INTERNATIONAL SERVICE-LEARNING AT UNCG “Global possibilities for discovery, inquiry, and learning through service” Program Stipends (5): $2,500 Application deadline is November 1, 2008 Notification of award made by December 8, 2008 Program Guidelines: UNCG’s Office of Leadership and Service-Learning will provide curriculum development opportunities to faculty who have experience and/or interest in leading a student trip to another country. The stipend award must result in an undergraduate course for academic credit that includes an international community service component. Course proposals must be submitted to the appropriate university committees, including the service-learning designation committee ( for review and approval. Program Mission: OLSL’s International Service-Learning Program combines academic study with service opportunities in other countries while encouraging students to develop global perspectives, explore multiple concepts of community, and make significant contributions around the world. Through cultural immersion, guided classroom study, service, and personal reflection, students experience the reciprocity of shared learning while increasing their understanding of a global society. Course Design Options: 1. Integrated: add a service component to a faculty-led study abroad opportunity through UNCG’s International Programs Center (IPC) 2. New or Revised Course: develop a new course or revise an existing course, and include an international service-learning component Course Information: The course format, length, and content are up to the discretion of the instructor. The trip portion of the course may take place during a regular semester, summer session, or winter break (preferably 3 weeks or more). Faculty receiving this stipend must submit a syllabus and service-learning designation request to OLSL no later than August 28, 2009. Course implementation is required during Fall, Winter Interim, Spring, or Summer of the 2009-2010 academic year. Examples of international service-learning needs: Education Health Care Community Development Social Justice Page 1 of 4 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Who can apply for this course development grant? Full-time faculty members at UNCG are eligible to apply. What can I do with the stipend? The $2,500 will be transferred to you. You may use the full amount as a May add-pay *, or you may use it for your expenses (travel, office supplies, equipment, postage, phone) **. * Your Department Head and Dean must approve the add-pay. ** Funds must be spent in full before June 15, 2009. Do I have to travel this year? Ideally, we would like you to meet in-person with community partners to identify needed services, develop student learning outcomes, and explore student housing. If you have limited travel experience, then yes, we would expect you to do a site visit. However, if you are a seasoned traveler already working with students abroad, you may not need to travel now to prepare for your course. Who will pay me to travel with my students next year? Typically, faculty expenses are built into the student cost of the trip so that instructors do not have to pay travel costs. Whether or not you are paid for your time to teach this course is up to the discretion of your department. Does UNCG currently have any designated international service-learning courses? Yes! The first course was approved in 2007. Here is the link to the course information: What type of course proposals are required? The first step is getting your department’s support, and any school or college curriculum committee’s approval. Then, you would submit the service-learning course designation proposal to us. The next step is the University Curriculum Committee (undergraduate courses) or Graduate Studies Committee (graduate courses). In addition, we hope that you will consider applying for a GEC category or GE marker. What if I accept the stipend but do not submit a service-learning course proposal to you by August 28, 2009? Based on the contract you will sign to receive the stipend, you must return the full $2,500 to us by the end of the 20092010 academic year if you break the contract and do not develop an international service-learning course proposal. Ok, I am interested! Now what? Complete the attached cover page and narrative. Submit both electronically to Dr. Emily Janke, Assistant Director of Service-Learning at by Monday, November 1. A panel of faculty, staff, and students will review all applications. Page 2 of 4 COVER PAGE INTERNATIONAL SERVICE-LEARNING FACULTY CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT GRANT Please complete this cover page and send it electronically with your narrative. This page will be removed during the review process. Faculty Information: Name: Email: Department: Phone: School/College: Campus Address: Course Information: Which course design option will you use? (Select one) _____ Integrated: add a service component to a faculty-led study abroad opportunity through UNCG’s International Programs Center (IPC) _____ New or Revised Course: develop a new course or revise an existing course, and include an international service-learning component Proposed Course Number and Title: Course Number/Level: (Select one) _____ 100 ____ 500 _____ 200 ____ 600 _____ 300 _____ 400 Course Title: Course Implementation: When would you like to offer this course for the first time? (Select one) ___ Fall 2009 ___ Winter Interim 2009 ___Spring 2010 Page 3 of 4 ___ Summer 2010 INTERNATIONAL SERVICE-LEARNING FACULTY NARRATIVE Please briefly respond to these questions by Monday, November 1 at 5 pm (3 pages maximum). Submit this narrative with your cover page as an email attachment to Dr. Emily Janke at 1. Which country would you select and why? What service opportunities are available for UNCG students? 2. What role would the international community partner play? How would you identify community needs? 3. Describe your previous international travel experience. What languages do you speak? 4. In what way(s) would the proposed international service experience be incorporated into your course’s student learning outcomes? 5. How could you develop the course so that it met UNCG’s General Education Course (GEC) requirements? Which GEC category or GL marker category would you choose and why? 6. What type of student reflection activities or assignments would you incorporate in anticipation of applying for a service-learning (SVL) course designation? 7. Describe opportunities for student leadership development. ************************************************************************ DEFINITION OF SERVICE-LEARNING The University of North Carolina at Greensboro defines Academic ServiceLearning as a teaching method that links community action and academic study so that each strengthens the other. Students, faculty, and community partners collaborate to enable students to address community needs, initiate social change, build effective relationships, enhance academic skills, and develop civic literacy. Service-Learning encourages critical consideration of the ethical dimensions of community engagement. Page 4 of 4