1991 pt.II Niektore Dane Statystyczne o Pracy Sejmu i Jego Organow w okresie od 5 lipca 1989r. do 31 lipca 1990r. Material roboczy do uzytku poslow. Czesc I. Warszawa: Kancelaria Sejmu, Biuro Prac Sejmowych, wrzesien 1990. 103s. (Some Statistical Data on the Work of the Sejm's Organs from July 5, 1989 to July 31, 1990. Working Materials for Deputies' Use. Part I.. Warsaw: Sejm Chancellery, Sejm Works Bureau, 1990. 103p.) Niektore Dane Statystyczne o Pracy Sejmu i Jego Organow w okresie od 5 lipca 1989r. do 31 lipca 1990r. Material roboczy do uzytku poslow. Czesc II. Warszawa: Kancelaria Sejmu, Biuro Prac Sejmowych, wrzesien 1990. 135s. (Some Statistical Data on the Work of the Sejm's Organs from July 5, 1989 to July 31, 1990. Working Materials for Deputies' Use. Part II. Warsaw: Sejm Chancellery, Sejm Works Bureau, September 1990. 135p.) Niektore dane statystyczne o pracy Sejmu i jego organow w okresie od 4 lipca 1989r. do 31 pazdziernika 1991r. Czesc I. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, listopad 1991. 138s. (Some Statistical Data on the Work of the Sejm's Organs from July 4, 1989 to October 31, 1991. Part I. Warsaw: Sejm Publishing Office, November 1991. 138p.) Niektore dane statystyczne o pracy Sejmu i jego organow w okresie od sierpnia 1990r. do pazdziernika 1991r. Czesc II. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, listopad 1991. 195s. (Some Statistical Data on the Work of the Sejm's Organs from August, 1990 to October, 1991. Part II. Warsaw: Sejm Publishing Office, November 1991. 195p.) - - 24 612917202 PL L RP 1st 1993 PL L RP 2nd 1994 PL L RP 2nd 1995a c. 1,2 PL L RPa 2nd 1995b F PL L RP 2nd 1997 pt I PL L RP 2nd 1997 pt II Last update 12/26/03 dge 1st Term Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. I kadencja. Informacja o dzialalnosci Sejmu. (25 listopada 1991r. – 31 maja 1993 r.). Warszawa: Kancelaria Sejmu, pazdziernik 1993. 524s. (Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Term I. Activity Informations. (November 25 1991 – May 31 1993). Warsaw: Sejm Chancellery, October 1993. 524p.) 2nd Term Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. II kadencja. Informacja o dzialalnosci. (14 pazdziernika 1993r. – 31 grudnia 1994 r.). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 1995. 199s. (Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Term II. Activity Information. (October 14 1993 – December 31 1994). Warsaw: Sejm Publishing Office, 1995. 199p.) Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. II kadencja. Informacja o dzialalnosci. (19 wrzesnia 1993r. – 31 grudnia 1995 r.). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 1996. 395s. (Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Term II. Activity Information. (September 19 1993 – December 31 1995). Warsaw: Sejm Publishing Office, 1996. 395ps.) : (2 copies) “Rozdzial VI. Komise Sejmowe, Structura, Dzialalnosc,” and Kancelaria Sejmu, Biuro Komisji sejmovych, “Regulamin pracy sekretariatow komisji sejmowych,” (Chapter 6. Sejm Committees, Structure, Activities,” and Chancellery of the Sejm, Bureau of Sejm Committees, “Regulations of the Work of the Sejm Committee Secretariat).. Regulations dated 12 lipca 1995; Photocopy, n.d. Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. II kadencja. Zgromadzenie Narodowe. Informacja o dzialalnosci. (14 pazdziernika 1993r. – 20 pazdziernika 1997 r.). Czesc 1. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 1998. 399s. (Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Term II. National Assembly. Activity Information. (October 14 1993 – October 20 1997), Part 1. Warsaw: Sejm Publishing Office, 1998. 399p.) Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. II kadencja. Zgromadzenie Narodowe. Informacja o dzialalnosci. (14 pazdziernika 1993r. – 20 pazdziernika 1997 r.). Czesc 2. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 1998. 488s. (Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Term II. National Assembly. Activity Information. (October 14 1993 – October 20 1997), Part 2. Warsaw: Sejm Publishing Office, 1998. 488p.) Senate 1st Term PL U RP 1st 1991a PL U RP 1st 1991b c.1,2 Wybrane dane o pracy Senatu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. (od 4 lipca 1989r. do 31 marca 1991r.). Warszawa: Kancelaria Senatu RP, Biuro Prac Senackich, kwiecien 1991. 166s. (Selected data on the Activities of the Senate of Republic of Poland. (July 4 1989 – March 31 1991). Warsaw: Senate Chancellery, Senate Works Bureau, april 1991. 166p.) Senat Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej. Wybrane dane o pracy Senatu Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej I kadencji. Warszawa: Kancelaria Senatu Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej, Biuro Informacyjne, 1991. 291s. (Senate of the Republic of Poland. Selected Data on the Activities of the Senate of the Republic of Poland. Term I. Warsaw: Senate Chancellery, Information Bureau, 1991. 291p.) [2 copies] - - 25 612917202 PL U RP 2nd 1993 c. 1,2 PL U RP 3rd 1994 PL U RP 4th 2000 PL U RP 4th 2001 Last update 12/26/03 dge 2nd Term Senat Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej. Wybrane dane o pracy Senatu Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej II kadencji. Warszawa: Kancelaria Senatu Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej, Biuro Informacyjne, 1993. 156s. (Senate of the Republic of Poland. Selected Data on the Activities of the Senate of the Republic of Poland. Term II. Warsaw: Senate Chancellery, Information Bureau, 1993. 156p.) [2 copies] 3rd Term Senat Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej. Wybrane dane o pracy Senatu Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej III kadencji (obejmuje okres od 15 pazdziernika 1993 do 14 pazdziernika 1994). Warszawa: Kancelaria Senatu Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej, Biuro Informacyjne, 1994. 125s. (Senate of the Republic of Poland. Selected Data on the Activities of the Senate of the Republic of Poland. Term III (includes period from October 15th 1993 to October 14th 1994). Warsaw: Senate Chancellery, Information Bureau, 1994. 125p.) Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. IV Kadencja. Wyabrane dane p pracy. Kancelaria Senatu RP, Biuro Informacyjni I Dokumentacji Senackiej, Warszawa 2000 [Zestawiene za okes od 21.10.1997 r. do 20.10.2000 r.]]. (Senate of the Republic of Poland. Term IV. Warsaw: Senate Chancellery, Information Bureau, 2000. 377 pages.) : Senat Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej. Wybrane dane o pracy Senatu Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej IV kadencji (Zestawienie za okres od 21.10.1997 r. do 18.10.2001 r.). Warszawa: Biuro Informacji I Dokumentacji Senackiej. 2001. 528s. (Senate of the Republic of Poland. Selected Data on the Activities of the Senate of the Republic of Poland. Term V (includes period from October 21 1997 to October 18, 2001). Warsaw: Senate, Information and Documentation Bureau, 2001. 528p.) . Slovak Republic [A2] SK P Rpa 2002 F Report Information 1998-2002, 2002- . On Disk, supplied by student of Dr. Malova, Comenius University, Bratislava, from computer files of National Council of Slovak Republic. Slovenia [A4] SI P RP 1996 F SI L RP 1 1996 F SI L RP 2001 Parliament of Slovenia (1993-1996) [statistical tables] [xerox copy] 3 pages Drzavni Zbor Republike Slovenje. Porocilo za Obdobje 23.12.92 do 16.10.96. (National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia. Report of Activities (?) from Dec. 12, 1992 to Oct. 16, 1996). Multilith, v.p.). Republike Slovenje Drzavni Zbor. Porocilo o Delu Drzavnega Zbora v obdobju 2000 – 2004. Prvo Leto Mandata – Oktober 2000 – December 2001. Report on National Assembly’s Work in the Parliamentary Term 2000 – 2004. First Year: October 2000 – December 2001. Ljubljana: Knjizna zbirka Drzavnega zbora Republike Slovenije. Februar 2003. (Ljubljana: Library Division of the National Assembly of the Slovenian Republic). - - 26 612917202 SI L RP 2002 Last update 12/26/03 dge Republike Slovenje Drzavni Zbor. Porocilo o Delu Drzavnega Zbora v obdobju 2000 – 2004. Drugo Leto Mandata – Januar 2002 – December 2002. Report on National Assembly’s Work in the Parliamentary Term 2000 – 2004. Second Year: January 2002 – December 2002. Ljubljana: Knjizna zbirka Drzavnega zbora Republike Slovenije. Februar 2003. (Ljubljana: Library Division of the National Assembly of the Slovenian Republic). - - 27 612917202 Last update 12/26/03 dge III. RULES OF PROCEDURE Bulgaria [A4] BG P RL 38th 1997a Republika Bulgarija. Trideset i osmo Narodno Sbranie. Pravilnik za organizaciatia i dejnoctta na Narodnoto Sbranie. (DB. br. 44 ot 3 juni 1997). Sofia, maj 1997. 28p. : [Bulgarian cyrylic] BG P RL 38th 1997b Republic of Bulgaria. Thirty Eight National Assembly. Rules of Organisation and Procedure of the National Assembly. promulgated State Gazette No. 44 / 03.06.1997. Sofia: National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, July 1997. 40p. Croatia [A4] HR P RL 1998 F “Standing Orders of the House of Representatives of the Croation National Parliament,” translated by NDI, Croatia, from Narodne novine, No. 99/95 and Narodne novine, No. 89/98. 51 Pp. [printout]. Czechoslovakia 1989-1992 [A2] CS J RL 1991a F CS J RL 1991b CS J RL 1991c The Federal Assembly of Czech and Slovak Federative republic. A study for the purposes of model Czechoslovak Parliament. Extracts from Law No. 56 from 29th of January 1991 – The Procedural Order of the Federal Assembly [printout] Zakon o jednacim Radu Federalniho shromazdeni ze dne 29. ledna 1991. Sbirka zakonu Ceske a Slovenske Federativni Republiky. Rocnik 1991 Rozeslana dne 1 brezna 1991. : [xerox copy] Organizacni Rad Kancelare Federalniho Shromazdeni CSFR, platny od 22.rijna 1991. Kanclar Federalhino shromazdeni, listopad 199l. 31p. (Organizational Structure of the Office of the Federal Assembly CSFR, valid from October 22, 1991, Office of the Federal Assembly, September 1991. 31p). Czech Republic [A2] CZ L RL 1995a c. 1,2 CZ L RL 1995b CZ L RL 1995c c. 1,2 Jednaci Rad Poslanecke snemovny a Souvisejici Pravni Predpisy. Praha: Kancelar Poslanecke snemovny, kveten 1995. 422p. [2 copies] Jednaci Rad Poslanecke Snemovny (schvaleny dne 19. 4. 1995 na 32. schuzi PS). Priloha Parlamentniho Zpravodaje. Praha: PZ, IDEU 1995. 24p. Parlament Ceske Republiky. Poslanecka Snemovna. Jednaci Rad Poslanecke Snemovny. Praha: Kancelar Poslanecke snemovny, zari 1995. 128p. : [2 copies] - - 28 612917202 CZ L RL 1996 c. 1,2 Last update 12/26/03 dge Parliament of the Czech Republic. Chamber of Deputies. Act on Rules of Procedure of the Chamber of Deputies. The Parliamentary Institute of the Chamber of Deputies. Prague: Office of the Chamber of Deputies, May 1996. 166p. : [official translation] [2 copies] Hungary [A4] HU P RL 1994a HU P RL 1994b Az Orszaggyules 46/1994. (IX.30.) OGY hatarozata a Magyar Koztarsasag Orszaggyulesenek Hazszabalyarol. 1994. 84p. (Resolution 46/1994 (IX. 30.) OGY on the Standing Orders of the Parliament of the Republic of Hungary. 1994. 84p.) [Xerox copy] Resolution 46/1994 (IX. 30.) OGY on the Standing Orders of the Parliament of the Republic of Hungary, 1994, 99p. [Xerox copy] Latvia [A1] LV P RL 1996 LV P RL 1998 Latvijas Republikas Satversme. Saeimas Kartibas Rullis. Riga: Saeimas Kanceleja, 1996. 79p. Latvijas Republikas Satversme. Saeimas Kartibas Rullis. Riga: Saeimas Kanceleja, 1998. 80p. Lithuania [A1] LT P RL 1994a Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo Statutas 1992. 1994 m. vasario 17 d. Nr.I-399. Vilnius: Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo leidykla, 1996. 160 p. (Statute of Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. 1992[term?]. 17th February 1994, No. I-399. Vilnius: Publishing Office of Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, 1996. 160p.) LT P RL 1994b c.1&2 Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Statute. 17th February 1994, No. I-399. Vilnius: Official Translation. 160p.) (2 copies) LT P RL 1998 c.1&2 Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo Statutas. 1998 m. gruodzio 22 d. Nr. VIII-1000. Vilnius: 1998. 125p. (2 copies) Moldova [A5] MD P RLa 1995 Bongenaar, Karel E.M. and A.B. Janus. Manual Pentru Deputatii in Parlamentul Republic II Moldova. Chisnau:Parlamentul Republic II Moldova. 1995. Translated title? [Digest of constitution, laws and Rules of Procedure relating to Parliament] Poland [A3] PL L RL 1993 The Standing Orders of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Made by Resolution of July 30th, 1992. The text is up to date to March 14th, 1993. Warsaw: Chancellery of Sejm, Bureau of Research, 1994. 76p. [Xerox copy] - - 29 612917202 Last update 12/26/03 dge Slovak Republic[A2] SK P RL 1996a c.1,2,3 SK P RL 1996b c.1&2 Rokovaci poriadok Narodnej rady Slovenskiej republiky z 24. oktobra 1996: Kancelaria Narodnej rady Slovenskej republiky: 88 p. [3 copies] The Act on Rules of Procedure of the National Council of the Slovak Republic. Passed by the National Council of the Slovak Republic on October 24, 1996. The National Council of the Slovak Republic. 93p. [2 copies] Slovenia [A4] SI P RL 1993a F SI P RL 1993b pt IX F SI P RL n.d. F SI P RL 1997a F SI P RL 1997b SI L RL 1997? F Standing Orders of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia. 1993. 84p. [Xerox copy] Standing orders of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia (1993) Part IX. Standing committees. 9p. F1 [Xerox copy] Amended Articles of the Standing Orders of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia. 27p. [no year?] [Xerox copy] Poslovnik Drzavnega Zbora Republike Slovenije. Neuradni Cistopis. Delovni Pripomocek. Ljubljana, december 1997. 129p. Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly. [This unofficial fair copy has been prepared by taking into consideration the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly (PoDZ) (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 40/93), the amendments and supplements to the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly (PoDZ-A) (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 80/94 and the corrigendum 3/95), the amendment and supplement to the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly (PoDZ-B) (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 28/96) and supplement to the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly (PoDZ-C) () (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 26/97). The unofficial fair copy of the Rules of Procedure has been prepared by Boris Vriser, secretary of the Rules of Procedure Commission at the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia. The amendments and supplements to these Rules of Procedure have been translated by the translator Nina Barlic.] 79p. Republic of Slovenia, National Assembly. Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly.n.d., 63 pp. (unofficial fair copy; photocopy). - - 30 612917202 Last update 12/26/03 dge IV. CONSTITUTIONS & CONSTITUTIONAL lAWS Bulgaria [A4] BG CO 1971a Konstitucija na Narodna Republika Blgarija. Sofia: Nauka i Izkyctvo, 1971. 63p. (Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria. Sofia: Science and Education, 1971. 63p.) BG CO 1971b Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria. Adopted by a National Referendum on May 16, 1971. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1971. 47p. BG CO 1991 c.1,2 Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, established by the Grand National Assembly on 12 July, 1991. Sofia: Sofia Press Agency, 1991. 39p. [2 copies] Croatia [A2] HR CO 1993 F (12/3 missing) HR CO 1998 “The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia,” The Principle State Acts, Parliament of the Croatian Republic, Narodne novine No. 56/90. Zagreb, April 1993. [photocopy]. “The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia,” Narodne novine. Croatian Legislation 344 The Principle State Acts, Parliament of the Croatian Republic. p.112 Zagreb, 1998. Czechoslovakia 1989-1992 [A2] CS COa 1992 Constitutional Acts of Czech and Slovak Federal Republic and Acts concerning the Civil Rights and Freedoms adopted by the Federal Assembly of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. Praha: Kancelar FS ve spolupraci s Ustavem statu a prava CSAV, December 1992. 268p. Czech Republic [A2] CZ CO 1992 (12/3 missing) CZ CO 1993 CZ CO 1996 Constitutional Law of the Czech National Council of 16th December, 1992. The Constitution of the Czech Republic. [Xerox copy] Flanz, H. Gisbert “The Czech Republic” in Blaustein, P. Albert & Flanz H. Gisbert, eds., Constitutions of the countries of the World. New York: Oceana Publications, Inc., June 1993, release 93-4. 207p. [English and Czech text] [not an official publication] Parliament of the Czech Republic. Chamber of Deputies. Act on Elections to the Parliament of the Czech Republic (May 1996). 80pp. Prague: Parliamentary Institute of the Chamber of Deputies Hungary [A4] HU CO 1997 F 1949. evi XX. toveny. A Magyar Koztarsasag Alkotmanya. Hatalyos magyar jogszabalyok. 1997. 45p. (Act XX of 1949. The Constitution of the Republic of Hungary. Hungarian Rules of Law in Force. 1997. 45p. : (Hungarian, German and English text) [Xerox copy] - - 31 612917202 HU CO 1997 F Last update 12/26/03 dge Hatalyos magyar jogszabakyok. “A Magyar Koztarsasag Alkotmanya;” Geltende Ungarishe Rechtsnormen. “Verfassung der Repubik Ungarn;” Hungarian Rules of Law in Force. “The Constitution of the Republic of Hungary.” 1997. [offprint from unknown source, VIII./5. Pp 347-392; Hungarian, German, English text] Latvia [A1] LV CO 1996 LV CO 1998 Latvijas Republikas Satversme. Saeimas Kartibas Rullis. Riga: Saeimas Kanceleja, 1996. 79p. Latvijas Republikas Satversme. Saeimas Kartibas Rullis. Riga: Saeimas Kanceleja, 1998. 80p. Lithuania [A1] LT CO 1992 c. 1&2 Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania 1992. Vilnius: Publishing House of the Seimas, 1993, 135p. [2 copies] LT CO 1996 c. 1&2 Lietuvous Respublikos Konstitucija 1992. Vilnius: Lietuvous Respublikos Seimo, 1996, 86p. (Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania 1992. Vilnius: Publishing House of the Seimas, 1996, 86p.) [2 copies] Poland “The Constituion of the Republic of Poland.” Chancellory of the Sejm. Sejm Publishing Office Warsaw 1997 p.98. PL CO 1997 Romania [F1] RO Co 1991 F Constitution of Romania. East Europe Supplement. 23 December 1991. 15p. [Xerox copy] Slovak Republic [A2] SK CO 1992a c. 1&2 Ustava Slovenskej Republiky. 1 septembra 1992. Bratislava: Narodna rada Slovenskej republiky, 1992. 73p. (The Constitution of the Slovak Republic. 1 of September 1992. Bratislava: National Council of the Slovak Republic, 1992.) [2 copies] SK CO 1992b c. 1,2,3,4&5 SK CO 1993 The Constitution of the Slovak Republic. 1 of September 1992. Bratislava: National Council of the Slovak Republic, 1992. 79p. [5 copies] Flanz, H. Gisbert “The Slovak Republic” in Blaustein, P. Albert & Flanz H. Gisbert, eds., Constitutions of the countries of the World. New York: Oceana Publications, Inc., June 1993, release 93-4. 130p. [English and Slovak text] Slovenia [A4] SI C 1992 F Deputies Act, translation of Zakon o poslacih (Zpos) of 1992, by Nina Baric, revised by Government Office for European Affairs, September 1999. 11p. (multilith) - - 32