Data Streams

Data Streams
• Definition: Data arriving continuously,
usually just by insertions of new elements.
The size of the stream is not known a-priori,
and may be unbounded.
• Hot research area
Data Streams
• Applications:
Phone call records in AT&T
Network Monitoring
Financial Applications (Stock Quotes)
Web Applications (Data Clicks)
Sensor Networks
Continuous Queries
• Mainly used in data stream environments
• Defined once, and run until user terminates
• Example: Give me the names of the stocks
who increased their value by at least 5%
over the last hour
What is the Problem (1)?
• Q is a selection: then size(A) may be
unbounded. Thus, we cannot guarantee we
can store it.
What is the Problem (2)?
• Q is a self-join: If we want to provide only
NEW results, then we need unlimited
storage to guarantee no duplicates exist in
What is the Problem (3)?
• Q contains aggregation: then tuples in A might be
deleted by new observed tuples.
Ex: Select A, sum(B)
From Stream X
What if B < 0 ?
Group by A
Having sum(B) > 100
What is the Problem (4)?
• What if we can delete tuples in the Stream?
• What if Q contains a blocking operator near
the top (example: aggregation)?
• Online Aggregation Techniques useful
Global Architecture
Related Areas
• Data Approximation: limits size of scratch, store
• Grouping Continuous Queries submitted over the
same sources
• Adaptive Query Processing (data sources may be
providing elements with varying rates)
• Partial Results: Give partial results to the user (the
query may run forever)
• Data Mining: Can the algorithms be modified to
use one scan of the data and still provide good
Initial Approaches (1)
• Typical Approach: Limit expressiveness of query
language to limit size of Store, Scratch
• Alert (1991):
– Triggers on Append-Only (Active) Tables
– Event-condition-action triggers
• Event: Cursor on Active Table
• Condition: From and Where Clause of Rule
• Action: Select Clause of Rule (typically called a function)
– Triggers were expressed as continuous queries
– User was responsible for monitoring the size of tables
Initial Approaches (2)
• Tapestry (1992):
– Introduced Notion of Continuous Queries
– Used subset of SQL (TQL)
– Query Q was converted to the Minimum Monotone
Bounding Query QM(t)= Union QM(τ) , for all τ <= t
– Then QM was converted to an Incremental query QI.
– Problems:
• Duplicate tuples were returned
• Aggregation Queries were not supported
• No Outer-Joins allowed
Initial Approaches (3)
• Chronicle Data Model (1995):
– Data Streams referred as Chronicles (append-only)
– Assumptions:
• A new tuple is not joined with previously seen tuples.
• At most a constant number of tuples from a relation R can join
with Chronicle C.
– Achievement: Incremental maintenance of views in
time independent of the Chronicle size
Materialized Views
• Work on Self-Maintenance: important to
limit size of Scratch. If a view can be selfmaintainable, any auxiliary storage much
occupy bounded space
• Work on Data Expiration: important for
knowing when to move elements from
Scratch to Throw.
Data Approximation
• Area most working is being done nowadays
• Problem: We cannot have O(N) space/time
cost per element to solve a problem, but
want solutions close to O(poly(logN)).
• Sampling
• Histograms
• Wavelets
• Sketching Techniques
• Easiest one to implement, use
• Reservoir Sampling: dominant algorithm
• Used for any problem (but with serious
limitations, especially in cases of joins)
• Stratified Sampling (sampling data at
different rates)
– Reduce variance in data
– Reduce error in Group-By Queries.
• V-Optimal:
– Gilbert et al. removed sorted restriction: time/space using sketches
in O(poly(B,logN,1/ε)
• Equi-Width:
– Compute quantiles in O(1/ε logεN) space and precision of εN.
• Correlated Aggregates:
AGG-D{Y : Predicate(X, AGG-I(X)) }
AGG-D : Count or Sum
AGG-I : Min, Max or Average
Reallocate histogram based on arriving tuples, and the AGG-I (if we want
min, and are storing [min, min + ε] in the histogram and receive new min,
throw away previous histogram.
• Used for Signal Decomposition (good if measured
aggregate follows a signal)
• Matias, Vitter: Incremental Maintenance of top
Wavelet coefficients
• Gilbert et al: Point, Range Queries with wavelets
Sketching Techniques (1)
• Main idea: If getting the exact value of a variable
V requires O(n) time, then use approximation:
• Define a random variable R with expected value
equal to that of V, and small variance.
• Example (self-join):
– Select 4-wise independent variables ξi (i = 1, …, dom(A))
– Define Z = X2, X = Σf(i)ξ(i) , f(i): frequency of i-th value
– Result is median of s2 variables Yj, where Yj is the average of s1
variables (boosting accuracy, confidence interval)
Sketching Techniques (2)
• Answer Complex Aggregate Queries
• Frequency moments Fk, where Fk   mik
i 1
capture statistics of data
mi: the frequency of occurrence for value i
F0: number of distinct values
F1: number of total elements
F2: Gini index (useful for self-joins)
• L1, L2 norms of a vector computes similarly to F2
• Quantiles (combination of histograms, sketches)
Grouping Continuous Queries
• Goal: Group similar queries over data
sources, to eliminate common processing
needed and minimize response time and
storage needed.
• Niagara (joint work of Wisconsin, Oregon)
• Tukwilla (Washington)
• Telegraph (Berkeley)
Niagara (1)
• Supports thousands of queries over XML sources.
• Features:
– Incremental Grouping of Queries
– Supports queries evaluated when data sources change
– Supports queries evaluated at specific intervals (timerbased)
• Timer-based queries are harder to group because
of overlapping time intervals
• Change-based queries have better response times
but waste more resources.
Niagara (2)
• Why Group Queries:
– Share Computation
– Test multiple “Fire” actions together
– Group plans can be kept in memory more easily
Niagara - Key ideas
• Query Expression Signature
• Query Plan (generated by
Niagara parser)
• Group signature
(common signature of
all queries in a plan)
• Group Constant Table
(signature constants of
all the queries in the
group, and destination
• Group plan: the query
plan shared by all
queries in the group.
Incremental Grouping
• Create signature of new query. Place in lower
parts of signature the most selective predicates.
• Insert new query in the Group which best matches
its signature bottom-up
• If no match is found, create new group for this
• Store any timer information, and the data sources
needed for this query
Other Issues (1)
• Why write output to file, and not use pipelining?:
– Pipelining would fire all actions, even if new
needed to be fired
– Pipelining does not work in timer-based queries
where results need to be buffered.
– Split operator may become a bottleneck if
output is consumed in widely different rates
– Query plan too complex for the optimizer
Other Issues (2)
• Selection Operator above, or below Joins?
– Below only if selections are very selective
– Else, better to have one join
• Range queries?
– Like equality queries. Save lower, upper bound
– Output in one common sorted file to eliminate
• Adaptive Query Processing over autonomous data
• Periodically change query plan if output of
operators is not satisfactory.
• At the end perform cleanup. Some calculated
results may have to be thrown away.
• Adaptive Query Engine based on Eddy Concept
• Queries are over autonomous sources over the
• Environment is unpredictable and data rates may
differ significantly during query execution.
Therefore the query processing SHOULD be
• Also can help produce partial results
• Eddy: Routes tuples to operators for processing,
gets them back and routes them again…
Eddy – Knowing State of Tuples
• Passes Tuples by Reference to Operators (avoids copying)
• When Eddy does not have any more input tuples, it polls
the sources for more input.
• Tuples need to be augmented with additional information:
– Ready Bits: Which operators need to be applied
– Done Bits: Which operators have been applied
– Queries Completed: Signals if tuple has been output or rejected by
the query
– Completion Mask (per query): To know when a tuple can be output
for a query (completion mask & done bits = mask)
Eddy – Other Details
• Queries with no
joins are partitioned
per data source (to
save space in the bits
• Queries with
Disjunctions (OR’s)
are transformed into
conjunctive normal
form (and of or’s).
• Range/exact
predicates are found
in Grouped filter
Joins - SteMs
• SteMs: Multiway-Pipelined
• Double- Pipelined Joins
maintain a hash index on
each relation.
• When N relations are joined,
at least n-2 inflight indices
are needed for intermediate
results even for left-deep
• Previous approach cannot
change query plan without recomputing intermediate
SteMs - Functionality
• Keeps hash-table (or other index) on one data
• Can have tuples inserted into it (passed from eddy)
• Can be probed. Intermediate tuples (results of
join) are returned to eddy, with the appropriate bits
• Tuples have sequence numbers. A tuple X can join
only with tuples in stem M, if the indexed tuples
have lower sequence numbers than X (arrived
Telegraph – Routing
• How to route between operators?
– Route to operator with smaller queue
– Route to more selective operators (ticket scheme)
Partial Results - Telegraph
• Idea: When tuple returns to eddy, the tuple may
contribute to final result (fields may be missing
because of joins not performed yet).
• Present tuple anyway. The missing fields will be
filled later.
• Tuple is guaranteed to be in result if referential
constraints exist (foreign keys). Not usual in web
• Might be useful to the user to present tuples that
do not have matching fields (like in outer join).
Partial Results - Telegraph
• Results presented in tabular representation
• User can:
– Re-arrange columns
– Drill down (add columns) or roll-up (remove columns)
• Assume current area of focus is where user needs more
• Weight tuples based on:
– Selected columns and their order
– Selected Values for some dimension
• Eddy sorts tuples according to their benefit in result and
schedule them accordingly
Partial Results – Other methods
• Online Aggregation: Present current aggregate
with error bounds, and continuously refine results
• Previous approaches involved changing some
blocking operators to be able to get partial results
Join (use symmetric hash-join)
Data Mining (1)
• General problem: Data mining techniques usually
– Entire dataset to be present (in memory or in disk)
– Multiple passes of the data
– Too much time per data element
Data Mining (2)
• New algorithms should require:
Small constant time per record
Use of a fixed amount of memory
Use one scan of data
Provide a useful model at all times
Produce a model that would be close to the one
produced by multiple passes over the same data if the
dataset was available offline.
– Alter the model when generating phenomenon changes
over time
Decision Trees
• Input: A set of examples (x, v) where x is a vector
of D attributes and v is a discrete class label
• Find at each node the best attribute to split.
• Hoeffding bounds are useful here:
– Consider a variable r with range R
– N independent observations
– Computed average r’ differs by true average of r by at
most ε with probability 1-δ, where:
R 2 ln( 1 /  )
Hoeffding Tree
• At each node maintain counts for each attribute X, and
each value Xi of X and each correct class
• Let G(Xi) be the heuristic measure to choose test attributes
(for example, Gini index)
• Assume two attributes A,B with maximum G
• If G(A) – G(B) > ε, then with probability 1-δ, A is the
correct attribute to split
• Memory needed = O(dvc) (dimensions, values, classes)
• Can prove that produced tree is very close to optimal tree.
• Extension of Hoeffding tree
• Breaks ties more aggressively (if they delay
• Computes G after nmin tuples arrive (splits are not
that often anyway)
• Remove least promising leaf nodes if a memory
problem exists (they may be reactivated later)
• Drops attributes from consideration if at the
beginning their G value is very small
CVFDT System
• Source producing examples may significantly change
• In some nodes of the tree, the current splitting attribute
may not be the best anymore
• Expand alternate trees. Keep previous one, since at the
beginning the alternate tree is small and will probably give
worse results
• Periodically use a bunch of samples to evaluate qualities of
• When alternate tree becomes better than the old one,
remove the old one.
• CVFDT also has smaller memory requirements than VFDT
over sliding window samples.
• On-Line Analytic Processing
• Requires processing very large quantities of data
to produce result
• Usually updates are done in batch, and sometimes
when system is offline
• Organization of data extremely important (query
response times, and mainly update times can vary
by several orders of magnitude)
Aggregate Function
What is the CUBE operator:
– All 2D possible views, if no hierarchies exist
–  levels( Dim ) , if hierarchies exist
i 1
Cube Representations - MOLAP
• MOLAP: Multi-dimensional array
• Good for dense cubes, as it does not store the
attributes of each tuple
• Bad in sparse cubes (high-dimensional cubes)
• Needs no indexing if stored as is
• Typical methods save dense set of dimensions in
MOLAP mode, and index remaining dimensions
with other methods
• How to store? Chunk in blocks to speed up range
Cube Representations - ROLAP
• Store views in relations
• Needs to index produced relations, otherwise
queries will be slow.
• Indexes slow down updates
• Issues: If limited size is available, which views to
– Store fact table, and smaller views (ones who have
performed most aggregation)
– Queries usually specify few dimensions
– These views are more expensive to compute on-the-fly
Research issues- ROLAP
• How to compute the CUBE
– Compute views from smaller parent
– Share sort orders
– Exhibit locality
• Can the size of the cube be limited?
– Prefix redundancy (Cube Forests)
– Suffix Redundancy (Dwarf)
– Approximation Techniques (Wavelets)
Research Issues - ROLAP
• How to speed up selected classes of Queries:
Range-Sum, Count…Different structures for each
case (Partial Sum, Dynamic Data Cube)
• How to best represent hierarchical data. Almost no
research here.