Matakuliah Tahun : T0293/Neuro Computing : 2005 Pendahuluan Pertemuan 1 1 Basic Concept of Neural Networks • Traditional, sequential, logic-based digital computing excels in many areas but has been less successful for other types of problems. • Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) was motivated by a desire to try both to understand the brain and to emulate some of its strength. • The basic idea of ANN is to adopt the human brain-like mechanism, i.e.: 1. 2. 3. The processing element receives many signals Fault tolerance Parallel processing 2 • A NN is characterised by 1. 2. 3. • its pattern of connections between the neurons (= its architecture) its method of determining the weights on the connections (= learning / training algorithm) its activation function A NN consists of many processing elements called neurons / units / cells / nodes 3 • Karakteristik Neural Networks Filosofis: – – – – Learning Generalization Abstraction Applicability Teknis: – Node Characteristics – Topology ( struktur rangkaian node-node ) – Learning Rules 4 Neural Networks Development • The 1940s: The Beginning of Neural Nets – McCulloch-Pitts Neurons • • • • Warren McCulloch & Walter Pitts (1943) The neurons can be arranged into a net to produce any output that can be represented as a combination of logic functions Feature: the idea of a threshold such that (s.t.) if the net input to a neuron is greater than the threshold, then the unit fires Most likely used as logic circuits 5 – Hebb Learning • Donald Hebb (1949) • The first learning law for ANNs • Premise: if two neurons were active simultaneously, then the strength of the connection between (b/w) them should be increased • Feature: weight adjustment 6 • The 1950s & 1960s: The First Golden Age of Neural Networks – Perceptrons • Group of researchers (Black, 1962; Minsky & Papert, 1969; Rosenblatt, 1958, 59, 62) • Typical perceptron consists of an input layer (the retina) connected by paths with fixed weights to associator neurons; the weights on the connection paths are were adjustable • The learning rule uses an iterative weight adjustment that is more powerful than the Hebb rule 7 – ADALINE • Bernard Widrow & Marcian Hoff (1960) • Closely related to the perceptron learning rule • The perceptron learning rule adjusts the connection weight to a unit whenever the response of the unit is incorrect • The delta rule adjusts the weights to reduce the difference b/w the net input to the output unit and the desired output • The learning rule for a single layer network is a pre cursor of the BP rule for multi-layer nets 8 • The 1970s: The Quiet Years – Kohonen • Teuvo Kohonen (1972) – Helsinsky Univ of Tech • Dealt with Associative Memory Neural Nets • Basic of the development of self-organising feature maps that use a topological structure for the cluster units • Application: speech recognition, solution of the TSP, etc 9 – Anderson • James Anderson, Brown Univ ( 1968, 1972) • Dealt with Assoc Mem NN – Grossberg • Stephen Grossberg (1967 – 1988) – Carpenter • Gail Carpenter together with Grossberg has developed a theory of a self organizing neural networks called adaptive resonance theory for binary input patterns (ART1 & ART2) 10 • The 1980s: Renewed Enthusiasm – Backpropagation • Overcome the problem discovered in the previous decade, which caused by two reasons: the failure of single-layer perceptrons to be able to solve such simple problems (mapping) as the XOR function and the lack of a general method of training a multilayer net. – Hopfield Nets • David Tank, John Hopfield (1982) • A number of NNs have been developed based on fixed weights and adaptive activations • These nets can serve as associative memory nets and can be used to solve constraint satisfaction problem such as the TSP 11 – Neocognitron • Kunihiko Fukusima et al (1975, 1988) • A series of specialised NN for character recognition has been developed – Boltzmann Machine • Nets in which weights or activations are changed on the basis of a probability density function. • These nets incorporate such classical ideas as simulated annealing and Bayesian decision theory 12 • Prospek Masa Depan Neural Networks – Model-model Neural Networks: • • • • Hopfield Net Multilayered-networks (Back Propagation) Bidirectinal Associative Memory Self-organizing Maps, dll – Berbagai Macam Aplikasi • Pattern Recognition • Image Compression • Optimization, dll 13