SLO-Mapping Worksheet Please reference the list of SLO sets on the following pages, and reference this information in the worksheet while mapping your program’s SLOs to these sets of SLOs. Lists and Descriptions of Student Learning Outcome Sets Texas Core Curriculum Outcomes (for undergraduate programs only) Critical Thinking Skills To include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of information Communication Skills To include effective development, interpretation, and expression of ideas through written, oral, and visual communication Empirical and Quantitative Skills To include the manipulation and analysis of numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions Teamwork To include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal Personal Responsibility To include the ability to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision-making Social Responsibility To include intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities Texas A&M System Outcomes (for undergraduate programs only) Communication 1. Communicate ideas effectively. Students will use multiple formats and technologies to communicate ideas effectively in large and small group settings. 2. Apply fundamental writing strategies. Students will apply fundamental writing strategies such as invention, drafting, revising, and editing to the development of effective academic/professional written communication. 3. Deliver effective oral presentations. Students will deliver effective oral presentations in a variety of settings. 4. Incorporate multiple informational resources. Students will demonstrate the ability to incorporate multiple informational resources in projects and/or papers with appropriate citations). Critical Thinking 1. Interpret, analyze, and evaluate. Students will interpret, analyze, and evaluate statements, graphics, articles, and/or questions by: a. Discriminating among different degrees of credibility, accuracy, and reliability of inferences drawn from data b. Recognizing assumptions in sources 2. Construct arguments. Students will construct well-supported, clearly articulated, and sustained arguments. 3. Justify conclusions. Students will demonstrate an ability to justify conclusions based on evidence. Discipline-Specific Knowledge 1. Perform satisfactorily on licensure or certification exams. Students will perform satisfactorily on licensure or certification exams necessary for professional status within their chosen careers, where applicable. 2. Demonstrate skills required for success. Students will demonstrate skills required for success in their discipline. 3. Identify and propose solutions. Students will identify and propose solutions to challenges or problems within their field. 4. Identify, analyze, apply, and evaluate. Students will identify, analyze, apply, and evaluate disciplinary theories and concepts. Ethical Decision-Making and Social Responsibility 1. Articulate multiple cultural perspectives. Students will articulate multiple cultural perspectives in local, national, and global communities. 2. Identify and analyze social and ethical challenges. Students will identify and analyze social and ethical challenges, including possible resolutions. Globalization and Cultural Diversity 1. Utilize multidisciplinary perspectives. Students will utilize multidisciplinary perspectives to evaluate initiatives that have been employed to address global issues. 2. Describe the nature of global interdependence. Students will describe the nature of global interdependence and its impacts. 3. Articulate an understanding of cultural differences. Students will articulate an understanding of cultural differences from diverse perspectives in specific disciplines. Integration of Broad Knowledge 1. Demonstrate mastery of the general education Core Curriculum. Students will demonstrate mastery of the general education Core Curriculum. 2. Apply broad knowledge to academic disciplines. Students will apply broad knowledge to academic disciplines, and professional or technical fields. TAMUT Graduate Outcomes (graduate programs only) Knowledge Students must demonstrate knowledge of the literature of each discipline. Engagement Students must demonstrate ongoing engagement in research and/or appropriate professional practice. TAMUT Research Outcomes (required for graduate programs; optional for undergraduate programs) Upon graduation, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of or ability to conduct research appropriate to their discipline and to the level of their degree 1. Students will be able to use research methodologies appropriate to their discipline. 2. Students will analyze their research and explain it to others in their field and to broader audiences. 3. Students will identify and practice research ethics appropriate to their discipline. TAMUT Service Outcomes (required for graduate programs; optional for undergraduate programs) Upon graduation, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of or engagement in service to others. 1. Students will demonstrate ability to work across and within local to global community contexts and structures to achieve a civic aim. 2. Students will reflect/evaluate on their own commitment to service in those community contexts. Undergraduate SLO Mapping Worksheet Briefly summarize/label your program’s SLOs in the left column (use additional pages to add more SLOs if needed). Work through each SLO one at a time and place a check mark under each column that represents each component within a set of SLOs you will be mapping to. To learn how to map your program’s SLOS to each set of SLOs within Taskstream, please see the Taskstream User Guide on the Assessment & Measurement Procedures webpage. TAMU System SLOs Student Learning Outcome 1: Student Learning Outcome 2: Student Learning Outcome 3: 2.Broad Knowledge Integration of Broad Knowledge 1.Mastery of Core 3.Cultural Differences 2.Global Interdependence Globalization and Cultural Diversity 1.Multidisciplinary Perspectives 2.Social / Ethical Challenges Ethical Decision Making and Social Resp. 1.Cultural Perspectives 4.Identify, Analyze, Apply, Evaluate 3.Solutions 2.Skills Discipline Specific Knowledge 1.Licensure/ Certification 3.Justify Conclusions 2.Construct Arguments 1.Interpret, Analyze, Evaluate Critical Thinking 4.Multiple Sources 3.Oral Presentations 2.Writing Strategies 1.Communicate Effectively Communication Undergraduate SLO Mapping Worksheet Briefly summarize/label your program’s SLOs in the left column (use additional pages to add more SLOs if needed). Work through each SLO one at a time and place a check mark under each column that represents each component within a set of SLOs you will be mapping to. To learn how to map your program’s SLOS to each set of SLOs within Taskstream, please see the Taskstream User Guide on the Assessment & Measurement Procedures webpage. Student Learning Outcome 2: Student Learning Outcome 3: Student Learning Outcome 4: 2.Reflect and Evaluate Commitment (encouraged, but optional for undergrad) 1.Work Across and Within Community (encouraged, but optional for undergrad) 3.Ethics TAMUT Service SLOs 2.Analyze and Explain 6.Social Responsibility 5.Personal Responsibility 4.Teamwork 3.Empirical and Quantitative Skills 2.Communication Skills 1.Critical Thinking Skills Student Learning Outcome 1: TAMUT Research SLOs 1.Methods Texas Core SLOs (for programs that teach in the core curriculum) Graduate SLO Mapping Worksheet Briefly summarize/label your program’s SLOs in the left column (use additional pages to add more SLOs if needed). Work through each SLO one at a time and place a check mark under each column that represents each component within a set of SLOs you will be mapping to. To learn how to map your program’s SLOS to each set of SLOs within Taskstream, please see the Taskstream User Guide on the Assessment & Measurement Procedures webpage. Graduate Outcomes 1.Knowledge Student Learning Outcome 1: Student Learning Outcome 2: Student Learning Outcome 3: Student Learning Outcome 4: Student Learning Outcome 5: Student Learning Outcome 6: 2.Engagement TAMUT Research SLOs 1.Methods 2.Analyze and Explain 3.Ethics TAMUT Service SLOs 1.Work Across and Within Community 2.Reflect and Evaluate Commitment