Colorado Creating Money for AT.ppt

Promoting Independence in Agriculture
Colorado Creating Money for
By Jason Beck
Revised 10-17-07
Current Funding Streams
Promoting Independence in Agriculture
• Community Donations
Payroll deductions
Private donations from individuals
Producer group donations
Private foundations
• Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
– Funding for clients whom we complete evaluations for
• AT Loan Program
– In progress
• State AT Dollars
– In progress
Current Funding Streams
Promoting Independence in Agriculture
• AT Loan Program
– Background
• CAP has found that the current AT Loan program
in Colorado does not meet the needs of our clients.
• Over the past few years CAP has met with local
banks to informally set up an option for clients to
access a low interest loan to buy AT.
• CAP has had limited success with these informal
Current Funding Streams
Promoting Independence in Agriculture
• AT Loan Program
– Current Status
• CAP was approached by an anonymous donor offering to
provide a financial gift to start a low interest loan program.
• CAP was responsible for partnering with an organization to
set up the loan framework.
• CAP asked the assistance of our Advisory Committee.
• Committee member had a relationship with a non-profit
organization who had experience making micro-loans to
small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Current Funding Streams
Promoting Independence in Agriculture
• AT Loan Program
– Current Status
• CAP met with the organization and they offered to
put a proposal together describing the services
they were willing to offer and at what cost.
• CAP is currently reviewing this proposal in order to
determine if this is a good partnership that will
provide the low interest loans needed by our
Current Funding Streams
Promoting Independence in Agriculture
• AT Loan Program
– Resources and Lessons Learned
• CAP was simply in the right place at the right time.
– There seems to be a certain element of luck involved.
• It has taken some time from me, but most of the
work has been completed by our member of the
advisory committee.
• Most significant lesson learned is to identify key
individuals to be a part of AgrAbility in your state
and use their connections. I didn’t know she could
help CAP with this project until I asked.
Current Funding Streams
Promoting Independence in Agriculture
• State AT Dollars
– Background
• About one year ago Easter Seals was approached by a
volunteer who wanted to help raise the awareness of
AgrAbility in the Colorado State Legislature.
• This past spring this volunteer helped pass a resolution
declaring April 30th, 2007 “Easter Seals Colorado AgrAbility
• This volunteer also helped set up a meeting between CAP at
Easter Seals and Rep. Marilyn Musgrave so that we could
educate her about the good work AgrAbility does.
Current Funding Streams
Promoting Independence in Agriculture
• State AT Dollars
– Current Status
• This summer Easter Seals Colorado was awarded a SEED
grant from National Easter Seals to fund a lobbyist to try to
secure state AT dollars to support CAP clients.
• With these funds from National Easter Seals, Easter Seals
Colorado hired our volunteer to act as our lobbyist.
• This lobbyist, and her partners, are currently laying the
groundwork needed to have bill carried in Colorado’s
legislature requesting state funds to purchase AT.
Current Funding Streams
Promoting Independence in Agriculture
• State AT Dollars
– Current Status
• At this point our lobbyist feel strongly that our best
chance for funding is if the funds are tied directly
towards the purchase of AT.
Current Funding Streams
Promoting Independence in Agriculture
• State AT Dollars
– Resources and Lessons Learned
• Again CAP was simply in the right place at the
right time.
• My time has been spent up front with the lobbyist
explaining to them what the AgrAbility program is
and what we feel are the most urgent needs of our
• Most significant lesson learned is to identify key
individuals to be a part of AgrAbility in your state
and use their connections. Without their help we
would not be able to do this at all.
Promoting Independence in Agriculture
Thank You!
Do you have any questions?