Leader Spin (Word)

Charismatic “Self-Important”
Leader Behavior: Needs affirmation
o Focuses on needs of self instead of others
o Appears as a good communicator
o Energetic and enthusiastic
o Establishes self as trusted friend to feel important
o Always available for students
Possible Rewards
Students are excited to attend
Friendly/social environment
Possible Risks
Students become too
dependent on leader; leader
may burn-out and become
disorganized; if leader is
absent, group may fall apart.
Bureaucratic “By the Book”
Leader Behavior: Focuses on details only
o Plans ahead
o Establishes specific procedures
o Regulates discussion or question at specific times
o Strong time and task manager
Possible Rewards
Role-models good
organization; leader provides
solid structure to work through
complicated tasks or problems
Possible Risks
Turns into lecture or a drill
session; students don’t have
time to think or interrupt to
ask questions as they come up.
Autocratic “Task-Oriented”
Leader Behavior: Demanding
o Overly prepared
o Initiates no discussion
o Sometimes abrupt
o Sets strict consequences
Possible Rewards
Students adhere to strict
agendas, are prepared and
focused. Time is spent only
on task.
Possible Risks
Students feel suppressed,
loose motivation and do not
participate willingly. They
may complain to others, drop
or rebel to ditch the leader.
Laissez-faire “Open Forum”
Leader Behavior: Little control
o Minimal communication
o Lets others in group set agenda
o Provides little guidance or direction
o Provides feedback to others ideas only as necessary
Possible Rewards
Establishes trust that others
can do the work; strong
students get stronger, take
initiative to lead the group.
Possible Risks
Weaker students flounder with
little guidance, are confused
and remain unsure.
Possible Rewards
Establishes team spirit for
good participation; good
accountability for completing
tasks; creative problemsolving; strengthens
Possible Risks
Too much focus on people
instead of tasks at hand can
lead to distractions, time runs
out, low productivity and
Possible Rewards
Inspires others to participate;
provides consistent energy on
both people and outcomes.
Possible Risks
Lower focus on details.
Students may need additional
time to work through specific
Democratic “Participatory”
Leader Behavior: Empowers the team
o Focus on the people within the group
o Set agenda according to people’s needs
o Encourages collaboration
o Corrects only as needed
Transformational “Inspirational”
Leader Behavior: Shares a vision
o Good communicator
o Shares the big picture
o Delegates responsibilities to group
o Enthusiastic and energetic about success