Videotape Exercise Feedback (DOC)

Videotape Exercise Feedback
Instructions to Students: After viewing your taped speech, respond to the
following questions in complete sentences. Don’t be afraid to praise or criticize
yourself; just be honest and as objective as possible.
1. Organization: Was your speech well organized? Was the message
easy to follow? Comment on your speech structure. How could the
organization have been improved?
2. Introduction and conclusion: Did your introduction gain attention? Why
was your introduction successful? Did your conclusion effectively end
the speech? Was any improvement needed?
3. Delivery: Did your use of language, voice, and body enhance your
communication effort? Be as precise as you can and comment on all
three areas of delivery.
4. Effectiveness: In your estimation, what was the most effective aspect
of your message? What area needed the most revision or
5. Change: What would you like to improve about your overall
communication style as a result of viewing the videotape?