Models of Turbulent Angular Momentum Transport Beyond the Parameterization Martin Pessah Institute for Advanced Study C.K. Chan - ITC, Harvard D. Psaltis - University. of Arizona Workshop on Saturation and Transport Properties of MRI-Driven Turbulence - IAS- June 16, 2008 Timescales and Lengthscales in Accretion Disks Hubble Time 1Gyr Mean Field Models Inside Horizon 1yr 1sec Disk Spectrum 107Mo BH Growth BLR BH Variability Numerical Simulations 0.1AU 1AU 1000AU Standard Accretion Disk Model Angular momentum transport in turbulent media l 1 2 (lv) (r T r ) t r r Shakura & Sunyaev (‘70s) Angular momentum transport: Turbulence and magnetic fields This prescription dictates the structure of the accretion disk T r d ln P d ln r , P,T, H, vr , ... MRI Disk Standard Disk MRI Tr T Bz H Pmag H P Tr P T The need to go beyond -viscosity Issues… *Dynamics: is not constant *Causality: Information propagates across sonic points (Stress reacts instantly to changes in the flow) *Stability criterion: Standard model works always (Stresses only for MRI-unstable disks) *”Viscosity”: MRI does not behave like Newtonian viscosity Long-Term Evolution of MRI QuickTime™ and a YUV420 codec decompressor are needed to see this picture. large scales small scales MRI drives MHD turbulence at a well defined scale which depends only on the magnetic field and the shear MRI Accretion Disks in Fourier Space Mode interactions “Stress Power” Parasitic Instabilities small scales large scales Parker MRI Dissipation k (Talk by C.K. Chan later today) The Closure Problem in MHD Turbulence We can derive an equation for angular momentum conservation BrB l l 1 1 2 22 (lv) r vrr) (rv(R (lv) [r M r )] rT t r rr r 4 t which involves 2nd order correlations… We can derive equations for 2nd order correlations… … but they involve 3rd order correlations… We can derive equations for 3nd order correlations… Need for a CLOSURE model beyond alpha!! (Closure models with no mean fields; papers by Kato et al 90’s; Ogilvie 2003) Stress Modeling with No Mean Fields Kato & Yoshizawa, 1995 Pressure-strain tensor, tends to isotropize the turbulence Stress Modeling with No Mean Fields Ogilvie 2003 C1, C5 energy dissip. C2 return to isotropy in decaying turbulence C3, C4 energy transfer A Model for Turbulent MRI-driven Stresses New correlation drives the growth of Reynolds & Maxwell stresses d ln q d ln r k ij kmax W ik vijk M 0 0 H0 v Az W in the Turbulent State W tensor dynamically important! -Maxwell -Wr Reynolds Calibration of MRI Saturation with Simulations Pessah, Chan, & Psaltis, 2006a The parameter controls the ratio between Reynolds & Maxwell stresses =0.3 k kmax The model produces initial exponential growth and leads to stresses with ratios in agreement with the saturated regime Calibration of MRI Saturation with Simulations Pessah, Chan, & Psaltis, 2006b The parameter controls the level at which the magnetic energy saturates M 0 0 H0 v Az =11.3 Hawley et al ‘95 A physically motivated model for angular momentum transport Keplerian disks that incorporates the MRI A Local Model for Angular Momentum Transport in Turbulent Magnetized Disks Pessah, Chan, & Psaltis, 2006b Pessah, Chan, & Psaltis, 2006b Pessah, Chan, & Psaltis, 2008 Shakura & Sunyaev, 1973 R r M r Simulations by Hawley et al. 1995 Pessah, Chan, & Psaltis, 2006b Simulations by Hawley et al. 1995 d ln P d ln r A model for MRI-driven angular momentum transport in agreement with numerical simulations Scaling in MRI Simulations Pessah, Chan, & Psaltis, 2007; Sano et al. 2004 Deeper understanding of scalings? Non-zero Bz (few % Beq) Magnetic pressure must be important in setting H ~ Bz Spectral hardening (Blaes et al. 2006) (Talk by S. Fromang later today) Pm>>1 Pm>>1 Pm<<1 kmax Pm<<1 max Pessah & Chan, 2008 Viscous, Resistive MRI 4 2 2 kmax 1 4 4 2 max 1 4 4 2 (Various limits studied by Sano et al., Lesaffre &Balbus, Lesur & Longaretti, … ) Viscous, Resistive MRI: Stresses & Energy Pm>>1 Pm<<1 Pm>>1 Pm<<1 * Lowest ratio magnetic-to-kinetic: Ideal MHD * Linear MRI effective at low/high Pm as long as Re large * Need higher Re to drive MHD turbulence at low Pm (Lesur & Longaretti, 2007; Fromang et al., 2007) Viscous, Resistive MRI Modes Pm=1 v,B v,B ( ,) v(z,t) t v 0e (cos v sin kz,sin v sin kz) t b(z,t) b 0e (cos B cos kz,sin B cos kz) Viscous, Resistive MRI Modes Ideal MHD kh Parasitic Instabilities sensitive to viscosity and resistivity (Goodman & Xu, 1994) Viscous, Resistive MRI Modes Pm>>1 Pessah & Chan, 2008 Pm<<1 Viscous, Resistive Parasitic Instabilities 1ow Pm high Pm Parasitic Instabilities seem to be weaker at high Pm Hint for difficulties to drive MRI at low Pm? Can the destruction of primary MRI modes by parasitic instabilities explain (Re, Pm) dependencies?