The nonlinear physics of dryland landscapes Ehud Meron Institute for Dryland Environmental Research & Physics Department Ben-Gurion University Physics Colloquium, Toronto, March 5, 2009 Cistanche tubulosa יחנוק Seashore Paspalum Squill חצב Motivation Focusing on the direct response of any individual to the changing climatic conditions is insufficient because of indirect processes at the population and community levels that affect species diversity: Climate change vegetation patterns resource distributions, seed dispersal, consumer pressure species diversity Climate change inter-specific plant interactions transitions from competition to facilitation species diversity More generally, environmental changes affect species assemblage properties by inducing indirect processes involving various levels of organization often across different spatial scales. Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - Innocent questions such as how climate changes affect species diversity (bears on ecosystem function and stability) ? are quite complex: Motivation Added value of mathematical modeling: Laboratory and field experiments are limited by duration, spatial extent and by uncontrollable environmental factors. Mathematical models circumvent these limitations and allow: 1. Identifying asymptotic behaviors (rather than transients). 2. Isolating factors and elucidating mechanisms of ecological processes 3. Studying various scenarios of ecosystem dynamics 4. Proposing and testing management practices Mathematical modeling has its own limitations: Models simplify the complex reality, quite often oversimplify it The challenge is to propose simple models that not only reproduce observed behaviors but also have predictive power – usually requires identifying and modeling basic feedbacks Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - Study processes of this kind by mathematical modeling as a complementary tool to field and laboratory experiments. Outline 2. 3. 4. 5. Background: Vegetation patterns, feedbacks between biomass and water, and between above-ground below-ground biomass. Population level: Introduction of a spatially explicit model for a plant population, applying it to vegetation pattern formation along a rainfall gradient and to desertification. Two-species communities: Extending the model to two populations representing species belonging to different functional groups – the woody-herbaceous system. Using it to study mechanisms affecting species diversity (not yet community level properties). Many-species communities: Extending the model to include trait-space and use it to derive community level properties such as species diversity along a rainfall gradient. Conclusion Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - 1. Background: Vegetation patterns Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - Aerial photograph of vegetation bands in Niger of ‘tiger bush’ patterns on hill slopes (Clos-Arceduc, 1956) Recent studies: Catena Vol. 37, 1999 Valentin et al. Catena 1999, Rietkerk et al. Science 2004 A worldwide phenomenon observed in arid and semi-arid regions, 50–750 mm rainfall (Valentin et al. 1999) Salt formation in the Atacama desert (Marcus Hauser) Background: Biomass-water and below-aboveground feedbacks (2) Root augmentation Precipitation Precipitation Soil crusts reduce infiltration infiltration Positive feedback Biomass Soil water Positive feedback Biomass Water uptake Water infiltration Root extension Quantified by an infiltration contrast parameter c Quantified by a root augmentation parameter Both feedbacks can induce vegetation patterns because they involve water transport help patch growth but inhibit growth in the patch surroundings Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - (1) Infiltration Population level: a spatially explicit model models: Lefever & Lejeune (1997); Klausmeier, (1999); HilleRisLambers et al. (2000), Okayasu & Aizawa (2001); Von Hardenberg et al. (2001); Rietkerk et al. (2002); Lejeune et al. (2002); Shnerb et al. (2003)] b Gb b(1 b) b b 2b Biomass t w Ih Lw wGw w 2 w Soil-water content t h p Ih h 2 h 2 2 h h 2 h h 2 t Gb (r , t ) g (r , r ' , t )w(r ' , t )dr ' 2 r r 1 g (r , r , t ) exp 2 2 2 1 b ( r , t ) Root augmentation as plant grows ~ root to shoot ratio ~ dL db b( r , t ) q / c I (r , t ) b( r , t ) q Surface-water height Gw (r , t ) g (r ' , r , t )b(r ' , t )dr ' c= 1 no contrast L ~ 1 b Infiltration contrast between vegetation patch and bare soil h c>>1 I /c 0 high contrast b Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - Gilad et al. (PRL 2004, JTB 2007) [Earlier Population level: Vegetation states along a rainfall gradient Uniform states: Bare-soil state (b = 0) Fully vegetated state (b 0) Plain topography Pattern states: Spots, stripes, gaps Constant slope: Same uniform states Pattern states: Spots, bands slope Mechanism of migration: Precipitation Downhill Slope ~ 1 cm/yr infiltration Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - Plane topography: Population level: Vegetation states along a rainfall gradient Precipitation range where both bare-soil and spots are stable Bistability range for any other consecutive pair of states: spots & stripes, stripes & gaps, gaps & uniform vegetaqtion Implications: 1. Stable localized structures (120) S spot pattern Max(b) B Squill חצב Mathematically – homoclinic snaking (Knobloch, Nonlinearity 2008). Equivalent to localized structures in nonlinear optics, fluid dynamics, etc. 2. Spatially mixed patterns (240, 360) Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - Multistability of states: Population level: Vegetation states along a rainfall gradient A dynamical-system view of desertification Desertification - an irreversible decrease in biological productivity induced by a climate change. S Spot pattern B Desertification in the northern Negev The positive feedbacks that induce vegetation patterns are also responsible for the bistability range of bare soil and spots: The stronger the feedbacks the wider the bistability range and the less vulnerable to desertification the system is. Many more causes and forms of desertification: gully formation by erosion, active sand dunes, the human factor, … Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - 3. State transitions Population level: Observations of vegetation patterns Spots Stripes Gaps Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - Stripes of Paspalum vaginatum Population level: Observations of vegetation patterns Mixed spots and stripes Rietkerk Barbier Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - Mixed gaps and stripes Spots Population level: Soil-water patterns Effects of the biomass-water feedbacks: C=10 C=1.1 Infiltration contrast Aridity stress 14m Strong augmentation Competition Weak infiltration 3.5m 3.5m Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - Root augmentation (water uptake) Strong infiltration Facilitation Weak augmentation Community level: a model for several functional groups Two functional groups: b1 - woody, b2 - herbaceous b1 Spots b1 b2 Uniform woody b2 b1 b1 b2 Uniform herbaceous b2 Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - bi Gbi bi (1 bi ) i bi bi 2b i 1,..., n t w n Ih Lw wi 1 Gwi w 2 w # of functional groups (fg) t h p Ih h 2 h 2 2 h h 2 h h 2 t Community level: Competition vs. facilitation Woody species alone: Ameliorates its microenvironment as aridity increases. Mechanism: Infiltration remains high, but uptake drops down Consistent field observations because of with smaller woody of annual plant–shrub interactions patch. along anaridity gradient: Holzapfel, I Tielbörger, Parag, Kigel, Sternberg, 2006 /c Facilitation in 0 stressed environments: b Pugnaire & Luque, Oikos 2001, Callaway and Walker 1997 Woody-herbaceous system: Bruno et al. TREE 2003 Competition facilitation Woody patches can buffer species diversity loss as aridity increases Facilitation Competition Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - Inter-specific interactions along a rainfall gradient: Community level: Competition vs. facilitation Woody alone Clear cutting on a slope in a bistability range of spots and bands: b1 b2 Mechanism: spots “see” bare areas uphill twice as long as bands and infiltrate more runoff. Woodyherbaceous Species coexistence and diversity are affected by global pattern transitions. Coexistence appears as a result of bands spots transition. Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - Inter-specific interactions and pattern transitions: Downhill Large communities Extend the space over which biomass variables are defined to include a trait subspace B B x, , t physical subspace 1 Species A trait subspace Species B 2 and use this trait space to distinguish among different species within a functional group. A simple system: 1. A single functional group with one-dimensional trait space Big plants, short roots Small plants, long roots 2. Homogeneous system (no spatial patterns) Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - Current form of model cannot provide information about species assemblage properties such as species diversity. Deriving community-level properties Width Richness Height Abundance Position Composition B Big plants, short roots Small plants, long roots ξ Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - Pulse solutions: provide information on species assemblage properties: Species diversity along a rainfall gradient Precipitation rate As precipitation rate increases: 1. Species diversity (width) increases 2. Abundance (height) increases 3. Average composition moves to lower ξ values, i.e. to species investing more in above-ground biomass and less in roots. Derive diversity-resource relations Can woody patches buffer species diversity loss? Richness (herbs) In the presence of Woody patches Herbs only Precipitation Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - Stationary pulse solutions at increasing precipitation rates: Conclusion Bottom-up processes: plant interactions vegetation pattern formation Top-down processes pattern transitions plant interactions Various aspects of this complexity can be addressed using a single platform of nonlinear mathematical models that capture basic feedbacks between biomass and water and between above-ground and below-ground biomass. Theoretical results are consistent with many field observations, but controlled experiments are needed! Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - Eco-physical phenomena involve various levels of organization, different time scales and different spatial scales. This results in many indirect processes that bear on the questions that we ask, including Acknowledgement Segoli Antonello Provenzale Moshe Jonathan shachak Nathan Sheffer Hezi Assaf Yizhaq Kletter Jost von Hardenberg Erez Gilad Ben Gurion University, Ehud Meron - Moran Efrat Funded by: The Center for Complexity Science Israel Ministry of Science (Eshcol program) References 1. J. Von Hardenberg, E. Meron, M. Shachak, Y. Zarmi, “Diversity of Vegetation Patterns and Desertification” Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 198101 (2001). 2. E. Meron, E. Gilad, J. Von Hardenberg, M. Shachak, Y. Zarmi, “Vegetation Patterns Along a Rainfall Gradient”, Chaos Solitons and Fractals 19, 367 (2004). 3. E. Gilad, J. Von Hardenberg, A. Provenzale, M. Shachak, E. Meron, “Ecosystem Engineers: From Pattern Formation to Habitat Creation”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 098105 (2004). 4. H. Yizhaq, E. Gilad, E. Meron, “Banded vegetation: Biological Productivity and Resilience”, Physica A 356, 139 (2005). 5. E. Meron & E. 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