JOSE M. LOPEZ MIDDLE SCHOOL IS PLEASED TO WELCOME YOU TO THE 2015 LEADER IN ME SYMPOSIUM ARTWORK CREATED BY LOPEZ MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS What does The LEADer in Me look like at Jose M. Lopez Middle School? GOALS BALANCE ACHIEVEMENT Paradigm: HOW DO WE SEE THINGS? Students ask themselves, “What is my life centered on?” ● ● ● ● ● ● What do I spend my time doing? What do I enjoy doing? What am I good at doing? How would I describe myself? What is important to me? Who am I? Are our paradigms of ourselves helping or hindering us? When we better understand ourselves, we can better understand others and learn to look at the actions of our peers with a different point of view. Responsibility: BE PROACTIVE Reactive Language vs. Proactive Language I’ll try People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be. ~Abraham Lincoln I’ll do it That’s just the way I am I can do better than that There’s nothing I can do options Let’s look at all our I have to I chose to I can’t be a way There’s gotta You ruined my day bad mood rub off on me I’m not going to let your LOPEZ MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR ACTIONS. WE ARE PROACTIVE, NOT REACTIVE. PALS Mission Statement: ● Be open-minded, accept differences, and listen ● Be confidential. What happens in PALS stays in PALS. ● Always come in with a positive attitude and have integrity. ● Keep a fun atmosphere in the classroom. ● Work as a team and act as a family! ● Show respect to everyone. ● Be engaged in all activities & remember We’ve Got This! Goals: BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND Lopez students live life with hope and purpose. We know that if we don’t control our destiny, someone else will. Lopez students complete THE GREAT DISCOVERY They think about their own lives, where they want to be a year from now, five year, ten years and then write a personal mission statement. Priorities: PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST What do Lopez students spend their time doing? ● Lopez students plan their schedules monthly, weekly and daily. ● Lopez students make a list of their biggest time wasters & focus on more important tasks. ● Lopez students practice their skills & talents daily. Agenda book designed by Lopez Artist Attitude: THINK WIN-WIN Lopez Students are making connections and dressing for success. Lopez students have an “everyone can win” attitude. A WIN-WIN ATTITUDE INCLUDES: ❏ YOU’RE HAPPY WHEN OTHERS ARE SUCCESSFUL. ❏ YOU TRY TO MAKE OTHERS FEEL GOOD ABOUT THEMSELVES & THIS IN TURN BRINGS YOU JOY. ❏ YOU HAVE AN INTRINSIC SENSE OF SELF-WORTH. Sincerity: SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND, THEN TO BE UNDERSTOOD Dr. Lanford Meeting with Students PALS Working on Understanding Lopez students listen to people sincerely and learn from each opportunity. Achievement: SYNERGIZE Synergy is when two or more people work together to create a better solution than either could alone. How does Lopez Middle School work together so everyone can achieve more? Balance: SHARPEN THE SAW ❏ BODY ~ Eat Breakfast, Go to Bed Early, Take a Walk, Laugh, Smile. ❏ BRAIN ~ Educational Television, Play Word Games, Learn Something Interesting. ❏ HEART ~ Collect Jokes, Spend Time with Family & Friends, Help a Neighbor, Volunteer. ❏ SOUL ~ Watch a Sunset, Walk in the Park, Read Poetry, Write a Song. LOPEZ STUDENTS & FACULTY TAKE CARE OF THEIR BODY, MIND, HEART & SOUL. Advantages for LEAD at Lopez: •Our students come from some of the top Leader in Me elementary schools in North East ISD. •Students know and understand the 7 Habits. •Many of the students have held multiple leadership roles already. •There are numerous opportunities for leadership at the middle school level. •Middle school students possess an increased maturity and level of responsibility. •Our parents expect continued leadership opportunities at the middle school level. •The community supports the LEAD implementation on our campus. Here are just a few of the questions we faced: ❏ How will student led conferences be implemented at this level? ❏ When will student data collection and goal setting take place? ❏ Where will students input on mission statements be embedded? ❏ How do we maintain that same level of motivation for Habit implementation among students? ❏ What should the LEAD environment look like at middle school level? ❏ Where do these answers come from? STUDENT INVOLVEMENT IDEAS ❏ Student Lighthouse Council ❏ Club/Organization Service Projects ❏ Leader Board ❏ Habit T-Shirt Project ❏ Leadership Opportunities FACULTY AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT IDEAS ❏ Leader Board Submissions ❏ Environmental Enhancement Projects ❏ Sponsorship Support ❏ Class Data Management ❏ Student Data Support CAMPUS TRANSFORMATION Lopez 7 Habit Song I’ve learned my Habits at Lopez I’m gonna use them effectively Will Put First Things First Always have the End in Mind and I’m going to think Win-Win Chorus: Synergize Sharpen the Saw Use your habits everyday in your classes in your sports in your arts and in your chores, Oh use your habits everyday Remember to use Teamwork don’t be quick to misjudge Seek First To Understand always have a helping hand and make sure to be Proactive Chorus: Synergize Sharpen the Saw Use your habits everyday in your classes in your sports in your arts and in your chores, Oh use your habits everyday Written by Lopez PALS RESOURCE GUIDES FOR STUDENT SUPPORT VISION: Getting Started on Your Campus ● Teachers, Parents and Community on board with a shared vision ● Consider funding options ● Begin the LEAD Implementation Process ● Habit Certification Training for teacher leaders to support campus LEAD implementation THANK YOU FOR JOINING US TODAY! YOU CAN DO THIS!! THINK WIN-WIN!!! SINCERELY, Lighthouse Committee, Student Lighthouse Council, PALS, NJHS, Social Network & Leadership Club, Hospitality Leaders, Spirit Leaders & Campus Administration JOSE M. LOPEZ MIDDLE SCHOOL SAN ANTONIO, TX